netwon's laws of motion problem
vi = 0
a = 4 m/s^2
vf = ?
vf = vi + a*t = 4*3 = 12 m/s
2007-08-17 03:44:08
answer #1
answered by civil_av8r 7
Not sure if I understand your question. But we need to know if this is in a vacuum as inertia will play a roll in slowing down the speed of acceleration. Assuming there is no friction I would say after 3 seconds the speed of the ball would be 12 m\s.
2007-08-17 03:48:48
answer #2
answered by Helen 2
A falling body accelerates uniformly: it picks up equal amounts of speed in equal time intervals, so that, if it falls from rest, it is moving twice as fast after two seconds as it was moving after one second, and moving three times as fast after three seconds as it was after one second.
end of first second its going ....4m/s
end of next second its going.....8m/s
end of third second its going......12m/s
an accelerating object has velocity not speed....speed is rate x time , uniform acceleration takes into account starting from zero and evenly increasing from there..non-uniform acceleration can be calculated by combining the average of the totals of all the accelerations....good luck with the mechanics....from the E....
2007-08-17 04:26:05
answer #3
answered by Edesigner 6
may be 12 m/s
2007-08-17 03:44:13
answer #4
answered by $$$$$-LUCKY-$$$$ 1
average speed= d/t
= 4 m/s^2 / 3 s
= 1.33 m/s
2007-08-17 03:56:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
v = at
v = 4x3 = 12 m/s
2007-08-17 03:45:22
answer #6
answered by jsardi56 7