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What is the legal moving out age in queensland
im pritty sure its 16
but i cant find any where that will tell me
can you give me a hand

2007-08-17 17:27:24 · 2 answers · asked by Shae- 1 in Local Businesses Australia Queensland (Brisbane)

2 answers

There is no written law that states the exact age that you have to be.

The principle generally is that you need to be responsible and able to look after yourself.

Are you at school and coping OK?

Do you have enough money?

Is the place where you are staying safe for you?

If you can show all this, you are more likely to be able to stay living away from home.

Contact your local social services department or go to Centrelink (youth dept)

They'll give you all the advice you need. Even help financially. (maybe)

2007-08-18 01:17:12 · answer #1 · answered by • Koala • uʍop ɹǝpun 7 · 0 0

I left home at 15 but I had a full time job and could support myself financially. It was too far to get to work from home so I shared a house with older friends.
My parents wanted me to move back home so I spoke to a police officer who told me as long as I was still working there was nothing my folks could do to force me to go home.

2007-08-18 06:00:24 · answer #2 · answered by chike 5 · 0 0