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Why is a Native American called American Indian if they have no loyalty from or for India? I don't get it, SAT and ACT are using that term but it doesn't aptly apply. What is an African American since Africa is not a country? We have Irish American, from Ireland, Italian American from Italy, German American from Germany and Japanese American from Japan. What about Alaskan Indian? Why do we accept this? And why now?

2007-08-16 13:04:57 · 15 answers · asked by Cara M 2 in Arts & Humanities History

15 answers

Well it's because people are ashamed of their full potential. The greatest honor in the world is to be an American, and as such GREAT responsibility is entrusted to those who can claim that mantle. By cheapening yourself Irish-American et. al. you don't have to shoulder that burden, you are now able to say "but, but, but....I'm a Polish-American it wasn't my country that did that." (said in a mousy weaselly voice that denotes a complete lack of spine). It just shows that people in this world are weak! Hope that this helps.

Blend away Sasha but be American or Russian! Remember where you came from but let it enrich where you are NOT define where you are. You left Russia if it's that important to you then go back! Don't half-step anything in your life!

2007-08-16 13:08:12 · answer #1 · answered by Montego 4 · 5 1

who accepts this? I don't and don't know many that do. I lived near an Indian reservation in upstate new york in the 1990s, they refuse to call them selves native Americans, all that means is that they where born in America, and so wher 90% of everyone esle here! Duh!, I have been to the Battle of ittle Big horn Battle memorial site, and the Local indian tribe ru nthe whole show, and they call themselves INdians, not Native Americans or Indian-Americans. Also, I have not known one Black person who says they are Afro-American, maybe becasue I don't live in a snotty liberal over educated city, but the working class fold around me, no matter there color, just call them selves Americans. the Media lives in a world of it's own, and constantly tries to set standards, that are continually ignored by the geneal populace, but tit makes them feel good I guess to divide everyone up into groups, this casued arguements and self importance by once race or place of origin, instead of all being one, and being "American". I refuse to use any other term
rexcept "American" for those who are citizens here in this nation, no matter the color or background., it only causes division, and divide you will fall, that is a fact in life no political correctionist can seem to grasp.

2007-08-18 00:33:47 · answer #2 · answered by edjdonnell 5 · 0 0

Hyphenated americans rooting for their own people has done america no good at all.
Irish independence a benefit for america? Tell that to an American sailor drowning in the North West Atlantic in WWII.
Peoples of the Austrian empire? Uncle Sam is picking up the bits to this day.
and how about Jewish americans?

2007-08-17 11:20:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

People here just like to feel a connection to their roots and where they and their families originate from. We hear stories from our parents and grandparents about where they come from, how they got here, and things they faced while trying to build a new life and start over. It's just an association thing.

On a different note, American Indians are not related to people from India. The Native Americans were called "Indians" by the British when North America was first discovered, and it just stuck. When we talk about Indians, we usually need to specify "native" or "oversea's Indian."

2007-08-17 10:20:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm 17, Russian/Jewish, and recently became a citizen. I came here when I was seven. I speak both Russian and English. I have no accent when I speak English and many people tell me that unless they were told I was Russian, visited my house, or heard me speaking Russian with someone, they wouldn't have even known. I don't have many physical Russian characteristics. I am however, very proud of where I come from. It really pisses me off when Americans act as if America is the best place in the world and anyone who's not American should be ashamed. Yes, America's a great country, but it's not the only country. I am very aware of my country's history and I know it has had good times and bad times. It's still where I was born, where I spent a good chunk of my childhood, where I was happy and sad, and angry, and from where I have many memories, friends, and relatives. Just because a person is a citizen of America, doesn't mean they should give up their culture and ideas, and beliefs for American standards. The blending or mixing of these cultures, ideas, and beliefs are what really makes America. I think people who's families have lived in America for many generations sometimes forget that.

2007-08-16 21:39:50 · answer #5 · answered by Sasha 1 · 2 4

It's because some people are too sensitive about ethnicity and are easily offended. I have a friend who is white but calls himself an African-American to be funny because he was born in South Africa but gained US citizenship. It really doesn't make sense because are white people European-Americans?

2007-08-16 20:27:29 · answer #6 · answered by streetzenhal 1 · 4 0

Tired old rant

Oh and a lot of "german-americans" aren't from Germany, since the country was only unifed in 1871 and plenty of Germans have always lived outside the Germanys.

Quit crying about what other people want to be called, it doesn't hurt you in the least and only a dimwit couldn't handle the terminology. Oh and ponder this, if other people got to chose what to call you, odds are yahoo would bleep it out.

2007-08-16 22:32:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Let's be a little informed here. Many African-Americans do not know for sure what country they came from - just what continent - that in itself is very sad. Native Americans are called "Native Americans." Just because someone has a family country of origin doesn't make it a loyalty. Perhaps a Welsh-American is proud that his/her ancestors were from Wales and feels that their cultural history/customs should be preserved. Let's face it, our American culture is no longer known for being innovative, kind, and welcoming - we are beginning to be known for violence, greed, and declining intelligence. Perhaps the writers of the SAT, ACT terms fall into the latter category

2007-08-16 20:23:00 · answer #8 · answered by m 4 · 0 4

How 'bout we all forget where we (think) we came from and admit that we're Americans? THat's the flag with with the 13 red and white stripes and the union in blue with the 50 white stars? That's the flag we should all be flying, not red white and green or whatever. Red, white and blue is the one. The one with the 50 white stars.

2007-08-16 20:12:22 · answer #9 · answered by roadjack1096 2 · 5 0


Columbus was seeking a new passage to India and he thought he had made it, so the natives were called Indians. what school do you attend that you didnt know this? Africa is a continent, and those who live there can be called Africans if they want or like...why are YOU so judgmental?

2007-08-16 20:11:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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