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Besides the Iraq war which all the DummyRats (including Hillary) voted for as well. And don't give me this crap about lowering your personal freedom unless you have a concrete example of how your personally were effected. That is if you aren't a criminal or a terrorist of course...

2007-08-16 10:18:54 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Well this question has been out there a while and has plenty of answers but none that are verifiable. Just wild Internet conspricy answers. Its kind of scary how many people believe the crap they read on the Internet especialy when you understand how much money Iran and Syria spend each year on Internet propoganda. Won't somebody give me an answer that doesn't involve foolishness like "he stole the election", "he went AOL 50 years ago", or "he planned 9/11"? Where are the rational Libs?

2007-08-17 01:23:30 · update #1

30 answers

not prosecuted nancy pelosi under the logan act for that ridiculous bit of grandstanding in syria.

2007-08-16 12:08:11 · answer #1 · answered by koalatcomics 7 · 1 2

Some highlights for me are:
Patriot Act - This does take away freedoms. See the document for examples
No Child Left Behind - Taking away funding is no way to improve schools.
Homeland Security Act - Also had questions regarding taking away freedom
Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 - increased amount of old growth trees that could be cut down
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act - Made the system a lot worse

These are all from his first term.

2007-08-16 10:30:24 · answer #2 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 4 1

He introduced the Medicare prescription drug plan. The cost of government paid health care (more especially Medicaid) has gone through the roof. Providing critical, inexpensive drugs to seniors is a laudable goal. However, my view of history is that government has proven itself again and again as incapable of solving any problem.

What is most insidious is how problems are caused by government interference, blamed on the "free market" and then proposed to be solved by even more central planning government intrusion. The Republican party used to bill itself as the party of small government. The record of both the Bush administration and the (until recently) Republican controlled Congress on the size of government has been one that I would have expected from Democrats.

This affects me personally because I expect the plan to fail in its aim (it will have unintended consequences on medical care) and I expect to have to pay for it in the future in the form of either taxes or the social costs of an aging population that has been failed and lied to.

2007-08-16 10:40:40 · answer #3 · answered by Joe S 6 · 0 0

skipped over intel on the imminent attack on American soil (9/11). Lied to the worldwide and the U.S. approximately W's of MD. united statesPatriot Act No baby Left in the back of different than Mine Act Wolfowitz Doctrine (Now the Bush Doctrine) Bail Out Haliburton Carlyle team Dick Cheney Karl Rove

2016-10-10 09:15:58 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well, for starters -- literally -- he stole a Presidential election. Then he filled the government with incompetent, corrupt cronies whose only qualification was that they were his friends. Then he turned a record surplus into a record deficit by taking from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich. Then he ignored his National Security Adviser's memo that Osama bin Laden was planning to hijack U.S. airliners. Then he sat on his lazy @$$ for seven minutes after hearing that the WTC had been attacked. Then he turned America into a police state. Then he abandoned the hunt for bin Laden to feed his insane vendetta against Saddam Hussein, who had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. Then he attacked the patriotism of anyone who questioned him. Then he blew the cover of a CIA Agent. Then he lied his way into re-election. Then he sat on his lazy @$$ for five days -- except to fly to San Diego for a party fundraiser -- while New Orleans drowned. Then he appointed a couple of right-wing maniacs to the Supreme Court. Then he acted like he was above the law when we finally got a Congress that followed the American people's demands to get to the bottom of the Iraq mess.

And then his approval rating was 26 percent. You don't get that low if there's only ONE thing you've done wrong.

Hillary's gonna need all eight years to clean this mess up.

2007-08-16 10:36:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

am i missing something?,other than personal errors,all of the "wrongs,the president has committed: laws,etc...have had to go through congress.while frothing at the mouth,the Libs waste no time attacking the president for all of the worlds problems.However,congress has a rather large role in all of this.The president cannot rule through decree,where is the hate filled rhetoric against those wonderful men and women who make up the House and Senate?

2007-08-16 10:41:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

To Don C: BUSH DID NOT GO AWOL. Why do libs repeat these lies? He went on a leave which was approved and signed off on by his commanding officer while he was campaigning for office. History will show that President George W. Bush was among the best presidents.

2007-08-16 10:44:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

he knowingly presented infallible intelligence to this country, that was wrong. he invaded with little preparation or planning, and a poorly equipped military.

the legislature who believed him, saw the reality and changed their minds as many in this country have. he ignores the wishes of a good portion of this country.

the patriot act, which i think that you are talking about in your rant, is basically unconstitutional.

my personal freedom is mine, not yours. and no i am not a terrorist or criminal. so don't be so free with my life.

hey yerba, did this fool report you?

2007-08-16 10:33:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Moment he hit the White House in 2001 he told everyone that he was going to be bi-partisan, and told Kennedy to write the Healthcare Bill.

2007-08-16 10:29:46 · answer #9 · answered by mbush40 6 · 4 1

Went AWOL while in the guard. Got a DUI. Was involved in the S&L scandal. Built a new stadium for the Rangers and passed the bill onto the taxpayers. Ignored the memo on Osama planning to attack the US using planes as missiles. Do you need me to go on. By the way you can check all of these out yourself if you want, but they are true.

2007-08-16 10:26:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

Let me rephrase you're question saying the exact same thing with different words:
Besides the largest mistake George Bush has made what else has he done wrong?
for most people that huge mistake would be enough

Wow it's so sad you're trying to rewrite history already. Why don't you find where congress voted to go to war?

Lowering personal freedoms

That was easy but I can go on if you would like

My personal favorite (non war related) thing bush did wrong: increasing the nation debt from 6 trillion to 9 trillion dollars, making him the most spending president ever.

2007-08-16 10:23:48 · answer #11 · answered by crushinator01 5 · 8 4

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