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I know it's asked over and over again. I am just so heartbroken by the mob mentality that has got a grip in the Current affairs section of YA's, anybody who disagrees with the venomous theories such as this:http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AkcL.4JDjGh_WwERLtvxVAouLxV.?qid=20070816071025AAfir2F
Which make up the majority of questions on there receive violation notices. There are only 3 or 4 people who object to the libelous statements they make, so it's gone mad. I know there are a lot of educated, compassionate, resonable people in this catagory, so I'm asking: Any chance of you going to current Affairs in the news catagory and redressing the balance? Please

2007-08-16 05:42:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

and this:http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Am8ACPE5jDoI7hUVIZhZpkouLxV.?qid=20070816055345AALunMh

2007-08-16 05:45:26 · update #1

21 answers

It upsets me a lot seeing some of the things people say on here.
I feel nothing but sadness for the parents, they must have been to hell and not even back yet.

2007-08-16 09:40:34 · answer #1 · answered by looby 6 · 1 1

I can see where people are coming from with their speculation but a lot of it is just ignorance / going on what news the media are releasing. It's easy to jump to conclusions when you have part of a story and especially when you are easily influenced by others' views.

My opinion is that the McCanns are not evil people, I think they are just trying to keep Maddy alive by refusing to give up looking for her and leaving the police to do their job.

They are also holding back their grief which is giving them the harsh uncaring appearance that many people seem to pick up on. Grieving is a necessary process after you've lost a loved one and if you don't go through it, it will affect you in many ways.

2007-08-16 09:51:29 · answer #2 · answered by kpk 5 · 1 1

I have compassion for the dreadful situation that they are in. Every day I pray for Maddie.
I know that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I respect that. But the reason I have not joined in a lot of answers,is because
of the slanging matches between some of the
pro/and anti MCcanns, and it gets so personal.
The whole truth will emerge one day, and that
is what I am waiting for.

2007-08-16 07:46:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but I'm going to say it anyway. I've read the posts that you referred to and while a few of them are obviously trolls, the majority of the answers, in my opinion. pose perfect legitimate questions. I see no "mob" mentality there. I think you are allowing emotions to overrule objectivity in this particular case. Just because someone runs a flag up a flagpole, it doesn't mean that I or anyone else has to salute it! Just become some of Britain's A listers like Sting and the Beckhams have spoken up for the McCanns, I still think that if law enforcement authorities find any sort probable causes that point to the parents, then the police and society should be looking closely at them, just as they should look closely at any other family where abuse or neglect may be a possible factor.

While I do have compassion and feel sorry for anyone who has missing children or other loved ones, I, too, am a bit suspect of the McCanns, and I think there is a lot more to this story than either they or some media sources are letting on. Why? Well, quite frankly, I was shocked when I read of the timeline leading up to her disappearance, and found out that Madeline at age 4 was left in that apartment ALONE with two smaller children...while the two adults went out to dinner, basically on a date! In most states in the USA, that constitutes child neglect. Isn't that the same in the UK or other nations? I can't help but wonder why didn't they get a babysitter? From what I could gather, it wasn't like they couldn't afford it! It makes me wonder how many other times have the McCanns done something like this?

As for the new allegations of "drugging" their toddlers, I'm sure it wouldn't have came up if there weren't legitimate reasons for suspicion. These practice is fairly widespread amongst working to middle class parents, and it includes things like using OTC medicines like children's benadryl to keep kids quiet on air flights, putting wine coolers in baby bottles to make them sleepy, or even schools pressuring parents to put their kids on Ritalin when it wasn't really needed. In some cases, parents have use mild opiates to make their children sleep! Anyone working in a child protective services job can tell you there are so-called outwardly "good" middle class parents around the world who have done things like that to "convenience" their parenting, it's just something no one talks about openly...and the kids are always the ones who pay the price...like the little girl named Rebecca Riley in MA who was diagnosed as bipolar at age 2, and dead of overmedication by age 4!

While I do think it's important that the media addresses these issues surrounding the Madeline McCann missing child case, I hope they don't turn this McCann story into yet another sensationalist "Jon Benet Ramsey" type of missing person story that the tabloids love to dredge out at every turn. If anything, I think the McCann story has been overexposed...and a lot of people are probably tired of hearing about...just like in the case of Jon Benet.

The media needs to remember that MILLIONS of people go missing worldwide everyday, and the missing people are not all cute children or pretty female college students, either. Maybe they should stop relying on the "pretty girl" syndrome to sell newspapers...and show concern for ALL people who are missing or abducted regardless of their status.

2007-08-16 06:45:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Yes i feel sorry for Maddie but for the parents certainly not! They shouldn't have left the house with no one in it at any time especially at night even though they were 'supposedly' in sight of the house and it's not as if the majority of the people here are evil as someone has pointed out earlier!
It's just that most of us are sick of the subject being brought up time & time again!

2007-08-16 10:59:50 · answer #5 · answered by galactica1974 3 · 3 2

i live in the united states and i am more than used to this kind of police state nonsense. we have LOTS of indirect crimes (like driving while black -- you best not have a nice car or go over the speed limit) being a suspicious parent is always a great scapegoat for a police department that can't solve a crime even if the killer is holding signs in front of the police station declaring his guilt -- somehow they just kind find him and prefer to eat their jelly donuts, play solitaire and surf for porn on their laptops and point fingers at parents.

2007-08-16 07:26:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Of course I do, but as a parent myself, I am confused as to their motives in leaving their family alone whilst they went out to eat WITHOUT availing themselves of the baby-sitting facility they had at their IMMEDIATE disposal. Their motive, given their apparent affluent status cannot surely have been financial.

There has to be a salutary lesson here for all parents of young children when on holiday - your family MUST always come first!

2007-08-16 06:55:06 · answer #7 · answered by Modern Major General 7 · 2 1

I can assure you that the majority of the Public have sympathy for them. It is just that the Majority of the public don’t have any reason to discuss the McCanns in chat rooms. There is nothing to discuss, hence the imbalance in the views portrayed in chat rooms.

2007-08-16 05:51:58 · answer #8 · answered by toietmoi 6 · 7 1

You should look at more questions and answers, there are those that can best be described as quite evil, but there are also lots of answers showing sympathy and compassion.

Pretty much well balanced I'd say.

2007-08-16 05:48:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I feel sorry for the little one, and the mccanns have to live with this forever. i wouldn't be able to handle that amount of guilt if it were me. but no love, i don't have much compassion for the parents, not at the moment anyway....they look to me like they are too complacent.

2007-08-16 06:41:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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