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i need to know the main events in harry potter it is for a book report and i cant find it on the internet i may need to reread the book but that will talk a lot of time and i only have till saturday!

2007-08-16 05:15:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

9 answers

Book 1: Harry is an orphan living with his mean Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. His parents were killed by the most evil wizard of his time, Lord Voldemort. All his life he wanted nothing more than to leave them. On Harry's cousin, Dudley's birthday, they go to the zoo, and Harry, in rage, sets a snake on Dudley. On Harry's 11th birthday, he is revealed to be a wizard, and has been accepted at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While buying supplies, Harry finds out at Ollivander's Wands that his wand has the same core as Voldmort's. At Hogwarts, he becomes the youngest seeker in a hundred years. He makes two good friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione. They suspect Snape, the Potions master, is trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone (which makes the drinker immortal.) The trio go through the tasks to get the stone, and find their DADA teacher the one who was trying to steal the stone. He has Voldemort on the back of his head. Quirrell cannot touch Harry, since his mother's love runs through his veins. Quirrell dies, Voldemort escapes. Harry goes home.

Book 2: A house elf named Dobby shows up at Harry's house, warning him not to go back to school. He refuses, and his Aunt and Uncle become angry with him, locking him in his room with bars on his window. Ron and his twin brothers drive a flying car to Harry's, and help Harry escape to their house. When Harry and Ron try to get into Platform 9 and 3/4, the platform sealed itself shut. Acting quickly, they get into the flying car, and fly it to Hogwarts, smashing into a Whomping Willow. At school, the Chamber of Secrets, a school legend which supposedly holds a monster has been opened again. The school holds dueling classes, and it is revealed to everyone that Harry can speak to snakes, and Harry finds out that it is not as common as he thinks. Everyone thinks Harry is opening the Chamber of Secrets. Harry is hearing voices from inside the wall that no one else can hear, too. Muggle-borns begin to get petrified. The trio suspects Draco Malfoy, Harry's nemesis, to be behind the attacks, so they all 3 conjur a Polyjuice Potion, which will transform them into Malfoy's friends. Draco is not the attacker. Harry and Ron find a diary in which takes people back into memories.Then Hermione is petrified, too. Upon further investigation, Hermione has figured out what is going on: the monster is a basilisk, a giant snake, which is why only Harry can hear them, and they have been getting around through the pipes. Harry, Ron, and their DADA teacher Professor Lockhart go into the Chamber of Secrets, and find Ginny, Ron's sister, almost dead. The memory in the diary, Tom Riddle, is revealed to be Voldemort himself. Harry duels the basilisk, kills it, and stabs the diary with a basilisk fang, killing Tom Riddle. Ginny is saved.

Book 3: Sirius Black, a notorious mass murderer, has escaped from the wizard prison Azkaban in search of killing Harry, since he was the downfall of Lord Voldemort. Sightings of Black happen closer and closer to Hogwarts until he has broken into Hogwart's castle. Ron's rat Scabbers goes missing, and a dog drags him into the Whomping Willow. Ron, Hermione, and Harry chases after him. The dog is Sirius Black in disguise. Sirius reveals he is been trying to kill Ron's rat, who is Peter Pettigrew, the man who betrayed Harry's parents and basically killed them. They all try to take Pettigrew to the castle, so he can be killed, but he escapes. Ron is injured, and Sirius is captured. Dumbledore shows up and tells Hermione "3 turns should do it". Hermione has a time turner, that takes people back in time. Harry and Hermione save Sirius, and he leaves. Pettigrew escapes again.

Book 4: A tournament is going on at Hogwart's, called the Tri-Wizard tournament between Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Hogwart's. 3 champions are picked out of the Goblet of Fire (Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, and Cedric Diggory), and then Harry is chosen, even though he is underage. He wonders who put his name into the Goblet of Fire. Harry goes through the first and second task (taking a dragon egg and diving into the lake to save his friends.) In the third task, Harry and Cedric, the Hogwart's true champion, are let into the maze at the same time. Harry saves Cedric and Cedric saves Harry, so they agree to grab the cup at the same time. It turns out to a portkey, which drops them off at a graveyard. Cedric is killed by Voldemort. Voldemort is revived, and his followers arrive. Harry and Voldemort duel, Harry winning, escaping, and taking Cedric back to the school. He says that Voldemort is back. It's revealed that Mad Eye Moody, their DADA teacher, is a fake, and is actually a Death Eater, a follower of Voldemort. He put Harry's name into the Goblet. He is killed. Harry is devastated about Cedric's death.

Book 5: The Ministry and the media don't believe Harry when he says that Voldemort is back. Harry is attacked by dementors at his home, fending them off, but being expelled by Hogwarts. Members of the Order of the Phoenix show up, and take Harry from his home, to the headquarter of the Order of the Phoenix. The Order of the Phoenix is a group of people who fight Voldemort. Harry goes to a meeting and is aquitted from being expelled. Harry faces ridicule at school for "lying" about being in the graveyard. The Ministry has put a DADA teacher in the school who actually doesn't teach them anything, so Harry, Ron, and Hermione make a club called Dumbledore's Army, and teach people how DADA is really done. Harry had a vision of Sirius being torturted at the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry. Umbridge catches them trying to talk to Sirius, believing it is Dumbledore (Dumbledore escaped from Umbridge, and Umbridge is headmistress of Hogwarts.) Hermione traps Umbridge in the forest and she is cornered by centaurs and Hagrid's giant brother. She is carried off, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna all escape to the Ministry to save Sirius. It is apparent that Sirius is not there in the Hall of Prophecy, and Harry picks up his own prophecy. Death Eaters attack them and demand the prophecy. Harry stalls them until members of the Order of the Phoenix show up. Sirius is killed by his cousin Bellatrix, a death eater. Voldemort shows up and demands the prophecy, but it has been smashed. Dumbledore shows up, duels Voldemort for a long while, and ministry officials begin to show up. They are forced to realize that Voldemort is indeed, back.

Book 6: In the beginning of the book, Snape is doing an unforgivable vow, vowing that he will kill Dumbledore if Draco fails to. The war against Voldemort has gotten worse. Many people have died, and alot of people are in hiding. Dumbledore shows up at Harry's house and escorts him back to the Weasley's, but not before they try to recruit a new DADA teacher. At school, Harry becomes Quidditch captain, and girls are starting to catch onto him. Harry begins to crush on Ginny, and hates the guys she goes out with. Harry has private lessons with Dumbledore to learn more about Voldemort, and how to defeat him. Harry suspects Malfoy is up to something, and 2 people are attacked inside the school (Katie Bell, a chaser on the Quidditch team, is cursed and Ron is poisoned.) Dumbledore and Harry both find out that Voldemort split his soul into 7 pieces, Harry already destroying one (the diary in Book 2) and Dumbledore destroying the ring of Voldemort's proud grandfather. One night, Dumbledore believes he has found a horcrux, and takes Harry with him to find it. They get it, and head home, only to find the dark mark, Voldemort's mark, over the school. Fearing for the worst, they fly to the astronomy tower. Dumbledore is disarmed by Draco, who is supposed to kill him. Harry, under his invisibility cloak, sees and hears Draco and Dumbledore chat about how Draco got Death Eaters into the castle. Noises below show that the fight has begun. More death eaters arrive, and Snape does too. He kills Dumbledore, and leaves. Harry chases after him, but with no avail. The school is devastated, Harry breaks up with Ginny, and says he is not returning to Hogwarts. The locket is a fake, and has a note left that it was hopefully destroyed by the time Voldemort reads the note.

Book 7: More people have died. Harry is soon turning 17, the legal age of Wizards, and is forced to leave his home with the Order. They drink Polyjuice potion, to disguise them as Harry, and as soon as they come away from the home, they are attacked. Harry fends well, but his owl Hedwig is killed. Later, when Harry is safe, he finds out that George, one of Ron's brother, has had his ear cursed off and Mad-Eye Moody was killed. Bill, another Weasley brother, is getting married to Fleur Delacour. Harry is disguised at the wedding, but then it is crashed by Death Eaters and the corrupted Ministry. Hermione, Ron, and Harry escape, only to be caught by Death Eaters. Since they are not returning to Hogwarts, they take up residence at Grimmauld Place, the headquarter for the Order of the Phoenix that Harry has inherited from Sirius' will. Kreacher, the house elf of the Blacks, tells Harry that Mundungus Fletcher stole the locket, and it was taken by a woman who looked like a toad (Umbridge). The trio comes up with a plan, and gets into the ministry to steal the locket, succeeding, but being captured at the same time. They couldn't return to Grimmauld Place, so they go camping in different Forests all over the country. Ron is on whit's end, and leaves them alone. Harry and Hermione return to Harry's birthplace, only to be attacked. Harry's wand is destroyed. One night, Harry sees a doe, and follows it to a puddle, and sees the sword of Gryffindor. Ron turns up and saves Harry, grabbing the sword. Ron destroys the locket. They go to Luna's house, and chat with him, and he tells them about the Deathly Hallows, and how any owner of all 3 would be the master of Death. There are 3: The Elder Wand, an unbeatable wand, a resurrection stone, bringing back the dead, and an invisiblity cloak. They are captured by Death Eaters, and taken to Malfoy Manor, where they find Ollivander, Luna, Dean, and Griphook a goblin of Gringotts wizarding bank. Harry escapes with the help of Dobby, who is killed. With the help of Griphook, they break into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, and try to find another Horcrux, which they do. They escape on a dragon, and return to Hogwarts with the help of Dumbledore's brother. Harry goes into the room of requirement and finds former members of Dumbledore's Army there. He asks if any of them know about anything that could belong to Rowena Ravenclaw, and they take him to the Ravenclaw common room. Harry is captured and Voldemort is warned about Harry being there. McGonagall gets teachers and students to start casting spells to help save Hogwarts. Many people are killed in the battle, and Harry follows Voldemort into the whomping willow's shrieking shack, and finds him kill Snape. Voldemort announces that he will give an hour for Harry to turn himself in. Snape gives Harry memories to look at. Harry takes them to the pensieve, and watches. It's revealed that Snape once loved Harry's mother Lily, and protected Harry for her. He was bad until the found out that Lily would be harmed. It is also revealed that Harry has a piece of Voldemort inside of him, and has to die. Harry turns himself in, and is killed. Harry shows up in limbo and chats with Dumbledore, who explains that Harry can take a train on to death, or go back and live, because all that was killed was Voldemort's 8th horcrux, a horcrux he never meant to kill. Harry goes back, and Neville kills Voldemort's snake, suffering another blow. Voldemort goes and fights in the great hall. Bellatrix is killed, as is Fred, Tonks, and Lupin. Harry duels Voldemort, and explains that Harry cannot be killed, because Draco disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him, making him the true owner of the elder wand, but since Harry took Draco's wand, Harry is the master. Avada Kedvra backfires, killing Voldemort. It's finally over. Harry takes the Elder Wand and restores his own wand. In the epilogue, Harry marries Ginny and has 3 kids Lily, James, and Albus Severus. Ron and Hermione marry and have 2. Albus, James, and Rose are all going back to Hogwarts. Harry feels his scar, and it says it "hasn't pained him for 19 years. all was well."

2007-08-16 07:12:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Write down a list of the chapter titles (the chapter titles will give you clues since you already read the book). Then skim each one and write mini summaries. For example:
Chapter One: The Boy Who Lived.
Hagrid drops off Harry Potter, an orphan, to live with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon in the Muggle world.

Once you've done that, you can look over the summaries and decide which points are most crucial to the plot. If you only have till Saturday, try to divide up most of the work between today and tomorrow. For example, if there are 36 chapters, try to summarize 18 today. If you run behind, then Saturday will be your last-minute catchup time.

Good luck! :)

2007-08-16 05:26:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are forced to get married by Lord Voldermort. Harry Potter opens an optician's shop and donates free glasses to the homeless. Hagrid opens up a barber shop on Diogon Alley. Hogwarts gets sold as a condominium and Ron Weasley becomes its janitor. Luna Lovegood married a house elf by mistake. Hedwig the owl dies and Harry had him stuffed.

2007-08-16 06:00:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The book is mainly about finding a way to defeat Lord Voldemort by finding / destroying Horcruxes and searching for the Hallows, all while dealing with the loss and conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Dumbledore. The climax is the Battle at Hogwarts.

2016-04-01 16:23:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Harry is a wizard. Good triumphs over evil.

2007-08-16 05:23:03 · answer #5 · answered by Kerry 7 · 0 0

Which one?

2007-08-16 05:17:39 · answer #6 · answered by Felicia 4 · 0 0

well i dont understand what %age of events u need to know .main outline,inside story,the main body,or the conclusion.if u had made it a bit clearer................or u wanna know about deaths of characters................info is incomplete im confused.

2007-08-16 05:33:22 · answer #7 · answered by shooting star 2 · 0 0

Just reread most of it...

2007-08-16 05:18:49 · answer #8 · answered by SiriuslyLoony7 3 · 0 0

Please be more specific of which book you are talking about. There are 7 different books now...

2007-08-16 05:23:03 · answer #9 · answered by STEPHANIE K 3 · 0 0

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