This isn't a question that can be decided right now, because right now you are not in the throes of labor. I absolutely made up my mind that I would NOT have an epidural; the reason was not noble; I was just petrified of needles and very sensitive in the spine/back area. I dealt with the first few hours of labor OK, and then it really, REALLY started to get bad. It was becoming a nighmarish experience and the pain was so bad I couldn't remember where I was and was snapping at people like a rabid dog. Finally I asked for the epidural. I won't lie - it was not particularly comfortable. They make your husband leave (scary) then they make you sit up and slump over in your agony and they put deadening stuff where they put the needle in. You feel this coldness down your spine for a few seconds (doesn't hurt) and then - peaceful, relieving, ultimate BLISS. I was so exhausted from all the pain and being frightened of those hours without pain relief that I was in pure ecstacy when the epidural kicked in (immediately). After that was the actual birth - virtually painless and very memorable. What was going to be a nightmare became a nice experience that I am not too afraid to do again. In fact I am 6 mos. pregnant now and I've already told the OB - I am WEAK, and I admit it! and I want that epidural upon arrival!
If you really want some insight into this sort of thing watch Babies Special Delivery or Birthday on Discovery Health - it is a VERY accurate account of what the birthing experience is really like - many of the ladies on there go through the same "epidural question" on the show, also.
2007-08-16 10:58:13
answer #1
answered by Nickel 2
wow, you're going to get a ton of responses- I think everyone loves telling labor stories. I don't think you should plan it. There really is no way of knowing whether or not you'll want it. I wanted to have my first baby as natural as possible, but after I was a week overdue, I said okay to being induced. I really didn't want to get an epidural and I absolutely didn't want a c-section unless the baby or I was in serious danger. Well, the thing with an induction is that the contractions are more sporadic and one right after another. After about 10 hours, the baby's heartbeat started really dropping during the contractions. I didn't know it at the time, but it was getting down to 90 beats/min. Also, the contractions were so intense that it made me feel a lot of pressure and want to push. They put me on oxygen so I wouldn't hyperventilate. Then around 12 hours, the doctor told me if the heartrate didn't improve they'd have to do a c-sec. That was the only time I cried. He then went outside and talked to my husband. I found out the next day that he told him he could only wait another 15-30 minutes. Meanwhile, I finally succumbed and got the epidural. It was so wonderful. There's no way I could have delivered naturally without it. The contractions stopped squeezing the baby and I got to sleep for a while so I actually had enough energy to push 8 hours later, which I would have been too exhausted to do without it. Plus, after a good nap I got to visit with my sisters and enjoy myself before the time to push came. Now I'm due in Nov and once again, I don't plan on getting an epidural, but I definitely want the option there just in case. Good luck!
2007-08-16 12:33:15
answer #2
answered by daisyduke8605 2
I've had the epidural and I've had natural child birth. I didn't choose that natural child birth, but I'm glad that I got to experience it. I came away with this feeling of really having worked hard to bring my precious baby into the world and I believe that it has made us closer somehow. Perhaps on my part at least, but it is amazing. With the epidural, which I had with my other two children, I had a lot of cramping and the healing time seemed to be twice as long. If given the opportunity to do it again, I would go natural with all three. By the way, congratulations. Parenthood is one of the most satisfying things in the world. Good luck!
2007-08-16 10:48:17
answer #3
answered by blackwidow 3
You can certainly try going without the epidural, though there will most likely be a lot of pain. Contrary to popular belief, not all childbirths are lengthy or painful, although most are.
If you decide to pursue natural birthing techniques, I highly recommend that you learn some sort of breathing or meditation skills that you can use to take your mind off the pain. It is laudable to go sans drugs, but you need to be prepared, and if you do decide to get an epidural then that is good too. Even with an epidural it would probably be a good idea to practice meditation.
2007-08-16 10:44:29
answer #4
answered by Rat 7
I was like you. I thought for sure I could do it totaly naturally but push came to shove I ended up having an epidural after 18 1/2 hours. I had my son less than 2 hours after that. In two hours I went from 5c. to fully ready to go. As my doctors told me everyway is natural the only way its not is if the baby comes out of your nose. Tomorrow is my son's 9th birthday and I can still remember it like yesterday. To think that 9 years ago at this time I was walking the halls and wishing I could have a cheeseburger.
You will know at that time what you can do. Only you at that time can deside what is right and what isn't. Good Luck
2007-08-16 10:49:26
answer #5
answered by peppermintpc 2
I'm only 16 weeks, but I have four sisters who have had babies. Two of them had very horrible experiences with epidurals - one of them experiences pain in her back at the needle site over two years later. Your chance of a c-section, an episiotomy or large tear, and use of forcepts/vacuum, rise dramatically with the use of an epidural because you are not able to participate in your birth as much as an unmedicated person and can't be in the kinds of positions that are most conducive to giving birth without intervention. Plus, despite what the doctors tell you, the medication from an epidural *does* cross the placenta to the baby and there have been problems with babies associated with this - for example, I just read in a pregnancy magazine that babies born to mothers who had epidurals have much more difficulty nursing in the first few weeks following birth.
If you wish to have a natural birth (which I strongly recommed), then you definitely need to start preparing for it now! You can't just go in there totally unprepared and expect to deal with the pain of childbirth. You need to learn relaxation techniques so that you can manage your pain without drugs. I recommend a book called "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way" by Susan McCutcheon, or "Husband Coached Childbirth" by Dr. Bradley... For more info, visit
Good luck! And don't be scared off by everyone's horror stories and their "GO WITH THE DRUGS" nonsense. You can do it naturally! Women have been doing it this way since the beginning of time. It's usually safer for you and the baby in a low-risk birth situation.
p.s. It is NOT TRUE that "75% of the world gets epidurals"!!!!!!
2007-08-16 10:49:48
answer #6
answered by Mrs.P 6
i personally did not ever want an epidural so i had very positive thoughts and feelings about natural child birth and i think this can help. if you feel unsure and then the pain kicks in its very easy to just think sod it give me everything !
i know this might sound odd but i believe that you need the pain to help you push the baby out and don't get me wrong it does hurt but if you breath and work with it, trying not to tense up, it's sort of a good pain (i know you think I'm mad) i loved giving birth to both of my babies and did it with just gas and air. oh and the birthing pool which i cant recommend enough the water helps so much.
read as much as you can about relaxation techniques and have a positive attitude towards birth I'm sure it will help.
2007-08-16 11:01:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i was thinking the same now i have came 2 the conclusion 2 try having my baby natural but if its get all 2 much then have the epidural as an opition 2 i guess put blunt try natural but have the epidural handy incase it becomes 2 much
2007-08-16 10:51:50
answer #8
answered by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3
This is what I tell everyone. It is your choice and your belief, but medically epidural is safe and 75% of the world gets one. You don't get an award, no pats on the bag, not any recognition for not getting one. I received one with both my babies and it was really nice that I was so exhausted from all the pain that I could enjoy the first few minutes after each was born. I know a couple of people that did it naturally that they were so exhausted they don't remember holding the baby after giving birth. I took the epidural and enjoyed every moment with both my babies. But, again, it is your decision.
2007-08-16 10:46:18
answer #9
answered by Mommy2 3
Sure she is looking for someone to pay for the babies diapers. She tried to trap the other guy and it didn't work, now she is looking for another sucker. If you get all warm and fuzzy over another mans sons (who has the right to walk back into his life anytime he wishes) can you imagine how wonderful it will be to have a son of your own? Haven't you grown since High School? Why hook up with someone with long term baggage and a girl so stupid she can't pick a decent guy to breed with. Run don't walk, you will thank me for later.
2016-04-01 18:20:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous