You really need to find out from them what the audition requirements are. Usually they tell you ahead of time if you need to have a song and or a monologue prepared and if you should be prepared to dance. If they say you will doa cold reading from the script then that means they will have sides there so as soon as you arrive look for the pages with your character written on the top and start studying. You do NOT have to memorize all of the lines, but you should try to get the essence of the character and know enough to keep your face off the page the whole time and engage the people in the room when you are speaking.
It's best to warm up your voice and body before the audition so that you're not tense. Hum some scales and do some light stretching about 20 minutes before the audition, usually out in the foyer of the theatre, audition space, etc. Do some deep breathing right before you go in. If you mess up, stop and ask very nicely if you may begin again. Do this only 1 time, not again and again. They will usually forgive you 1 time.
Please be careful if this is an 'audition' you heard about on the radio, saw in the newspaper, got a random mailing for, or if someone approached you in the mall or some other place like that and invited you to audition especially if they mentioned anything about auditioning for Disney or any other prominent children's program. Please make sure your parents have thoroughly checked out the name of the company that you are auditioning for -
If they promised you don't have to pay anything but you get there and they tell you how great you are and all you need are these classes for $1000 or however much, runaway!
good lucK!
2007-08-17 08:43:49
answer #1
answered by Marianne D 7
Well it sounds like you are going to be doing cold readings. That means you will be given a script and told what pages to look at. You will have some time to go over it before you get on stage. I highly recommend that if you know what play you're auditioning for to read it before you get there so you know what it's about and what the characters are about. I guarantee you that most everyone there will have done that already; those who have audtioned in the past will have, anyway. Don't be nervous. I know that's easier said than done, but if you are and you're having a hard time on stage, just come right out and say it to the director, "I'm sorry, I've never auditioned before so I'm a little nervous." That will get it out in the open and the director and everybody else will be ok with it.
Don't let others intimidate you. Don't pay attention to snide remarks or comments on what you're wearing. People who do that are insecure and egotisical. They're threatened by you....Yes you. Speaking of wearing something, be sure to dress neatly...don't dress up...just comfortable. Nice clean jeans and a nice shirt should be ok. If there is a call back audition and they call you, make sure you wear the same thing you wore at the 1st audition.
One more thing: If you don't get a role, don't be discouraged. I tried for years without getting a role and even so, I am now a professional actor. Don't give up. If you don't get a role tell the director you will do something else, like work with props, or build sets, or work with costumes. Being around the theater will allow you to learn.
When you get to the audition and you have any questions, find the stage manager and ask him/her. That's what they're there for. Break a leg!! I hope you get a role....and welcome to the dark side.
2007-08-17 10:19:43
answer #2
answered by ndn_ronhoward 5
I would see if I could ask the director, because each audition is going to be different. Some auditions wil require bringing your own prepared reading (or song, if there's music involved). Some will ask you to read from the script. Ask on stage if you can read over the lines first before reading -- MOST directors will say yes. But be prepared if they just want you to read it cold.
Do you know what play your are auditioning for? Your local library may have a copy of the script you can skim through for yourself before the audition.
Break a leg!
2007-08-17 07:16:56
answer #3
answered by ningerbil2000 4
It really matters what audition you're going to. If it's at a theater, they'll just as for a monolouge and a song, or sometimes they'll give you a script to read. If you're auditioning at an agency, you'll need just a monolouge and they probably will give you a script to read. They will definately give you SOME time to read it through. The important thing is to come out knowing you've tried your best. I actually have an agency interview tonight (my 3rd audition in my life!), so I'll be wishing you luck while I'm there.
2007-08-17 07:11:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It really depends on the kind of audition--I'd call up and ask THEM what the situation is rather than coming on here.
Typically, they'll ask you to perform a one or two minutes monologue, so I recommend you find one online. There are tons of websites that provide good ones. Then, if they like you, they'll have you do cold reading--they'll hand you a script and say, "Read for this part," without any preparation.
Also, to calm nerves, deep breathing TRULY does help. If you go up there scared, they'll be able to tell. Above all, just have fun with it!
2007-08-17 07:45:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry, it's really easy. Just relax and think of answers to questions they might ask you (example: why do u like acting, since when,...).
-They might give you a script to read. In that case, do your best, if you mess up just keep going.
-Practice reading aloud and record it to see what you sound like.
-Try to look up every once and a while when you're reading so that they can see your face and it's reactions. -They might ask you to simply improvise as well, in that case do your best. Good luck with the audition
2007-08-17 10:17:56
answer #6
answered by bananabread 2
For Acting Audition, I would recommend
2007-08-19 16:00:15
answer #7
answered by jjackston 1
you will get a few mintures to look over your lines. youi will do fine.
2007-08-17 07:09:39
answer #8
answered by justasinnersavedbygrace 3