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1. How is it that evolution has so much credibility when there is no known cross speciation fossil to colaborate it's theory. Where is the missing link(S). Not just man, but any species in any kingdom, phylum, genus order?

2. How is it that you presume to know the truth of it all when you can not even fathom the heights of our universe nor the depths of sub-atomic particles? There is also the unseen!

3. How is it that the scriptures and prophecies are 100% accurate on all accounts from the begining of civilization until today? There are thousands of them! E-mail me and I will list some of them for you!

4. In your pride do you not have that missing part of your life that you know is there? I am not condemning you, but realize your need as I have that need too, as well as every other sinner on Earth. We need the missing piece, it is the atonement of our sins that is found inside of Christ Jesus.

5. All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved!

2007-08-16 08:17:21 · 15 answers · asked by TAHOE REALTOR 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

I apologize if I sound condescending i do not say that i am the great know it all, nor do I claim that with me I will save you, but if you knew the way to defeat death would you not want the whole world to know! And defeating death was done at the cross, all who accept Jesus understand that in no way can anyone be saved but by the blood of Jesus Christ. As for condemnation this is from the devil He tempts and he destroys, thats all he does...Jesus is the answer to defeat the enemy of all of us. Religion is boring! But recieving life inside of Jesus Christ is the biggest party ever known! If you go to a dead church what is the point? May we eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die! But, if you have an eternal relationship with the creator, then is there anything that He will not hold back from us for our benefit, even if that means discipline and instruction or better yet the encouragement to know that He is with us in our time of need...I see miracles and gifts everyday!

2007-08-18 10:38:41 · update #1

15 answers

Can I just live and die please?
Really...what happens if I decide not to follow a religion?
It can't be worse than what's happening on Earth now.

2007-08-16 08:25:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0


1. So maybe evolution isb't true, that has nothign to do with religion. Maybe there is a completly different thing that happened. Maybe magma exploded and then the air blew radiation at it making life.... who knows? :O And it's not like the Bible doesn't have missing links. How did Adam and Eve populate the earth? How did they get to different continents? How did they get different shades of skin? Where was the Garden of Eden? Where did they go when they were banished from Eden?

2. LOL!!!!!!!! If agnostics think they know it all, how then do they not KNOW if God exists or not? By definition agnostics don't deny or accept an existance of God. Lol, you seem to think you know it all, atleast more than they do.

3. LOL! Dude. Habe you ever noticed those prophecies aren't mention normaly untill AFTER the event happened? I wonder why.... And also all those prophecies are VAGUE. They could have several interpretations, and almost all of them, if taken LITERALY, never happened.

4. How can you have a missing part of yourself if it is atonement? Since when was atonement a part of someone's life? *checks the biology website* Nope no mention of a part of the body called "atonement." Lol and if you mean life as in what you do. You are missing playing golf on the sun! Big woop

5. Meh, debateable. Depends what you mean by "saved." for 1, people are always complaining they don't answer their prayers (saving someone from death). And 2, an afterlife isn't proven to exist.

This is not ment to convert anyone to a religion (or lack there of). And for the record, i am a Christian....

2007-08-16 16:01:46 · answer #2 · answered by lufiabuu 4 · 1 0

1. Why is it that you presume that what we do know is false ("How is it that you presume to know the truth of it all when you can not even fathom the heights of our universe nor the depths of sub-atomic particles? There is also the unseen!")? Furthermore, why then do you assume that there is an "invisible" world that you have secret information on that the rest of the world is not privy to? What makes evidence of uncertainty into proof of God?

2. Scriptures and prophecies are 100% accurate? Perhaps you are too dumb to understand this, but vague prophecies are open to interpretation (obviously you're very susceptible to blind acceptance). The fact that people have made many true predictions doesn't prove anything (there may be hundreds of thousands of others that you're just "omitting" because they can't be interpreted as confirmed).

3. This has nothing to do with pride. It has more to do with the fact that I don't believe there is some human-like entity out there expecting me to believe in him and follow archaic rituals such as going to church and reading the bible. I'd rather just be a good person and not try and uncomfortably force my beliefs on others while I'm here.

4. I've never seen anyone be saved. Life sucks, then you die, no exceptions.

5. Does your family know you got out of the mental hospital?

2007-08-16 15:39:13 · answer #3 · answered by Absent Glare 3 · 2 0

1. The question is where do you draw the line between one species and another as evolution takes place, deformities of our very species and others are striking evidence that the genetic code can randomly undergo change. Is it too much a stretch of the mind to conclude that this is evolution in progress?

2. The answer to all questions is god. I'm sorry but that is simply unacceptable, it seems to be a way out. Moreover, christianity shares many aspects with many other pagan religions. Is this a coincidence? Of course not, christianity is CONSTANTLY influenced by the people. The church needs to keep ideas POPULAR. Can anyone claim that the bible has been unchanged since the time of its creation? The bible itself has evolved over time.

3. Anyone can look at a phrase or a story and tell you a meaning. Is it accepted that the bible has a meaning? Or is it just a congolmeration of stories from the past? Simply citing passages and turning them to mean what you want is common practice, and can easily be the subject of debate. Is the bible's meaning clear? No. The high man in the church has passed you his meanings, and his meanings have been passed to him.

4. Some folks need belief to justify themselves and to feel content in their station in life.

5. Saved from my sins... why does anyone need such a thing? Of course the bible itself answers that for us too.

2007-08-16 16:16:06 · answer #4 · answered by bluecuriosity 2 · 0 0

1.most fossil intermediates in vertebrate evolution have indeed been found. A clear line of fossils now traces the transition between whales and hoofed mammals, between reptiles and mammals, between dinosaurs and birds, between apes and humans. The fossil evidence of evolution between major forms is compelling.

2. No scientist in his right mind knows the truth, that's the basis of scientific investigation, to observe, record, investigate, to come up with new paradigms of physics as new discoveries are made. If this was not the case, we'd still be living in a flat earth society. There are many hypotheses in science which are wrong. That's perfectly all right; they're the aperture to finding out what's right. Science is a self-correcting process. To be accepted, new ideas must survive the most rigorous standards of evidence and scrutiny.

3. The fairy tales of the 5,000 some-odd organized religions are all written by man.

4. "in my pride...i have a missing part of my life"?? I dont have anything missing in my life. Your beliefs are from the dark ages. Why did our benevolent Creator create predation, the disease, the birth defects, child rape, the evil in the world, and the parasites? Are these examples of his beneficient and intelligent design? Also, if the design was so intelligent, why did he have to keep coming out with new & improved models? (the best example are the extinction of the Neanderthals, but there were over 15 other hominid species that didn't make it).

And there's always the question of why did Jehovah let Hitler incinerate 6 million of his chosen people, why did Budha allow Truman to vaporize 200,000 Japanese men, women and children, or how did the christian god let Stalin butcher 30 million christians. God must not be benevolent or these treacheries wouldn't have happened. Or he was not omnipotent, and couldn't stop the treacheries. Either way, he could not have been both...

5. no comment, sounds delusional to me tho.

2007-08-16 17:00:45 · answer #5 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 1 0

1. It has Credibility because it adequately explains a process for the rise of life in the universe. Don't like it? Come up with a better solution, one backed by facts. "Jesus did it" doesn't cut it, because then I will ask "Well what if it was Allah? Or Buddha? Or Yahweh?". Faith has no place in science, it has been a hindrance at every turn. Did you know Christians at one point opposed Anaesthesia for women in labor? Because labor pains was god's punishment to Eve and women. They also opposed lightning rods because lightning was supposed to be God's divine judgement. They also sentenced Galileo to house arrest for having the audacity to put forth a scientific theory that went against the church. I'll make a deal with you, stop praying in my school, and I'll stop thinking in your church.

2. Atheists tell you that because there is so much that is unknown about the universe, the best course of action is to withhold judgement until the proper evidence manifests itself. If anything, it is the religious who are arrogant, saying that they simply "know" that God exists, without actually having an answer for the unknown besides "God did it"

3. scriptures and prophecies 100% accurate? the last prophecies that I heard of was that 2000 A.D would bring the second coming of Jesus Christ. T.V Evangelicals across the country were begging the believers to buy their book, which showed irreputable evidence that January 1, 2000 would be the last day on Earth. The fact that January 1 was just a big party seems to me that the faithful will twist vague predictions and prophecies to suit their needs. Not to mention that Archeology has been making a mockery of the Bible


I realize it is folly to think that you will click this link, so let me elaborate on what archeologists think about oh... say, Exodus. Exodus says that over 500,000 Israelis fled Egypt. And yet, there is not a single scrap of evidence that this occured in ancient Egyptian archives. During the timeframe that this would have occured, 500,000 people would have represented over a 1/5th of the population of all of Egypt. Don't you think that if this actually happened, someone would have written about it? What would have happened to the economy if 1/5th of the workforce just up and left? It would have been a calamity! And yet, not a peep in any of the Egyptian archives. And Egyptians were meticulous archivists.

Not to mention that 500,000 people living for 40 years in the desert would have left a mountain of evidence behind that showed their presence. Modern archeologists have found camps used by a single person for a single night thousands of years ago, but there is not a single shred of archeological evidence that 500,000 Israelites were there for 40 years.

Even modern theologists, the only people who try to make an educated attempt at interpreting the bible, say that a literal interpretation is ridiculous.

4. In our pride? Such hubris! Who's the person with the arrogance to suggest that atheists are not whole people and are secretly crying out for salvation from Jesus? You're putting your own foot in your mouth.

5. People of the world, rise up! You have nothing to loose but your chains!

2007-08-16 16:35:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I profess neither atheism or belief as it is personal matter. Believing in evolution isn't incompatible with belief in God or Higher Being. You're missing something important when you attribute the personality trait, "pride" as the cause of disbelief. Pride isn't it. It is the apparent lack of rigour when you sit in church that simply translates into, "I am frickin bored when I sit here! What a waste of time".
And associations with Christians may or may not be fruitful and blessed.

No one is presuming the truth--the believers do. Agnostics say neither. Atheists--eh--they just don't give a damn.

I am familiar with the prophecies stated. I have read all that and still--the apparent lack of relevance of all that to daily humdrum life is the main culprit for lack of gungho religious behavior.

2007-08-16 15:27:09 · answer #7 · answered by Pansy 4 · 2 0

I was an athiest until I read your post and despite the underlying condescending tone, I have now decided to be a fully fledged Christian, Hoorah!

I will from this day forward follow the Lord Jesus Crisp wherever he may be, as I am the lord of the dance settee.

2007-08-16 15:52:14 · answer #8 · answered by toastersmith 2 · 2 0

Ugh...this is why being an agnostic is so great. You don't have to concern yourself with all these questions and worry about being "condemned". You just don't believe in god, but don't deny it possible. This way, you're always right.

Personally, I don't believe in god in the least bit. Why would someone send his creations to hell? And for all you people who hate me for saying this, it's not my fault. God created me after all, right?

2007-08-16 16:36:03 · answer #9 · answered by Chrissy 2 · 0 0

do not lump atheist with agnostics
atheist are hypocritical arrogant jerks who still believe

agnostic is not a choice, it's a holding ground until i feel i believe in something
i'm open to it all but i can't lie to myself and say i believe when i know i don't
but i want to more than anything

why can't people who believe something just be happy they do and not have to criticize the rest and act like their beliefs define correct

2007-08-16 20:03:57 · answer #10 · answered by J S 2 · 0 0

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