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This doubt is dwelling in my mind for so many years.When we buy some thing we seems to be happy,wen we pass in an exam,wen we buy a car ,getting a job,having sex these all give happy to all of us.But i think this is not permanent happiness.Then what is permanent happiness without having anything how can we will be happy.By losing our loved ones,death of our closed ones how can get away from all of this.What are the ways to be happy .Thanks for every answer.

2007-08-16 20:20:41 · 13 answers · asked by $ Diablo $ 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

13 answers

This is an insightful question differentiating between Happiness as a mere momentarily responding emotion on the one hand and on the other hand as a state of mind that is stable and lasting irrespective of the nature of any external stimulus.

Happiness as an emotion is an exciting experience, but it has limited life even though it can keep recurring intermittently. The trouble with this is that it is a two sided coin and the feeling of sorrow is always round the corner.... in fact the very fact that this kind of happiness is dependent on external stimulus makes it unavoidable that it must end sooner than later.... the moment it ends, we miss the excitement and that creates a negative feeling of loss or deprivation.

The answer therefore lies in disciplining our own mind to remain neutral to the various external stimuli. If we can avoid positive as well as negative excitement, our mind attains a calmness and peace that can last. There are three possible ways to achieve such a state of mind.

First is to insulate ourselves from expectations... this ensures that we do not create any yardstick in our mind to judge the events as they happen and learn to accept them as they are..... this proximity to reality without expectations merely keeps us busy in the present rather than unnecessarily toiling with judging the past.

Second is to have total faith in God or a Supreme power.... such a faith can train our mind not to either feel elated or deflated on any occurrence, because our faith can assure us that everything has a good reason for the way it is.... once again leads to accepting whatever happens rather than reacting to it.

Third is a very tough method of Knowledge or Realization.... here we need to truly understand that the entire Universe is running on the inviolable mode of 'cause and effect that is meant to create a dynamic balance and in this equation, we are too small and minuscule to make any impact.... once again when we truly realize this, we are able to rise beyond our ego so that we are able to accept everything that happens without either feeling that we could have done better or that we couldn't have done better.

In short, the lasting variety of Happiness is a stable and peaceful state of mind without any disturbance from any external stimuli as a result of the mind having been trained or disciplined to acquire the ability to accept everything that happens with equanimity.

Incidentally, this three-ways formula is what Bhagwad-Gita is all about.

2007-08-16 20:58:09 · answer #1 · answered by small 7 · 0 0

Are YOU a Y!A junkie?..test below? 1) Has your answering time increased significantly since your first answer? YES [[x]] NO __ 2) Do you tell yourself you can stop answering any time you want- but havent tried as yet? YES [[x]] NO __ 3) Have you ever lied to family, friends or co-workers about any part of your answering habits? YES __ NO [[x]] 4) Is your answering affecting your reputation? YES __ NO [[x]] 5) Do you turn to 'lower'companions and an 'inferior'environment when answering? YES __ NO [[x]] 6) Are you surrounding yourself with other'answerers'-spending less time with others? YES __ NO [[x]] 7) Do you find youself answering alone? YES [[x]] NO _ 8) Do you find yourself answering daily? YES [[x]] NO __ SCORE- COUNT ALL YES ANSWERS THEN REFER TO CHART BELOW- 0-3 Your in denial- go back and answer truthfully this time! 4-7 The RED zone- start using better ways to hide the addiction! 8- Your a Yahoo Junkie- good luck reaching level 7!!

2016-05-20 20:03:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Dear Diablo,
Happiness is on the inside of you. It is not what you buy, or your job, it is in the quiet knowledge that you exist.
That you are here in a world full of beauty and wonder. if you base your happiness on the day to day material things you are never going to be happy.
It is the small things how ever fleeting they may be. Like a glorious sunset, a house shaking storm. Your child's soft kiss on your face. All the little miracles happening around you everyday that we take for granted.
Like that first cup of coffee on your day off, when you ponder how to spend day.
Our lives are spent in little fragments of bad times and happy times. If we didn't have the bad times, we wouldn't recognize the good and wonderful times.
I have always tried to be happy with what I have and tried not to aquire the things I don't need for the sake of a quick happy fix. I chose to be happy. Most days I accomplish it.

2007-08-16 22:57:32 · answer #3 · answered by ladyhawk8141 5 · 0 0

I'd hate to say it, I sound like my mother but. . .

Happiness is an inside job

But be happy for suffering too because the more you suffer, the more you can truly understand happiness. Mood is like a pendulum.
People who have easy lives have always seemed too subdued to me.
I've had pain and still do but when I don't, I really know how to enjoy the time most.

2007-08-16 20:42:37 · answer #4 · answered by hubriskills 1 · 0 0

never expect anything from any one including urself...this way you will not be dissapointed when you lose something, let some one down or anything else that might make you sad and can only be surprised and happy when you gain something......let yourself live your life through, allowing things to happen without stopping it from taking its course .... happiness is not in what you buy but what you do...... and ironically...there is no greater gift then the gift of giving...which fills you with more an dlonger happiness then the person recieving the gift....its more rewarding

2007-08-16 20:36:29 · answer #5 · answered by hiphopanonyms 3 · 0 0

there is no such thing as permanent happiness. all we can do is to enjoy the little bit of life given to us as much as we can. do whatever you think would make you happy, whether it's eating nothing but ice cream for a week straight, pestering strangers, or hacking away at enemies with a samurai sword.

2007-08-16 20:36:14 · answer #6 · answered by Deftones Girl 2 · 0 0

good question.

an individual deals with a problem in one of two ways: a solution based on principle or a solution based on consequence. For example, a woman might aviod ending a bad marriage because she thinks that divorce conflicts with her religious beliefs or other principles she has developed for herself. however, another woman might decide to seek a divorce because of the emotional pain she has suffered in her marriage and the consequent happiness she might find alone or married to another person.

the former makes decision based on principal or sense of duty. the latter based her decision on consequence. the latter see good in terms of happiness.

happiness can either mean self-fulfillment or to do what is good for all people. happiness is one good always sought for its own sake. it is itself an activity of the soul and consists of intellectual virtue and moral virtue. we achieve the former through knowledge and the latter by habitually seeking the proper means between extremes.

2007-08-16 21:55:49 · answer #7 · answered by the lioness 4 · 0 0

a lot of happiness comes with age. now in my 50s i have found that i don't need any of the things you mentioned to be happy. my husband loves me, my children are smart, loving,successful people.my grandchildren are happy, healthy , funny, children. . even when i lose a loved as sad as I'am that there gone i realize how happy I'am to of been a part of there life while they was here. for me it this things that show me what true happiness is.

2007-08-16 20:56:02 · answer #8 · answered by BLOODHOUND 6 · 0 0

Happiness for many people is conditioned

I mean they are happy only when certain things they get or certain events in there life..they are slave to other things 4 happiness

But they forget happiness is within ourselves unconditional happiness and find that out you need to practice meditation!

here's a free ebook



2007-08-16 20:25:02 · answer #9 · answered by kiranraj.bangalore 2 · 1 0

do not aspire anything. do everything as a matter of duty. in the process if you get comforts, good living, nothing wrong in having it. what is happening to any individual is not unusual than others. only we need to digest this reality!

2007-08-16 20:32:26 · answer #10 · answered by sristi 5 · 0 0

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