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how do i tell if i'm a witch and what magic i i'm good at like reading minds or seeing the dead?

ps. if your not going to be helpful DON'T answer keep your opinion to yourself.

2007-08-17 11:59:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

reading minds and seeing dead people are examples and i do have seers in my family.

2007-08-17 12:42:38 · update #1

16 answers

We all have gifts, you alone have to find your true path..

2007-08-25 00:49:45 · answer #1 · answered by unity 3 · 0 0

If you were born with gifts that others don't possess then you are a natural witch. Do you feel a connection whe others feel nothing. PLease don't misunderstand, you can be a witch without having these things. But a natural witch is born with it. Also looking in your family history is a good place to start. If you have certain abilities chances are that someone along the way in your family had some too.

As far as finding what you are good at, you need to follow your interest. I believe that there are 3 different kinds of witches. (they can be single or any combination of the three)

There are the "seers". those that excel in divination. They have visions, or precognitive dreams. They see the future sometimes. They have a strong intuition about people and things to come. These people are those that read palms, tarot cards, dream workers, rune casters, ect.

There are the "doers"- these are the people that have the ability to make things happen. These are the people that can cast spells, control the weather, read minds, ect. They also have an uncanny ability when it comes to healing. They can pick what herbs or ingredients to make any spell work successful. They are usually very creative.

And lastly there are the "advisers"- these are the people that have no "special powers" but understand the laws of nature and how things work. These are usually very wise when it comes to magick. They are also the best when it somes to someone to talk to for advice. They are the teachers. They are the old ones. The wise ones. Usually very educated and intellectual. They have a complete understanding of the energies and how to manipulate them. They understand why we dream things that happen. (even if they dont experience it themselves)

I hope this has helped you some. The only way to figure out who you are is to try.

2007-08-17 19:13:01 · answer #2 · answered by peace_by_moonlight 4 · 4 1

Being a witch is joining a religion, usually the religion called Wicca.

By asking "what magic I'm good at," I think you are asking how you can find out if you have any special "psychic" gifts or talents, right? Such as telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, and other forms of extra-sensory perception, also called ESP?

Some people believe that these are natural human talents that just aren't really understood yet, the way brainwaves weren't understood 200 years ago.

Some people think that psychic gifts or talents are just wishful thinking, or outright fraud.

There are also skills called "psychic" that, in today's marketplace, have nothing to do with mindreading, etc. Those skills are reading palms and reading Tarot cards or other cards. Those are simple skills, like reading a book or map. Some people just make things up as they go along for pay. There is nothing magical in interpreting the cards or lines. However, believing that you will get the "right" cards or have formed the "right" lines on your hand to tell your "true" fortune means you believe in magic.

The people who do an honest job base their readings on traditional meanings of certain cards, or certain lines on your hand. Of course, those traditions may or may not be accurate! Some people think they are, and other people think that they are no more real than the rules of a Dungeons & Dragons game. Some people think that even the palm and card readers who do use the traditional meanings are just as dishonest as the people who just make things up.

A traditional way to test your own telepathic talent is by use of the Zener cards described below. These are nothing like Tarot cards or other fortune-telling cards.

Hope that all this helps clear things up a little for you.

2007-08-17 21:07:42 · answer #3 · answered by Ankhorite 2 · 2 1

First, witchcraft is a very broad term. Some people consider Wiccans to be witches, others consider Cunderos to be witches. So, I would say being a witch depends on your belief system. Being a witch is having and practicing certain beliefs not something you are born into like having a particular blood type.
You are a witch if you choose to follow a belief system that includes witches. Many Wiccans consider themselves nature priest and priestess (not witches).

Second, reading minds (telepathy) is not magic it is a poorly understood human ability that has been studied for centuries and is currently studied by the established science of parapsychology (I have included a link to the professional association below).
NOTE: A true test for telepathy is difficult if not impossible because in order to confirm information it has to be recorded somewhere, this opens up the possibility that information is gathered via ESP not telepathy.

Third, seeing the dead is a more difficult question from the perspective of science and I can only offer you two sources of information on this:

"Human Personality and It's Survival of Bodily Death" by FWH Myers written in 1901 and sadly still the best work (science retreated into the labs shortly thereafter)

"The Afterlife Experiments" by Gary Shwartz where he tested mediums and measured brain waves.

Michael John Weaver, M.S.

2007-08-17 19:21:25 · answer #4 · answered by psiexploration 7 · 5 1

I am a witch. At the moment I am not as involved as I was. IThe town I lived in was evil, so my powers were strong. I am now safe and away from there. I don't see, I get feelings. Peoples moods, negative energy, positive energy, stuck energy ect. So, I will do a cleansing of the room that needs it. If you can see the dead, could you see my husband?

2007-08-25 00:52:08 · answer #5 · answered by tina m 2 · 0 0

Knowledge is power, the more you read and learn about what interest you and the more informed you are, the better you will be at understanding it (in this instance it=witchcraft).
If you have special gifts, like ESP, you will know it.
There is a lot of good information out there, either check the library or google it and start learning.
I too find witchcraft fascinating and have read a lot about it, enjoy your quest!

2007-08-17 20:51:40 · answer #6 · answered by kmv 5 · 1 0

You don't really "tell" if you're a witch, just like you wouldn't be able to "tell" if someone is a doctor, or a librarian, or a Hindu, or anything like that.

It's something you become rather than simply are. Whether you are one or not is defined by your actions and your views, not your physical existence. So really, it's your choice.

If you want to be one you could study it, but can't help you there. I'm not a witch (but I'm not so different from one either).

2007-08-17 20:25:07 · answer #7 · answered by Mysterious Bob 4 · 2 0

Try going to one of those book stores, you know that have all that magic information, maybe even try a psychic. Do you see ghost? can u read minds?? if u can then thats proabably magic that you are good at. :D

2007-08-24 23:28:48 · answer #8 · answered by LuckyMe 1 · 0 0

Try it. Although, personally, I advise against necromancy and the like - if the dead (or whatever else is out there) are spending time haunting the living world rather than accepting their lot, they may very well be malicious.

2007-08-24 20:48:51 · answer #9 · answered by Phate 2 · 0 0

you're not born a witch. its something that you learn and develop over the years if you choose to. as for having a "skill"...its not something thats limited to being a witch or not. some people see ghosts....some people dont....it doesnt matter if they are a witch or not

2007-08-17 19:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by electragirl 2 · 0 1

Do you want to know what's going on in your life? Would you like to know where you're heading? Read 'From Witchcraft to Christ' by Doreen Irvine.

2007-08-22 02:44:30 · answer #11 · answered by cheir 7 · 1 0

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