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i read on some websites and they say the moon is highly possible that its hollow on the inside due to the size and gravity strength on moon.

i also read that the moon is just at the right size and distance from earth that it completely block off the sun during solar eclispe.

religion aside.

could moon be form by aliens and stuff ? or issit just sheeeeeeer luck that it is form this way ?

i also read that a side of the moon is completely dark when facing earth , is it true ?

i also read that neil armstrong claim he saw alien and stuff and was warned .. lol ?

furthermore , the pictures i see from nasa from clementine , some of the moon pics is obviously smudged while some completely censored . i get this pictures from a forum which also direct me to nasa website.

lol is there alien on moon ?

2007-08-17 15:52:26 · 8 answers · asked by Curious 3 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

what about neil armstrong , anyone can confirm about what he say ?

2007-08-17 16:13:35 · update #1

8 answers

The formation of the moon MIGHT have been due to aliens, but there are definitely no aliens living on the moon.

2007-08-17 15:57:45 · answer #1 · answered by OwNaGeR 3 · 0 2

You certainly have collected a lot of wrong information about the Moon!

The Moon is not hollow; it is a solid body like the Earth and other terrestrial planets. It's just coincidence that the Moon is currently almost exactly the right size and distance to block the Sun; the Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth, and so was larger in apparent size in the past and will be smaller in the future. The formation of the Moon was by an impact of a Mars-sized planet with the Earth about 3.5 billion years ago. This is well established by the geological work done by Harrison Schmidt during the Apollo 17 mission, and is accepted by all lunar scientists today. There is no dark side to the Moon; the Sun shines on all parts of the Moon for 14 days each month. Neil Armstrong never said that. The Clementine images (not a NASA project, by the way...ESA instead!) do not show smudges or "censorship"; why would anybody do that? Finally, there is absolutely no evidence of aliens on the Moon.

2007-08-17 23:21:22 · answer #2 · answered by GeoffG 7 · 1 0

The gravity on the Moon fits perfectly a completely filled sphere; not hollow.
The average apparent size of the Moon is a tiny bit smaller than the average apparent size of the Sun. However, because orbits are not exactly circular, sometimes the Moon appears a bit larger than its average (when the Moon is closest to us in its orbit) and sometimes the Sun appears a bit smaller than its average when we are furthest form the Sun on our orbit (from April to September). Eclipses are total only if the Moon appears larger than average or when the Sun appears smaller than average.

The Moon is (most probably) the result of a collision of a large body (bigger than the present Moon) with the Earth. It threw up a lot of debris in orbit around the Earth (we probably had a ring for a few million years); with time the debris assembled itself into a spherical body: our Moon.

There were lots of major collisions during the early formation of the Solar system, so yes, this kind of sheer luck is not so hard to believe.

Mercury was hit by something that created a big crater on one side (now almost all filled in) and cracked the crust on the opposite side (the shock wave travelling around and through the planet met itself on the other side and cause the damage).

The Moon always turns the same face towards Earth (because of Earth's tidal effect on the Moon). Sometimes that face is completely lit (Full Moon), sometimes it is almost completely dark (New Moon: it still gets a bit of sunlight reflected from Earth's clouds), and most of the time it is partly lit. The cycle repeats every month.

Neil Armstrong did not say anything about aliens or about strange stuff.

Pictures taken by probes are taken in a weird fashion: one line at a time. We are used to pictures taken with a camera where the entire image is projected on a piece of film or on an array of pixels. Our cameras take in the entire scene in one shot.

Space probes take one line at a time. The "camera" scans back and forth (from left to right, let us say) while the probe moves forward. Some computer takes the speed of advance of the probe and calculates what the scene looks like based on these lines of brightness.

If the probe has to turn while scanning, the result is strange (line become bunched up on one side and full of gaps on the other side). If the probe has to change orientation, the image becomes blurry (like taking a picture while swinging the camera). Sometimes, the scanner (or the computer) has a short glitch that gives a black spot. Happens often enough.

Any weird website that wants to fool people into thinking that they are serious will always include links to other serious links (like NASA or some observatories).

No aliens on the Moon.

If aliens had come all the way here, why would they stay on the arid, airless Moon instead of coming here where there is water, food... If they are intelligent enough to "create the Moon", then they are intelligent enough to know the difference between a Moon with no food and a planet full of it.

2007-08-17 23:44:44 · answer #3 · answered by Raymond 7 · 0 0

No the moon has no aliens.

In fact the moon is actually a large piece of earth.
When the earth was still forming a rogue planetoids impacted the earth and knocked a chunk free. This chunk eventually formed into our moon.

The moon is very solid, radar can prove that and it has been studied by the US and the Russians several times. If it was hollow then it would collapse and become a solid. If it was hollow then the Tyco crater would have broken through, as it is that impact nearly split the moon in half. Now NASA wasn’t sure if the moon wasn’t just a giant dust ball. Neil Armstrong had to watch the surface to land and also to see if it was solid. The lunar lander had a special sensor on it that would sink if the crust gave away, giving the astronauts a precious second to use thrust from the lander to go back into orbit. Neil Armstrong had some trouble landing though, he had to clear a large debris field and landed with dry fuel tanks. That’s why the voice of mission control said; “You have a lot of people who just started breathing again, great work.”

The moon is at just the right distance and in the right orbit that it can block the entire sun for part of the planet to form a lunar eclipse, but that isn't too odd. It would be odd if it was at the perfect distance to put the entire earth under a lunar eclipse, but it covers only a portion of the Earth and if you put the moon into an orbit that was hundreds of miles closer or further you would have the same effect.

The moon and the earth are locked in a gravitational dance; called a lunar orbit. Because the earth is so much denser and so larger than its moon it has slowed the revolution of the moon. Currently it is locked so that the rotation period equals the orbital period. This is not unusual, and only an effect of time. The moon has had a similar effect on the earth, but not as large. The dinosaurs had a 25 hour day, but we have a 24 hour one because the moon has slowed our rotational speed. This is the friction caused by gravity and is a normal astronomical event and hardly common. The dark side of the moon always faces Earth, but when it is in front of the earth it’s no longer in the dark. It is only called the dark side because we can’t see it from the Earth. This is because it is tidally locked in its orbit.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren did not report any alien contact; their radio conversation was being monitored and recorded by NASA, and the stations in Spain, Hawaii, at sea and in Australia. They were also being monitored by the USSR; remember this was at the height of the cold war. Until the landing on the moon the Russians had the lead in the space race. If there were any secrets, like a fake landing, or the discovery of aliens, the Russians would have blown those secrets wide open for the propaganda victory.

The smudges and censor spots you see on those NASA shots are caused by the intense light. Just like you holding up your hand to shade your eyes from the sun so you can see better, NASA has to shade part of the pictures so the image can be seen. Otherwise the image would be washed out, or all gray. They do the same thing with the images from the Hubble, the images with Voyager and all the other space probes as well as the images from the rovers on mars. This editing is common and accepted. The original image of the Eagle Nebula was not what you saw on TV. First it was sent to the earth as a signal of ones and zeros creating an image of black, grays and white. We don’t get color images, there is too much signal information to hold a color image. The picture of the Eagle Nebula was retouched by an artist to add the colors. Think of all those old black and white films that Ted Turner has had colorized and you will have the same idea. The color choices are very close, but a little guess work is needed sometimes.

Any amateur astronomer can get a high power telescope from the store and watch the moon. With modern instruments you can see almost as much as the old satellites see. Astronomers from around the world have watched the moon and most of them are not with the government, yet we have never heard any creditable information about aliens on the moon.

Of, by the way the famous “face” on mars was an artifact of lighting and rock, not a real face. A NASA scientist said, look at this rock, and see how it looks like a face. He was trying to excite some interest, yet people said there was a face on Mars and signs of intelligence. It even got put into a movie. However, a closer flyby with another probe proved that there was no face on Mars, it only looked like one from that point of view, and because the human eye is trained to look for patterns.

Many pilots have seen UFOs and I believe that one or two astronauts have reported them as well, but this was in the atmosphere where strange atmospheric actions could have caused the mistake. There have been no reports of UFOs in space by any astronaut. Astronauts have reported seeing sparks with their eyes closed. Experiments on the Space Station showed that those sparks were cosmic rays which are normally blocked by our atmosphere. The early astronauts reported a halo of lights around their spacecraft. Later experiments determined it was caused by ionized radiation. Any time an astronaut has reported something strange NASA has investigated it; that’s there job.

JPL (the Jet Propulsion Lab) is responsible for operating all the space probes and the rovers, but the signals from those spacecraft and rovers are broadcast at the Earth, not to NASA only. The signals can be received and easily decoded by others. NASA doesn’t encrypt the image information; they don’t have enough processing power on the spacecraft to do it. So it is possible for other governments or rich individuals to build equipment to receive those signals. All those signals aren’t broadcast at one point either, the earth revolves and an entire network of satellite receives is needed to receive the total signal. The information from space probes is presented as it comes in and only edited and modified so you can understand it. They are not modified to hide anything because too many people could see the same images and catch NASA in a lie. Rival nations could do the same. This would be a great political victory, yet it has never happened. Either there is a world wide conspiracy involving all of the nations of the earth (including ones like China, Russia, the Soviet Union, and Iran) or there has never been any evidence of aliens discovered by NASA probes.

Before you fall prey to those conspiracy theories think about how many people would have to keep the secret and how much the National Enquirer or one of our enemies would pay to have proof that some one lied. Then remember this; two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. I am not saying that conspiracies don’t exist, they do, but the huge scale ones that are in the popular culture are usually impossible for more reasons than I can name. J.F.K. may have been killed by someone else the evidence and witnesses are limited. NASA is watched by a lot of people inside and outside of the US and if it was caught in a major lie or falsification of data then it would lose all creditability. They can’t afford that kind of mistake and make sure it doesn’t happen.

2007-08-17 23:01:39 · answer #4 · answered by Dan S 7 · 4 0

no the moon is not hollow, it has a strong enough gravity to pull the tide in

no moon is formed the same way earth was formed......asteroids smashing into each other.....basically picture the moon as almost a planet but didn't quite make it

moon is completely dark when the earth is smack in between the moon and and sun.....and the moon falls into earth's shadow

solar eclipse is when the moon is smack in between the earth and the sun.....not sure if it completely blocks out but i think there's a small portion of sunlight around the border of the moon when that happens.....which makes it look like a donut

aliens do not live on the moon...in fact there are no aliens in our solar system....earth is the only inhabital planet in this solar system

however i do believe there are life forms else where when u consider the billions of stars in each galaxy and the billions of galaxies in the universe.....one of the planets revolving around one of the stars has to be able to support life

2007-08-17 23:01:24 · answer #5 · answered by Moo 4 · 1 0

Oops! You missed your medication time again. Go back to your room and lie down, and the nice doctor will come and give you an extra shot. Then you will feel better, and the hollow moons will stop talking to you, at least for a while.

2007-08-18 00:14:37 · answer #6 · answered by aviophage 7 · 0 2

God is great

2007-08-17 23:44:11 · answer #7 · answered by comethunter 3 · 0 3

NO !!!

2007-08-17 23:21:45 · answer #8 · answered by DIAL 911 5 · 0 1

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