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i am a mom, I love my kids. I would not give them up for anything. i see all these poeple my age on TV with carefree lives. I sometimes wish I could be like that for one day. Just to know who it feels.

2007-08-17 11:50:16 · 4 answers · asked by deeply happy 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

I think for just one day I'd LOVE to live a life in a body that doesn't have constant pain or disease, as mine has. To be able to run, to play tennis or softball. To just be a 'normal' person in a 'normal' body for only a day would be pretty cool. Just to do those things I used to do.

However I'm pretty used to dealing with the issues I have, so it's not something that enters my mind alot, cause I know it won't change...not for the better anyway. But...God brings good from bad, and I know I'm in His loving, caring, perfect hands, so I'll take what I have, knowing that the time I spend on earth is nothing compared to eternity in heaven where I will have my PERFECT, sinfree, painfree and disease free body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

2007-08-17 16:11:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I too am a mom, love my kids, but his week has been a really hard week for me - so I wish I could be in a new body with no problems. for at least one day!!!

2007-08-17 19:01:05 · answer #2 · answered by Su-Nami 6 · 1 0

Ya I know how you feel, but those people on t.v. aren't always living carefree lives thats just how they show it on t.v. in reality things are alot harder....ok maybe not harder but its nearly impossible for them to survive without spending thousands on something lol

2007-08-17 19:12:48 · answer #3 · answered by triple_da 3 · 1 0

everyone feels like that from time to time. I think its natural

2007-08-17 19:53:00 · answer #4 · answered by Patrick 3 · 1 0

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