Your ear can be damaged by swimming. First if you are diving to any depth more than about 6 feet, water pressure against your ear drum builds. It is kind of like when you take of in an airplane or are descending in an airplane, only in water there is even more pressure. Often times people try to swallow continuously as they dive deeper, this helps decrease the pressure, just like people try to swallow and yawn in an airplane. There can be damage to your ears, your ear drum can actually rupture, which really, really hurts.
Another thing is, in water there is often a lot of bacteria that can cause aching in your ears if you do not get all of the water out. In order to alleviate this, have a container of isopropyl alcohol (the kind you by at the drug store) and just put about 3 drops in each ear for about 20 seconds after you swim in the lake. You might feel a burning or tingling sensation as the alcohol kills the bacteria, but it definitely works.
I would try using the alcohol, which also tends to get rid of some of the built up wax. This may hurt, if it does dump the alcohol out of your ear and go see even your Primary Physician...they can flush out your ear or give you a perscription for swimmer's ear.
Good luck!
2007-08-18 09:46:30
answer #1
answered by CeeCee 2
Swimming will not damage your ears. It can cause you to get something called 'swimmers ear' which is just an infection. You can also get it from simply showering. I would reccomend putting alcohol in your ears every time after you swim. Just tilt your head, put some in until you feel it go down, wait about 5 seconds, then let the rest drain out onto a towel. This will help the water that may be stuck in your ears and preven ear infection.
2007-08-20 13:26:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you get water in your inner ear it can cause an infection. Could just be a little water stuck in there which is causing the muffled hearing. If its no better in a day or two I'd go to the doctor.
2007-08-17 20:58:32
answer #3
answered by Megz 3
i have the same type of problem. i loved to swim and when i was little i did lots of competitions. then one day my ear drum burst and i lost a little of my hearing. i stopped swimming for about 4 years and went to the doctors when i found out i had holees in my ear drums. but i didnt give up...i just use a special type of ear plug now. u might have just gotten some water in your ear. I'm not deaf just to let u know very slight. I dont feel a bit different.
Good Luck!
2007-08-21 07:46:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You probably have wax and water in your ear. The water is taken care of with an alcohol based Swimmer's Ear solution which changes the behavior of the water and lets it drain out.
Extra wax in the ear can hold water.
It is now recommended that cotton swabs (Q Tips) NOT be used in the ear (but I do), and that a solution intended for dissolving wax be used instead. I have used one and it seems to work well, just feels odd.
2007-08-17 21:04:57
answer #5
answered by Mike1942f 7
Only if you have TUBES in your ears the doctor will recommend that you don't dive in the water but you still can swim. But if your just talking about your ears feel clogged up is probably cause you caught Swimmers ear they make medicine for that.
2007-08-21 10:41:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What has been said till now is true. I have to add that if you feel some pain, it may be due to some fast decompression. When we come up to the surface of the sea after a deep diving, we must NEVER be on a hurry, or else our ears might not decompress safely. This is so dangerous, that you could lose your hearing (become deaf).
2007-08-17 21:06:45
answer #7
answered by frapogalo2003 3
Yes they can due to polluted water getting in your ears, You may have got an infection, or if you go too deep, the first thing to go would be your ear drums..
2007-08-18 08:47:36
answer #8
answered by Dragon'sFire 6
try laying bad ear down on a heating pad. don't stick anything in your ear at this point. go see an ear nose and throat doc if you still have this problem for much longer.
2016-04-02 03:11:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Most probably some water might have got trapped inside your ear. If you are in doubt, best thing is to see an ENT physician.
2007-08-17 20:57:37
answer #10
answered by Nelomi H 2