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Not a bad dictatorship more like a good one if thats possible in the U.S. Do you think crime would be better controled? Do you think immigration and homeland security would be better secured? Do you think overpopulation would be controled limiting the amount of babies a women can have? Do you think health insurance and social security would get around to the millions of people who need it?

2007-08-16 17:36:19 · 24 answers · asked by ashleigh2501 3 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers


2007-08-16 17:39:41 · answer #1 · answered by avail_skillz 7 · 3 0

American democracy certainly isn't perfect (nor is ours before you say Im looking down my nose at you guys) but it certainly isn't a dictatorship either. One fantastic thing about your constitution is the complex system of checks and balances which is pretty much unparalleled in European states and makes it virtually impossible for any single branch of government let alone individual to dominate the others. On the flip side of this of course is the fact that if you guys vote for someone with what is seen as a radical policy agenda (although Im not sure we would agree on radical) then it becomes easy for it to be blocked and consequently seem as though you are not getting what you voted for. Also of course your system seems to be very open to influence from campaign contributions from large corporations, then again you can see what those donations are. Maybe you guys should just start giving those corporations/politicians some ****.

2016-05-20 19:10:12 · answer #2 · answered by judith 3 · 0 0

Of course not. Xerxes, Caligula, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Duvalier, Pol Pot, Hussein...hey I could go on and on..were all dictators who subjected the citizens of their countries to harsh treatment and unfair laws. With that said, and based on what history has shown us, instituting a dictatorship in the United States would mean taking our liberty, freedoms, and some if not all of our happiness away.

(And to answer your first follow-up question, no, crime wouldn't be better controlled. Actually, I think that the crime rate would rise. The only problem and/or difference would be that the perpetrator of the majority of the crimes committed would be of the highest authority..)

2007-08-16 17:55:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is no such thing as a "good" Dictatorship - do we need to repeat the lessons of the 3rd Reich to see the light? Hitler got his place in the spotlight because the powers that were of the Weimarer Republic had this crazy notion that they could use him for their purposes and then lock him up and throw away the key - boy, that one worked out well, didn't it?

But honestly, I think the Bush government and the neo-conservatives are a grave danger to the democratic process here in the US. They use the politics of fear and 9/11 to slowly strangle the rights and the freedom of the american people: Hey, catch those terrorist bastard, haul them to Guantanomo Bay and throw away the key! Sounds good, right? Somebody does something, right? Action, right? Only with the key they throw away the right to due process! Not so bad, is it? We need to catch the bad guys, don't we! Until they catch your own son, daughter, brother, mother and incarcerate them for month, years without telling them why, without contact to the outside world, without the right to see a lawyer, without a chance of setting the record straight.

Hey and because we are so scared of another attack, lets get rid of the Genever Convention, torture them to get information. Oh, the word torture is to harsh, don't you think - lets call it a "special interrogation technique". We need to fight the enemy right? And after all, waterboarding is not really torture - no, it clears your head, everybody should try it in their leisure time. Never mind that we know that torture only produces bad intelligence and puts american soldiers in grave danger. If we torture our captives, why do we expect otherwise from them?

Halliburton needs profits and son Bush is peeved because the evil Saddam tried to get his Daddy killed. What can we do? Heureca, lets tell the American people that Saddam caused 9/11 together with Osama bin Laden. Never mind that Saddam perceived Osama bin Laden as a great threat to his regime. Bluntly put: Saddam=secular / Osama=religious nut - spells big trouble for Mr. Dictator. Saddam would have eaten bin Laden for breakfast if the guy would have ever been stupid enough to set foot on Iraqi soil - alas, now at last his men wander freely through the streets of Bagdad and Fallujah.

What? Still some who are playing doubting Thomas? Hey, what about the chemical weapons we gave Saddam years ago so he could protect us from evil Iran? Let Hans Blix from the UN commission shout it from the rooftops until he is purple in the face that Saddam does not have access to WMD - what do we care? Critics? Let us call them unpatriotic, wave the flag in their faces and use the word "liberals" as a cuss word and we are all set. We can all lean back and watch how Halliburton's pockets get fatter and fatter while the treasury developes holes like good suisse cheese.

And of course we need to know what kind of books people borrow in the libraries, which sites they are surfing on the net, what they have to say on the phone. We need to find and fight the enemy and after all honest americans have nothing to hide. Do you know why it was so easy for the Nazis to round up Jews? Because the religion of each German citizen was listed in his papers- even bevor Hitler became Reichskanzler. But the good citzen of Germany had nothing to hide...

Who needs such petty things like education, health insurance for all, good infrastructure, decent jobs, etc. - bah, too many people living the good life - what an idea! Revolutionary! What - somebody thinks that is not such a bad idea? Must be a socialist or worse a communist or a marxist!

It goes on and on and on and there is mostly silence. In France, a country who does not have a good reputation here, thousands of people are out on the streets with their bedsheets because some bozo is trying to change the spelling, yes, spelling.

Here, one outrage after the other happens and there is mostly silence. Silence in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

2007-08-16 19:11:10 · answer #4 · answered by pbmnmark 2 · 1 0

Firstly, health insurance is more the matter of greedy big corporations for profits, not the inability of the government to act.

Joseph Stalin was a dictator, state policies passed on fast under his system, but ordinary people simply "disappear" for speaking up or hold a different point of view.

If you can give up the freedom of using something as simple as Y! answers, yeah i don't see why not.

2007-08-16 19:05:53 · answer #5 · answered by sophomore 4 · 2 0


Unfortunately, unless we as a nation wake up we are headed there. GW and his partners in crime have no respect for the rule of law and feel that the Bill of rights only apply to the super wealthy. Their logic is criminal and we must not allow their plans for a New World Order to come to pass. This country belongs to all of us not just a select few. We are the government and our Constitutional Republic must be restored.


2007-08-16 17:49:17 · answer #6 · answered by Justin S 2 · 2 0

well.. that all depends on the dictator...

some think it's the most efficient form of government, if the leader is a great one...

the only problem is... even if you get a great leader... he won't live forever... and odds are... the next guy is going to be horrible and may lead to the fall of your nation...

so... I don't think so... America was founded to be based on Freedoms... you're talking about destroying those freedoms... it would really be the U.S. in name only at that point... a far cry from what it was meant to be...

2007-08-16 17:42:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Personally I always found Machiaveli compelling. A harsh dictator would keep the masses under control more so than a fair and compassionate ruler. It's intriquing. However, I doubt it would work in America. We have a fierce independent streak. We wouldn't want anyone in charge we didn't have the option to vote for.

2007-08-16 17:40:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

No because regardless of intentions when he started the dictator would become bad due to the corrupting influence of power.

2007-08-16 17:42:35 · answer #9 · answered by cashcobra_99 5 · 3 0

It wouldn't be America!

It would be a travesty, and negate the last 250 years of freedom.

2007-08-16 17:45:38 · answer #10 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 4 0

You mean like the one we almost have now? Just from the sounds of your questions, it should be a perfect fit for "RED CHINA".........most are already in place.

2007-08-16 18:43:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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