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Over the past year I have read many questions from people on Yahoo regarding the Freedom of Speech. My question to you is - does the 1st amendment also protect the right to offend people with your speech?

In today's politically correct culture if you make the statement that "illegal immigrants need to go home", you are considered a racist. How is that being a racist? Isn't that advocating that people living in this country illegally must go home and come back legally?

Political correctness has gone too far in the United States. The liberal groups are pushing for the "fairness doctrine", San Fransicko is trying to get a talk show host fired over his comments, etc.

If we have freedom of speech in the USA, doesn't that include the right to be politically incorrect or even "hate" speech? If you don't like it, can't you just tune it out?

2007-08-16 08:29:13 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

Yes free speech includes the right to offend- because what offends or doesn't offend is entirely subjective. Most people who claim to be "offended" just have nothing better to do with their time than pretend to be victims.

And yes, you're right, I actually listened to Savage last night and the comments had nothing to do with race - the illegal immigration question has nothing to do with race.

2007-08-16 08:39:55 · answer #1 · answered by truthisback 3 · 4 0

"In today's politically correct culture if you make the statement that "illegal immigrants need to go home", you are considered a racist."

Whomever is considering you a racist for making that comment needs to research racism. Racism is drawing a comparison between races, or classifying people based on race. Illegals is not a race.

You can say whatever you want, but offending someone is not protected by the 1st. I cannot go into a crowded theater and yell fire when there is none (classic example). The 1st amendment doesn't mean whatever you say is protected and legal, and it does not mention, though I think it should be universally understood, that you are responsible for your own speech.

2007-08-16 08:36:40 · answer #2 · answered by Pfo 7 · 0 1

THERE IS NOT one of our RIGHTS that is NOT limited in some way and why should the freedom of speech be any different ?

These limits on free speech come from two major sources.,

First the Supreme Court in it's many decisions in it's history has set LEGALLY BINDING limits on free speech .

Secondly and much more incidious is the limits put on free speech by those with the power to do so for whatever reason.

It is this second group of limits that are purely subjective that we all must fight against .

2007-08-16 08:41:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Everyone has the the right to their opinion. The fairness doctrine is outdated, however you do not have the right to actively incite others to harm others. As with any right yours end where mine begin. The Supreme Court has ruled many years ago that speech is prohibited if it is a clear and present danger. I am not familiar with the case in question, but I have heard callers to these kind of shows advocate lining up illegals and executing them.

2007-08-16 08:46:43 · answer #4 · answered by Morty Smith C137 7 · 0 0

Great question -------------- I think it should be what ever we want it to be. If we have the right, than so be it. Hasn't the Government controlled us enough? We are we going to stand united and say that we are fed up with this big brother bull? I say, if you weren't born here, get the hell out and stay out. Don't cross the river when your PG so that your ____ can be born an US citizen and that means that you get to stay too. That is horrible wrong.... other countries keep people out why can't we? Are we the "NEW THIRD WORLD COUNTRY?" Nope........... I need to go live in a dang cave to get away from all the BS in this country. And if I had the means, I would surely leave............. that's right I said..........sorry if you can't handle it. My right to say, bitc* all you want.......I really don't care about you people that won't stand up for what is right. You are so afraid of someone pointing a finger at you........ WoW..... what character you have! Where are all the hippies/baby boomers when you need them. They took the time to fight for something they believed in or against. Take a lesson from an old lady.......... get a grip.......... or do something about it for the good.

2007-08-16 08:43:05 · answer #5 · answered by docie555@yahoo.com 5 · 1 1

Great question!

I also had a similar question not posed yet, but, It also seems true in the same sense for the approaching conflict with immigrants from other countries like, like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran who's religion is predominantly Islam - The religion of violence -- It seems here in America these days, by Liberals anyway, that others emigrating from others countries such as the ones listed, have the "right" to offend us on OUR turf ... Why? I mean, this is OUR country we should be able to enforce anything we want to. And yet, we can go over there to their country and us sharing the Word of God with THEIR people is so offensive that they don't even tolerate your presence there anymore, and now they want to come here, because the Liberals are so "tolerant" towards them, and want to claim America "theirs."

In my honest opinion, if we continue to allow Muslims to force their lifestyle on our way of life, this country won't last!!!!

We must STOP them!!!

2007-08-16 08:42:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes. Freedom of speech includes the freedom to offend but it does not necessarily gives one has the ability to offend. Surely you don't think some weak yuppie slander like 'pretentious, bombastic snobs' is going to offend anyone. :) If bombastic snobs are pretentious, are they really bombastic snobs? Is there even such a thing as bombastic snobs?

2016-05-20 15:54:26 · answer #7 · answered by pearl 3 · 0 0

Does it include the right to "offend?" That depends...

Apparently, if you want to peaceably assemble and demonstrate, and you represent the American Nazi party, it's OK. But, if you choose to protest at an appearance by president Bush, you're shuffled off to a cordoned-off area, away from cameras.

Is that right?

But "political correctness" is not your problem.

Any intelligent, mature adult with an adequate vocabulary can express themselves without being INTENTIONALLY, blatantly insulting.

Too many people use P-C as a thin excuse to just be insulting.

I can give you first-hand information regarding the limits of free speech as they apply to ultra-right religious fundies. It's one thing to peaceably "witness" for Jesus, but it's quite another to get up and ugly in people's faces and harass them "in the name of the Lord."

The courts have upheld this distinction between simple "witnessing" and outright harassment.

2007-08-16 11:06:40 · answer #8 · answered by John Doe 1st 4 · 0 0

Freedom of speech means freedom of speech - HOWEVER if you are planing to slander someone you better have proof. Slander should not be protect speech that can cause harm without due just. You can call someone a piece of junk that's fine BUT if you call someone a murder you need proof of your claim. Freedom of speech is what protects us and allows us to disagree with something or someone however this power does need to be restricted to nonviolent or slander uses. I think even hate groups have the right to free speech but slander and violent threats are not protected. BUT we also must becareful on drawing the lines because even that can be restriction.

2007-08-16 09:56:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, you do have the right to offend, without punishment by the government.

Do not read more into that than you should. Other's rights when offended go beyond "tuning it out." Others have a right to respond with speech to your offense.If you are offensive, you are not protected from ostracism.

If you are offensive, you are not protected from reprisal from others, in whatever legal form they see fit.

If you are offensive, you are not protected from being fired, if being offensive conflicts with performance in your job or the image of your employer.

And...you do not have an absolute right to be offensive in Y!A Politics. Y!A owns this site, and can regulate it in whatever way they see fit.

Your right to free speech only relates to the *governments* response to your speech.

2007-08-16 08:35:49 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 3 1

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