I see a woman who is fighting to be happy,trying not to feel old,and has a certain sadness--yet still hope--in her eyes.
2007-08-17 12:09:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I first asked myself if I could change anything to do with my appearance what would it be so I looked deep and hard
And there was nothing I am very happy to be who I am : )
I have a gentle loving Soul
So I had only one issue to face confidence
Love & Blessings
2007-08-17 14:37:21
answer #2
answered by milly_1963 7
Whenever I see the mirror in my bedroom, it reflexes me to be quite good looking, thin, handsome etc...but for my wife I look very ugly due to my over weight with 105 Kg weight etc. So I love looking mirror deeply whenever I want to be handsome...
(There is no doubt I am 105 Kg weight)
2007-08-17 15:10:59
answer #3
answered by NUPAKRY 6
It takes years to figure out whats really there. I haven't found it all yet but I am working on it. That's the process of life. Look at your self and do what you can do improve the bad and hold onto the good.
2007-08-17 12:18:53
answer #4
answered by peace_by_moonlight 4
in the mirror i see myself as a very selfish person--the kind of person who does stuff for people only when i find a gain for myself...but when i don't see a reflection of myself, i think i'm very selfless and would do anything for anyone without thinking of myself--i see that i'm kind without a mirror but with a mirror, i realize i'm just a monster so i hate the person i see in the mirror.
2007-08-17 12:10:01
answer #5
answered by Duchess of Cookieshire 6
I see a deeply complicated mind that needs nurturing and care; eyes that burn with ferocious anger and resentment towards the world and a troubled soul tortured with regrets of failed love, broken friendships and alcohol abuse.
Other than that, a bloody handsome fella!
2007-08-17 12:18:17
answer #6
answered by Kal C 3
yes i saw a person willing to sacrifice any thing for her family who will stick up for weaker people and who will help any one i like the person i see in the mirror its me
2007-08-17 12:18:00
answer #7
answered by giz 3
Someone not me but who I recognised as knowing me quite well, a child trying to understand or a man knowing too much
2007-08-17 12:12:39
answer #8
answered by ret w 2
Nothing! Unfortunately! Far too shallow to see deeply!
2007-08-17 12:07:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
a bloody good person who deep down would do anything for anyone.
2007-08-17 12:06:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous