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This is especially for Belle, who actually posted this link in a response, but what kind of person could hate their own country so much as to build a web site like this? How could you hate your country so much that you would advertise the worst things that happen in war, and then blame it all on the people that are there to protect you? Isn't propoganda what the bad guys use to demoralize our troops? How do you libs sleep at night?


2007-08-16 06:45:54 · 35 answers · asked by Brad the Fox 3 in Politics & Government Politics

There is a difference between disagreeing with an administration and this traiterous propaganda. Pictures of dismembered bodies are hardly necessary, and in no way prove whether a war is right or wrong.

2007-08-16 06:58:52 · update #1

35 answers

It's ironic in that the only reason they can actually make a website like that is BECAUSE they live in America. If they tried that in some other coutries, their heads would be on a post outside of the ruler's palace.

2007-08-16 06:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 15 11

Its not about hating America, but there is truth in that information. Just because it doesn't paint the greatest picture of the US and it causes you cognitive dissonance. We can't go on thinking that War is only great and helpful, it's neccessary to have different view points. Would it be better if all the bad parts of war were completely suppressed and burried so it becomes easier and easier to wage war on other countries?
Here's my view, everyone says, disagreeing and not supporting the war in Iraq means not supporting our troops, that is a bunch of crap. It is our duty, responsiblity and job to raise questions about our governments actions when warranted. Soldiers cannot question authority in a time of war, it is neccessary to believe and follow orders, if you question or doubt what youa re doing, you die. So it falls upon us. That is our job to question the things that they can't. we must demand that our leaders are held accountable. we must ensure that when our soldiers, this countries most valuable resource, are sent into battle, they are sent with responsibilty, integrity and wisdom. their lives should not be sacrificed lightly.
And yes, some of what is on that page is tough and painful to read, beacuse the U.S. is the greatest country on this planet, but it doesn;'t absolve us of wrong doing or gives us carte blanche to do what ever we like to whom ever we like regardless of the consequences and toll we exact. We are either going tobe the gloabal leader and lead this world by example or we will be no leader at all.

silverokie19 - alright I can tell you are young, but please, "love it or leave it"? that is about the MOST UNAMERICAN thing a person can say. Wasn't that the whole poitn of this country? To be a governemnt of the people for the people and by the people? So if the people disagree with the governemnts action they can hold elections an change it? if that wasn't the case we would just have one party and everyone would think and feel the same way, its also called communism.

2007-08-16 07:02:54 · answer #2 · answered by Myles D 6 · 1 2

I think the hate is born of frustration.

The Age of Aquarius didn't come; Ho Chi Minh didn't turn out to be a liberator; Ronald Reagan won two landslides; socialism's respectability died with the Soviet Union; Newt Gingrich won both houses of Congress for the GOP; the great victory of Watergate backfired on Bill Clinton; Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs turned out to be guilty after all; free-market economists win all the Nobel prizes; Democratic senators authorized the Iraq war; the election-stealer of 2000 was re-elected in 2004; the Democratic win in 2006 hasn't changed anything; abortion is still controversial; liberal contempt hasn't withered the Religious Right; red states are gaining population faster than blue states; private-sector unionism is dying; Rush Limbaugh is still top in the ratings; etc.

This is the "half-empty" view of liberalism, of course, and it ignores a great deal of social progress. Gay marriage, for example, is no longer a matter of "if" but of "when."

But it is this "half-empty" view, I believe, which drives some liberals into a feeling of frustrated impotence to which "hate America" is a natural (if not a logical) response.

2007-08-16 07:21:02 · answer #3 · answered by ehewilddragon 2 · 1 1


The tools of the paranoid are denial, distortion, and projection. These psychological tools are almost always pathological when used to cope with the real world. For the user these three primitive psychological defenses permit a [hopefully temporary] rearrangement of external reality so that an actual, often unpleasant or painful reality may be avoided; for the beholder, the users of these mechanisms frequently appear crazy or insane. These are known as the "psychotic" defenses, common in overt psychosis, in dreams, and throughout childhood.

Denial is a refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening. There are examples of denial being adaptive (for example, it might be adaptive for a person who has a terminal illness to use some degree of denial). But for the most part, denial is only useful as a short-term strategy, to permit a person to come to terms with reality. As a long-term strategy to protect self-identity, it is potentially lethal--since the person or group that uses it extensively is blinded to the real danger that might be out there.

Distortion is a gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs. Hinchey's bizarre accusations against the evil genius Rove are a perfect example. It is more acceptable to believe that some evil person has tricked you, than it is to believe that you behaved stupidly.

Delusional Projection occurs when an individual or group have delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory nature.

It is easy to see how all these psychological manipulations work together to keep a person or a group insulated from reality. In truth, we witness such behavior all around us (and it is certainly not exclusive to one side of the political spectrum--though the political left has almost exclusive rights to it at this point in history).

From: Moderate Islam Is No Islam
"Though any radicalized enemy bent on violence can bring harm to the US, I do not fear the Islamic terrorists. What I fear, truly fear, is the radical leftist slant of our mis-guided, legislating from the bench federal judges, our government and the media, whose goal is to bring about the demise of American culture and values, values which made America strong. It has been said, often, that radical leftism is a mental disorder, a dis-ease, and I concur with that assessment."

2007-08-16 07:02:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's not just the bad guys that use propaganda. Your president uses propaganda all the time. Like "the surge is working" and "we will be greeted as liberators". Actually i guess those could be considered lies too. I sleep fine thank you, because I don't hate this country. I hate what the current admin has done to this country.

2007-08-16 08:27:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

That Stalin person is right, the bill of rights protects the idiot that recites this mindless rubbish. These people have been brain-washed by communism, but they want to drag the rest of us into their bleary world. Here is the lifestyle that they think they want:
Republic- Freedom of Speech
Liberalism- Say what you want, as long as it agrees with them

Republic- Freedom to bear arms
Liberalism- An armed peasant is a dangerous peasant

Republic- Free to think, to go places no one has been before.
Liberalism- Think your free, but go no where without permission from mother government

That's just a few, but if you want a better glimpse of liberalism, look into communism of the Soviet Union. Look at the labor party of Nazi Germany, and then a look at the Teachers Union and AARP. Don't listen to what these people say, watch what they do.

OK, I've read even more of the postings on the "mis-information clearing house". That is ridiculous, pure gibberish. It just goes to show, that if a writer uses words that his readers don't understand, then they will think "he must be smarter then me, so he must be right". But then again, you lose most liberals as soon as you go past four letter words.

2007-08-16 07:04:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

She must hate her country so much she doesn't want any more people killed by it, or more american soldiers to die for a lie, or to spend more american tax money on a civil war in another country.

What demoralizes our troops is being rerotated into Iraq more than they are suppose too. And being stuck in crummy situation where everyone wants to kill you and shoots at you.

Why do you hate america so much that you don't want to know what is done in your name? Or who dies in your name? Or how much money is wasted in your name?

Those numbers are what is currently going on in Iraq, get your head out of the sand.

How do you war supporters sleep at night?

2007-08-16 06:59:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Propaganda BS from a liberal HATE SITE. They are a dime a dozen. Its funny, liberals say they are "free thinkers" but they follow these hate groups into hell all the time.

PS...oh and don't buy for a second that libs are concerned about out troops. Its ALL POLITICAL...They must have also forgot we have an ALL VOLUNTEER MILITARY.

and another thing..the IRAQI death toll figures posted on that site are completely false. Most the deaths to Iraqis are caused by Iraqis themselves blowing each other up. LIBS are idiots.

2007-08-16 06:57:26 · answer #8 · answered by Dick Richards 3 · 5 6

I'm not American, but I don't think this website is doing any harm at all. It's giving interesting statistics which clearly show how badly Bush's government are cocking up everything they're doing. The sad fact is that the American defense budget has grown so large that the president feels the need to start wars simply to justify the expense.

2007-08-16 06:54:05 · answer #9 · answered by chippyminton91 3 · 9 5

is grieving over the thousands of innocent deaths an attack to America? and what do you call 9/11: and attack to the rest of the world??? where do you get your logic from?

2007-08-16 07:04:19 · answer #10 · answered by Heart-Shapped Poe 3 · 1 2

What exactly was anti-American about that site? Alot of those articles are from mainstream news outlets such as the AP. Exactly where did any of this blame the soldiers? And, why is it difficult for you to hold our leaders accountable?

BTW, I'll sleep much better once Bush and his cronies are out of office.

2007-08-16 06:57:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

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