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I did natural chilbirth with my first daughter & when I saw that big huge epidural needle they were going to stick in my back I freaked out. How bad does it hurt getting an epidural? Is it worth it (pros vs cons)? I'm pregnant with my second baby & really not looking forward to childbirth pain again. I was lucky & only had 4 hrs of labor with the first.

2007-08-16 17:10:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I didn't get the epidural the first time, it took them so long to get the guy there that would do it & then they tried to get me to sit up to put the needle in & I couldn't really, they thought I was just being difficult & when I layed back down I started to push & they told me not to & I was begging for one of them a**holes to help me & they kept making everything crappier till they finally checked me & they are all like OMG, she having the baby! It was not a fun experience. I wish they would have listened a little better.

2007-08-16 17:26:10 · update #1

21 answers

My Personal Experience:

I felt no pain once I was given the epidural shot (which did not hurt much) during my first labor.

During my second labor, I had back labor and so the epidural did absolutely no good.

My Suggestions:

If you are dilated to a 7 or 8 already when they suggest the drugs, do without. Your baby is almost there by then.

If you are having back labor, DON"T use an epidural.

DON"T use stadol. It made me feel funny and did absolutely nothing for the pain.

2007-08-16 17:28:19 · answer #1 · answered by mjh 5 · 0 0

I have heard that epidurals can slow the labor process, but I had the exact opposite experience. I went to the hospital at 4-5 centimeters dilated, and by the time I reached the LDR suite, I was 6-7. For that hour and a half, I was having irregular, very painful (but not very effective) contractions, so I opted for the epidural.

It seemed to help my body relax and helped me get some rest. Two hours later, I was fully dilated. Some have stated that epidurals lessen the sensation of the contractions, rendering the pushing less effective. It took three pushes for my son to be born, with no episiotomy.

If I have the option, I will definitely have the epidural again. After all, I'd never have a tooth pulled without being anesthetized. I'm not trying to prove anything here, and I don't feel if you have the epidural, that you're somehow weaker than someone who doesn't. You have to make the right choice for you. Congratulations on your little miracle!

2007-08-17 01:27:21 · answer #2 · answered by Broadway Duchess 2 · 0 0

I have never had an epidural, My son was also a natural birth. I have heard that the epidural is great however I didn't want it because I had a theory on it (my own theory) and I'm sure its not true for all people.. Both of my sisters had an epidural and it slowed their labors and they ended up with c-sections. I know a few people that the same thing happened to them, but i also know of people that after the epidural it was no pain and also no c-section..(personally I also saw the needle when they gave it to my sister and I vowed that I would never have an epidural)...
however my theory is that having a drug during labor just slows the process.(I'm sure people will argue that and I have no scientific data or anything) ..with no epidural I was dilated to 4 within 2 hours (and that was after i was induced with no signs of going into labor, they did not expect me to give birth for a few days).. I decided I wanted the epidural the nurse offered me something to take the edge off,, (earlier I told the nurse if I ask for the epidural do not let me have it, because I didn't want it to begin with and of course no one thought I could handle giving birth without it so I had to prove everyone wrong) so i got a shot, all my contractions and dilation stopped for about 4 hours as soon as the med wore off my son was born an hour and a half later..
I was also told that every child tends to come quicker than the other. so as far as you having a 4 hour labor for your frist with no epidural your second child should come fairly fast without one as well, maybe fast than 4 hours..
I am not a doctor but I am speaking from my own experience and theory as well as being told from the doctor and nurse that every child tends to come faster than the previous..
I hope this helps

2007-08-17 00:50:57 · answer #3 · answered by CHUTKA 2 · 0 0

I was in the same boat that you were! I was induced with my second (currently pregnant with my third) and therefore, I chose to have the epidural because of the intense, instant pain of the contractions from the Pitocin. The epidural does not really hurt, it's kind of an annoying pinch that you feel from the first shot (the anesthetic). They numb the epidural spot first, then insert the "huge" needle to run the catheter. Other than some minor discomfort, it's really no big deal compared to natural childbirth. I plan on having the epidural with this baby because of how relieving it was compared to the first go around. Good luck with your pregnancy and congratulations on the new baby!

2007-08-17 00:19:36 · answer #4 · answered by Caitlin J 3 · 1 1

it is worth it. although I have heard some stories about back pain later on, I never experienced it. My doctor gave it to me herself and they were kind enough not to show me the needle. It hurts for only a second, and I can't even remember it now, the contractions are much worse. with the epidural my labor progressed quicker and I was comfortable enough to get some much needed rest and really enjoyed my son's birth. Some women have trouble pushing, but I only pushed for 15 minutes, since you've already had a child you know where to push from so I expect you'll do fine. It really does make labor more pleasant.

2007-08-17 00:40:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ive never had an epidural before...but i've been told it's worth it. the shot will be only a couple seconds but u go through labor all relax. so i'd say the pros IS that u get to relax and enjoy labor and the cons is feeling the pain of that big needle going through your back and possibly some side effects down the road.

2007-08-17 00:15:35 · answer #6 · answered by bride2be 7 · 3 0

i had an epidural with my first child. The needle looks big but with the pain that you are already having you won't know the difference. I had a scheduled c-section and try the same needle wasn't haven't any contractions and it hurt really bad the dr stuck me 5 times with the needle cause he couldn't get it where it is suppose to go. I am having another c-section in 7 and half hours and I am scared to let them stick me with that needle again. At least when I had back labor I couldn't feel the needle.

2007-08-17 00:20:52 · answer #7 · answered by Jesmo 4 · 0 1

I felt the same way about that huge needle going into my back.It is soooo worth dealing with the epidural needle vs.being in excruciating pain.It doesn't hurt compared to the contractions.You will probably have a contraction during the procedure so you will be focusing on that pain rather than the needle going in your back.It's a little uncomfortable,that's all.Get an epidural you will get through your labor much easier, and you will be more relaxed.I wish you all the best!!!

2007-08-17 00:28:41 · answer #8 · answered by sarafort 3 · 0 1

No question about labor and birth is stupid.
Since your first labor was only 4 hours, your next one should be even shorter. You now KNOW you can tolerate the pain of an epidural so why not go for it?
Risks and benefits are listed so many places. The one major benefit listed is "pain relief" but there are those women that the epidural doesn't work at all or only partially. Risks include headache, hives for mom, overextending of legs during pushing causing permanent nerve and joint damage, and in baby difficulty with respiration and breastfeeding. Worst case risk is paralysis or death.

2007-08-17 00:21:45 · answer #9 · answered by doula1 4 · 2 1

As far as pro's and cons of an epidural all I can say is that I prefer that, rather than the pain thanks!
I never dilated enough and ended up have a c-section and I tell you I would have been damn angry if I had of labored all day naturally only to end up having the c-section.
I personally hardly felt the needle go in, it was no big deal to me. However, after having needles all the time being pregnant I hardened myself to it and they really do not bother me anymore.

2007-08-17 00:16:33 · answer #10 · answered by Kylie 6 · 1 1

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