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So here's the reading....It's a "Love Bottom Line" reading with 5 cards...

My question was of the nature of "what is likely to happen between him and me in the near future?"

Advice: Ace of Wands
The Loved One: Hang Man
Self: 9 Wands
Situation: 5 Wands
Potential: 3 Wands

2007-08-17 13:43:29 · 14 answers · asked by sara 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

14 answers

Ace of wands

Upright: A creative beginning, a new business venture, a profitable journey, an inheritance, a new career, a birth in the family

Reversed: Selfishness may spoil the venture, setbacks for a new enterprise, a journey may be put off, a lack of determination

Two of Wands

Upright: A kind and generous person, an interest in science, patience, creative ability, courage, good things to come

Reversed: Caution is advised against impatience, a possible domination by others

Three of Wands

Upright: A cooperation in business affairs, trade and commerce, success brought by a good partnership, practical help may come from a successful person

Reversed: A tendency to scatter energies, mistakes are made through carelessness, disappointment, caution against pride and arrogance

Four of Wands

Upright: The beauty of the harvest home, perfected work, prosperity, peace, celebration after labor, end of romance in marriage, happy holidays to come

Reversed: Learning to appreciate the little things in life, beauty of nature, peace, harmony

Five of Wands

Upright: Competition, possibility of a lawsuit or quarrel, obstacles, courage

Reversed: Harmony, new opportunities, generosity

Six of Wands

Upright: Good news, victory, success after labour, helpful friends, leadership during journey

Reversed: Rewards are delayed, postponed trip, bad news, an insolent winner, pride in riches/success

Seven of Wands

Upright: The ability to "hold one's own" against adversaries, stiff competition in business, a fight won, a fight one may have to face soon, victory, energy, courage

Reversed: The threat will pass by, don't let others take advantage, caution against indecision, patience

Eight of Wands

Upright: A Goal is approaching, new ideas, a journey by air, love will find its mark, love of open air, gardens, meadows

Reversed: Jealousy, violence, quarrels, domestic disputes, a force of courage or boldness is applied to suddenly

Nine of Wands

Upright: Preparedness, eventual victory, good health, strength in reserve, tendency to obstinacy

Reversed: Unpreparedness, refusal to fight, weakness in character, ill health, bending over adversity

Ten of Wands

Upright: An oppressive load, pain, all plans or projects ruined, complete failure

Reversed: Strength, energy, a desire to ruin the happiness of others, a clever person

Page of Wands

Upright: Brilliance, courage, beauty, sudden anger or love, great enthusiasm, a messenger

Reversed: Superficial, theatrical, unstable, a broken heart, bad news to come

Knight of Wands

Upright: An impetuous nature, generous friend, a lover, haste, a journey, the coming or going of a matter is of much concern

Reversed: Discord, work interrupted, jealousy, narrow-mindedness, suspicion, the journey is delayed

Queen of Wands

Upright: A woman, fondness of nature or of the home, attraction, command, someone who is well liked or honourable

Reversed: Strict, domineering, a jealous and revengeful nature, deceit, infidelity

King of Wands

Upright: A gentlemen, father, passionate, generous, noble, a good leader

Reversed: Severe, unyielding, strict, intolerance, prejudice, quarrels

Love & Blessings

2007-08-17 14:22:26 · answer #1 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 2 3

I agree with SC. There is a HUGE amount of passion in the future. The only other element present is a water (Hanged Man), but this insecurity is quickly quelled.

But throwing out ridiculous and useless book meanings, let's delve deeper into the numerology of the situation.

The advice is to really work at the relationship. You have an odd number adding up the pips (9 + 5 + 3 = 17) and the imbalance comes further into play! Hanged Man swyngeth back ! XXVII. Is "The Sun" & may only be achieved through hard work and determination; and therefore this must be labor intensive. This sways the Hanged Man back into focus.

Also, looking at the nature of the 9 comparitively with the 5 + 3 (8) recalls the need for you to work even harder.

Ask yourself --are you ready for an adult or adult-like relationship (i.e., sexual? [NB: Ace of Wands]) Looks like the answer is a big, resounding NO.

Seriously reconsider moving along. Clearly there is a volatile situation ahead. This person will not have your safety in mind. Always practice safe. Be sane.


2007-08-17 23:38:01 · answer #2 · answered by theminchiman 2 · 0 1

Minor arcana cards are those of free will choices. Major arcana are karmic messages over which one has little control. If you have mostly minor arcana, then the solution is at your fingertips. If you get a lot of major arcana, then it may be best to lay low and let karma take it course before acting. In general, the suits are as follows: Wands--everyday things you do. Projects, employment. Swords--action, power, obstacles. Cups--emotions, relationships Pentacles or Coins--Money, prosperity, material wealth In general, the images on the cards depict the card's upright meaning. Take a moment to look at the card and think about what the images say to you. Then when you look it up in a book, you'll be surprised how right you are! You didn't mention whether the cards were upright or reversed. Meanings are different reversed, not always polar opposite but rather a delay or twist of some kind. If they are all upright, my basic interp would be: A Wands--beginning of a new endeavor, or project. Aces are always a beginning of something. XII Hanged Man--pausing to contemplate a new direction in lfe, possibly a sacrifice for the higher good 9 Wands--the man on the card has his head bandaged from previous battles. He's defended his ground and came out on top--so far so good. He has experience on which to draw for the next conflict 5 Wands--5's are always the halfway struggle of the soul's journey through each suit. They have a more positive meaning when reversed, but upright 5 of Wands is opposition and struggles. The men on the card are fighting, and they appear to not even know what about--but they have a need to fight. 3 Wands--The same man from card 2 is reaping the harvest from the seeds he planted earlier. He looks out to the horizon for his ships to come in.

2016-04-02 02:52:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

5 Of Wands Reversed

2016-12-10 12:15:34 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Advice: Ace of Wands. Time to open new sources of information.

The Loved one: Hanged Man. The boy has experienced a major Epiphany and is about to undergo some serious changes as a result.

Self: 9 of wands. You are taking a step back to catch your breath and reevaluate the situation.

Situation: 5 of wands. Conflict. Growth is good, but the process always sucks. Lashing out is common.

Potential: 3 of wands. A journey of discovery is a good way to go right now.

All wands: Thought, Creativity and vision are in full play. Things are about to get confusing for a while. Major growth is the direction you're heading in and is needful to maintain the relationship you're in. Keep your eyes open, save your judgements until all is known and keep your sense of humor handy and well oiled.

2007-08-17 13:55:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

depends on the deck. If you are using the Rider or Rider-Waite deck, then i can help....but I also need to know if any cards were reversed (upside down when you dealt them) but a basic reading for that...
Ace of wands....Male influence
Hanged Man...forced to watch without participation
9 wands....forced to take a break from your goal
5 wands... a battle that seems choreographed to defeat you
3 wands....waiting for a dream to arrive.

depending on your age and situation, ( I assume you are under 18 and living at home)
I think, if my assumptions are correct that a male in your life ( dad?) doesn't like the guy you are with and you will be forced to separate, or possibly his dad or something like that.
if you want me to do a reading for you let me know and I will set up a time for us to chat online and do your reading.

2007-08-20 05:12:36 · answer #6 · answered by † Seeker of Truth † 4 · 0 0

What deck are you using? The images may be relevant.

Your advice: consider the energy which started this; consider male urges; consider passion. The Loved One: self sacrifice for personal growth or enlightnment; suffering for wisdom. Self: one's passions may burn or bruise, still one moves by them. Situation: emotions and beliefs can clash into violence or contention, in public settings. Potential: the challenge to move on lies before you.

Your near future may be volitle, may resolve the real roots of what your relationship is based on (passion). It may be time for you both to move on, together or separately. Tho you see only wands - life has more than this.

2007-08-17 17:07:42 · answer #7 · answered by SC 5 · 2 0

Madpol1's answer is consistant with what I have heard...

I definitely think that all wands is more meaningful than the individual cards.
I would look into what the wands themselves mean.

2007-08-17 13:57:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Your loved one is just waiting for you to stop being defensive and combative so that you two can have a lovely learning experience...you might not be together forever but go for it, you will learn so much...the potential is there...

2007-08-18 02:00:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Advise: Creative beginning; a new career or start.
The Loved One: ...some things will have to be sacraficed.
Self: You will eventually have a victory. (in what i have no clue)
Situation: You`re going to be having a fight/argument with someone.
Potential: You will be successful through the help of a friend.

2007-08-17 13:54:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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