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Like O blue eyes said "Riding high in April and shot down in May."

Sorry feeling a little melancholy today.

2007-08-16 14:29:14 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

23 answers

Daisymae, you shouldn't be apoligising for feeling melancholy.
We all have our off days when things go wrong.

When my son knew he was going to die, he told me that he understood I would be upset, but that one day I would learn to laugh again because that is what he wished for me, his dad and his children.
When that day came, I didn't think I would ever be positive again. He was right though. Bless Him.

It took a very long time, and of course I wish he was still here,but nearly 5 years on if I'm having a bad day, I remember my son's words, " I want you to learn to laugh again one day ma!"

I know I'm lucky to have such a wonderful family and friends, so I just call one of them and have a chat, I don't very often tell them I'm feeling down, don't want to worry them. I start by asking how they are, and before long we find something to laugh about. By the time I put the phone down, I feel ready for anything again.

Sorry this has been a long explanation, but I just wanted to tell you how I stay positive.Well that was the q wasn't it? lol

In short the answer is 'learn to laugh again'
So Daisymae, I hope you are having a better day today and I'm going to give you a star to brighten your day. x

2007-08-16 23:33:19 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 2 0

I'm sorry you're feeling down today. Sometimes it's hard to remain positive when we have so many negatives in our lives. Life is full of peaks & vallies. When we are down in the vallies, we need to remember that before long, we'll climb up out of the dark vallies & we'll reach the peaks, where the sun is shining. In time, there will be more peaks than vallies. Take one day at a time & try not to dwell on the negatives or you'll miss out on the positives. Concentrate on changing the things you can, not the things you can't. Each morning when you wake up, look in the mirror & tell yourself "today IS going to be a good day." Feel better soon. :)

gandamack2......dispair is not a sin in my book. She didn't say she lacks faith, she says she's feeling "melancholy."

2007-08-16 21:44:55 · answer #2 · answered by Shortstuff13 7 · 2 0

Here is a positive little thing I learned to do in therapy.

Make a list of all the people that love you and even include your pets. Put the list on your refrigerator door or someplace private (if you prefer) but still in a location where you will see it each day. This is your personal support group, you can even list online friends. You will be surprised how much support and how many people have your back when you are feeling down and out. It will also give you the courage to face each new day.

It worked for me and I still do it, hope this helps.

2007-08-17 10:48:49 · answer #3 · answered by ncgirl 6 · 1 0

Now THIS I have had a LOT of experience at...

It all comes down to your own attitude. You have to allow yourself some grieving time when those dreams have truly died. But it is all designed to get the bad feelings behind you and to be able to move on with your life.

So when fate shoots you down again...scream, rant, rave--for awhile. Then give yourself a very stern lecture about your responsibility to support YOURSELF emotionally, and start looking for things that bring a smile to your face NOW. Pretty soon that bad experience will be behind you, and you will be enjoying life again. And then there will come a day when you DO look back at it as just another "oh well", which you can put down to character building humps in the road.

And I guess that is the secret right there...learn to look upon the disappointing, or very bad times, as character building humps in the road. You could decide to go around them, but then you just might find a castle with a prince and live happily ever after at the top of one of those humps! So what is better--to avoid conflict and all those humps. Or to examine each and every one carefully, and maybe, just maybe come away with a gem worth keeping?

We have to choose to live our lives to LIVE our lives.

2007-08-17 08:32:05 · answer #4 · answered by Susie Q 7 · 2 0

Let yourself consider or meditate what you are feeling negative about. Search for ways to eliminate this.

Maybe something happened that reminded you of something sad. Search inside to discover why.

You may be in pain today. Pain makes us a little melancholy.

Thoughts of a happy past tend to make us melancholy because we can never recapture our youth. I actually dream about being young and I have such a gorgeous shapely body and beautiful clothes. Of course, I wake up and this is no longer true.

I allow myself to get the blues on occasion. I call them my "pity parties." If no one has experienced how it feels to become older, then they cannot identify with this.

I identify with you and I love Frank Sinatra too.

Surround yourself with beautiful thoughts and think what the world would be like without you. Remember the old movie "It's a wonderful life" and find something to identify with in that movie.

Remember, you do make a difference.
Remember that you can bring yourself out of your melancholy thoughts but that it is OK to have them.

God's blessing to you.

2007-08-17 15:31:47 · answer #5 · answered by makeitright 6 · 1 0

The older I get the more I realize that life is a balance. We really can't appreciate the good times unless we endure the bad.
This past year I lost my dad, my best friends husband died, found out my sis-in-law is terribly ill, lost 2 dogs to old age and cancer.
This past year I also got 2 beautiful granddaughters (and another on the way) who are the joys of my life. They help me to keep things in perspective.
I'm sorry you're feeling melancholy but remember,by our age we KNOW that bad times don't last forever. You've got through tough times before and things got better. You'll be reminded soon of the real joys of life and you'll be so grateful for them.

2007-08-17 02:34:15 · answer #6 · answered by katydid 7 · 2 0

A book that plays a big part i my life The Power Of Positive Thinking Dr. norman Vincent Peale

2007-08-16 22:02:30 · answer #7 · answered by Grand pa 7 · 1 0

Life doesn't shoot you down.

Life isn't out to get you.

Life is life, it's only reality is your perception. Life is an adventure, and it's living you. Every day, you're just gonna have to get back out there, and it's not to fight and try to keep swimming in a whirlwind of confusion and worries, either. It's to live. How do YOU want to live your life? It's entirely in your hands.

As soon as you start looking at life as an adventure with the attitude of being ready to get out there and ride it's waves instead of drown in them, you won't feel so "shot down". I promise!

It's kind of a different concept, but it's an amazing way to look at things and it really helped me in my life.

2007-08-16 21:41:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

A very wise friend of mine helped me get through a terrible crying jag years ago when I was going through a divorce. He asked me if I was OK at this very moment. Through my tears I agreed that I was OK right then - even though I was deeply broken-hearted over the state of my life. I kept crying, so he asked the same question. He continued to repeat the question for 5 or 10 minutes until I began to see that in every moment I am OK.

That life lesson later helped me through the death of my son and more recently through a catastrophic motorcycle accident of my own.

If it seems like life is shooting you down, narrow your focus to the present moment. Breathe deep and see if you're OK right now. How about right now? What about now?

2007-08-17 02:08:11 · answer #9 · answered by Sandi Lansing 2 · 2 0

By looking at the positive instead of the negative.
Change your way of thinking around to the spiritual.Stop listening to that liar and start praising God. Philippians 4:8-9

Your to good of Sister in the Lord to allow this.Say this out loud and believe it because its true, My Father is the King!

2007-08-16 21:40:10 · answer #10 · answered by don_steele54 6 · 3 0

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