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China is an important economic player; and contrary to what you may have heard, China is not in the pro-American camp. It is a rival power that is currently using trade as a strategic steppingstone. Notion’s of China’s self interest being tied to China-U.S. trade are deceptive. China’s political leaders want their country to become the world’s leading power. They resent American military dominance and seek to undermine America’s global position, using economic, diplomatic as well as military means. China’s trade with America is a tool in a larger strategy that aims at America’s downfall. Failing to realize this, American policy toward China has never been realistic.

2007-08-16 10:45:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

7 answers

China is just the most recent assault on the American economy. The EU is nothing more than an arrangement of convenience for European countries to compete with the US in the market place. Apparently they are taking too long to get their act together so France and Germany are entering into their own arrangement to bolster their economic clout and ability to compete with the US. Economically they are a greater threat.
China however is a threat of its own inasmuch as it is building it's military. It has developed conventional submarines that are capable of running deeper and quieter than anything NATO has to offer. They have also just introduced surface ships that have no other purpose but to sink air craft carriers. Roll that around in your mouth for awhile.
They have all but laid claim to the Oil in Africa.
They know they can not compete with the US head to head because they don't believe in economic freedom internally so they have to TAKE what they need.
Hold on to your hats kids.

2007-08-16 10:58:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Forget about China, forget about the policy towards China.
The real problem is that the US is producing less and less everyday. It's happening in all socialist democracies.
The constant tax pressure and the laundry list of regulations is pushing production away. Even the local industry is moving overseas or outsourcing overseas.
People with money are not investing locally, they want security and profit. You can get that from an economy that's going down.
Look at the evolution of the car industry in the last 60 years.

Socialist democracies are supporting the unemployed extracting the wealth from the working class. They've been doing that for half a century. Now, there's a whole class of people getting more money from the government that their value in the work market. They won't get a job they can do because that's less money than they're getting now. Nobody is going to pay them more than they're worth. And they have no incentive to learn new skills.
For the worker, that kind of life is unacceptable, but for a kid born and raise in that environment, that's life.
While you have to produce for you and your family and the families of two unemployed and the family of three government bureaucrats, the Chinese guy is working for his and half a government bureaucrat. They can take over any market doing crap because there's no competition or it's too expensive.
Right now, more than 60% of your work is being wasted by the government. Don't count only income taxes. Count all the money that it's going to the government. Sales taxes, taxes paid by those who produce and commercialize.
Think how much stuff would cost without the taxes.

The government should be the administrator of the res publica, the public things. Things that can't be handled by the private market. No more politics, no more regulations. The government has to provide the services needed for the public things and we have to pay for that services. No services, no money. If the government can't provide those services, there's no need for the government.

2007-08-16 11:13:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No. China's current tactic is to keep the Yaun pegged to the dollar at an artificially low level to keep it's labor, and thus, exorts, cheap in the global market. This draws business and capital investment to China, and has allowed it to finally, after decades of stagnation under unadulterated Communism, experience some real development and economic growth.

This may well be the first step in China's long march to global dominance, but it could also be a first step to China's somewhat shorter and easier march to liberalization and relative freedom and prosperity for it's people. It might even pull off both (America did, afterall).

2007-08-16 11:01:48 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 1 2

we need to return to a silver and gold standard. watch how fast tensions between US and CHINA ease. The other thing is they plan through redundancy, we ....as whole.......do not. Funny thing is, they probably learned this strategy from us in the past. redundancy is key and essential, always has been, always will be. Patience would be good as well. Get out of the "I WANT IT NOW" frame of mind.

I agree with Jim right above me on several of his comments. The man is indeed correct on many aspects.

2007-08-16 17:51:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How do you know this, where is your link?

Here are some facts to ponder

China exports 21% of their exports to us.

Why would China want to destroy such a huge market?

Apparently you think Globalization means ruinization.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

China's biggest ally is they plan, our biggest enemy, we don't.
We muddled along for decades because we were the only game in town. Now, because of Globalization, we're not. We are now forced to plan in order to be competitive. Yet we don't. Or the few plans we do have were held in secret. Cheney's energy plan is a good example.

China's plans are transparent, even on the web were you can see them. Our planning is nowhere to be found.

That should cause you concern. Because its not China thats doing it to us, it is us doing it to ourselves.




2007-08-16 12:52:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Then why are you posting on YA!?

Don't you know that Yahoo does business in China and recently provided the Chinese government with information that was used to convict Chinese political dissidents for saying negative things about their government?

P.S. Actually, the Chinese are too smart to compete head-to-head with America, Japan, or the European Union. Actually they have their sights set on dominating Africa. Mitt Romney even owns stock in a Chinese oil company that does business with the Sudanese government.

2007-08-16 10:52:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Other than the money part of it I think we should be asamed of letting them go after our pets our teeth and our Children.

Put a stop to it!!!
Buy American

2007-08-16 10:54:57 · answer #7 · answered by dam 5 · 1 1

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