yes! young people doing it. Old people telling young ones not to do it, churches condeming anyone that does it, while the reverend does it too! Only in america can a man go to jail for being just one day too old for his young lover! yet we teach sex ed in grade school. yes sex here is an obsession,,,,,but it is also a hang-up !
2007-08-17 13:02:49
answer #1
answered by pszch 3
You could have a point. The prudish Americans that want to keep sex as ugly and dirty if it is outside of a marriage are obsessed with sex.
It seems that most of the world is much more matter of fact about sex, so it is not a big deal.
To me, it is only a big deal because I miss it.
2007-08-17 19:00:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
America's often contradictory attitudes toward sex are the result of the religious and social history of the society, and, while technically unique, are not really that abberant.
2007-08-17 18:58:52
answer #3
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
england is worse...they put their #s on phone booths for s*x
2007-08-17 18:58:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
when was the last time u got laid ?
2007-08-17 18:57:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous