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Why don't all the "British" people on here who constantly bang on about how far down hill the country is going, how we have gone to the dogs just simply leave if things are so bad?

Rather than moan all the time that our democratically elected government should not be in office just because you were one of the few who voted for Nasty Party, instead of whining about immigrants 24/7, become an emigrant!

2007-08-16 03:58:19 · 11 answers · asked by undercover elephant 4 in Politics & Government Government

11 answers

And then when they emmigrate they can dutifully speak not a word of Spanish (cause let's face it, they're going to go to Spain aren't they?) not use a single Spanish person for their business wherever possible, drink British beer in a British-style pub, run by British expats, eat British food and complain about the Spanish locals - as is their bigoted duty.

Because let's face it, they want other people to bend over backwards for them and for them to do absolutely nothing in return. What a lovely world they must live in.

2007-08-16 04:13:37 · answer #1 · answered by Mordent 7 · 4 5

I am emigrating. I'll tell you this, if the men and women who fought in the 1914-18 and 1939-45 wars could have seen what depths,successive governments (NOT just this one) had allowed this country sink to, then they wouldn't have fought at all. Various UK Governments have, over the last 47 years GIVEN this country away. They've allowed all morals, ethics and comradeship to be eroded leading to an ever worsening crime ridden, dangerous place. I advise anyone with children to get them out of this country as soon as it's possible. I blame the Yanks, and the yobs who copy the Yanks. Don't look to Oz, NZ, etc it's getting the same over there. Go for the better life, not the 'more money' life. Everyone chasing more money is one of the main reasons Britain's gone down the pan! GB WILL be a Muslim country in 2050. Anyone who thinks Britain will be run by white Christians in 2050 are deluding themselves.

2007-08-16 12:40:12 · answer #2 · answered by P.Doff 1 · 2 1

Because every other country does not really want more immigrants, as they themselves are over run with immigrants from failed states etc seeking to undermine their way of life. And by the way I am not a bleeding heart Liberal prat, nor a fascist B.N.P. supporter, but just an ordinary citizen of this country who has worked all his life and fought for this countries rights and freedoms so some idiots could use freedom of speech to defend the indefensible. Any way I'm too old to emigrate now or I might have done so.

2007-08-16 11:15:55 · answer #3 · answered by sangura 2 · 4 1

We are all within a system like it or not, it is far easier to change a corrupt system from within than it is from without.
I would love to emigrate but at my age it would not be wise. As for moving around I have done all that, some countries are better than the land of uch but many are not too.
We can change it round but first the elctorate has to house train the politicians and return to the old system that we, the electorate are masters and you the politicians are the slaves, you do as we order not the other way around!

2007-08-16 11:30:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

To be honest I like my country, if it weren't for all the shitty things going on in it at the moment. Its my home and I don't want to leave.

Practically at the moment I don't have enough money to pay the plane fare to Spain let alone set up home there!

My other problem is my elderly mum who depends on us. she wouldn't want to leave the UK and I couldn't leave her.

To be honest I don't see why I should be forced out of my own country just because other people have made a mess of theirs and now want to come to mine! Plus I know how I feel about people from other countries coming here and asking for jobs and homes so that would be pretty hypocritcal of me to go and do it in someone else's country.

2007-08-16 12:29:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

why should we leave the country behind to be left for all the others to drag it down completely. there will become a tipping point when people will fight for what they love. you will notice though that there is a very high proportion of people are actually leaving this country, but like myself, most people will wait until the point where they don't have to work in a foreign country before they leave.
oh, and imo, it isn't just the people coming into the country that are dragging it down, it is the liberal lefties (who sound a bit like yourself) that are really dragging it down. i bet you agree with banning christmas incase it offends someone, or how about we ban kids from collecting conkers just incase they hurt themselves, or..... the list is endless.
and who are the nasty party? the party who reward people who work for a living and people who help themselves? what is wrong with that? oh i suppose the current government who hand out everything on a plate to those who just sit on their ar5e, or give out all the freebies under the sun to people who just come into the country for them, but screw every hard working person in the country aren't nasty?!?!?

2007-08-16 11:14:50 · answer #6 · answered by moodyGlen 2 · 6 2

the majority of the people who voted in the last election voted AGAINST liebour,not for.

you seem to assume that anyone against the libour party voted bnp..... who do you think you are?.

I have NEVER voted bnp and if you bribed me with all(and i mean ALL) the wealth on this planet..the awnswer would still be NO.

I was born in a country called Great Britain.

I live in a country called Britain......there`s a difference.

2007-08-16 11:38:41 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 4 1

they have a right to their perception on any decision,that is what keeps it going,if all keeps accepting and agreeing then it would be a very boring dictatorship system.

2007-08-16 13:14:13 · answer #8 · answered by anne o 3 · 1 0

BNP...Bast..d Nasty Party.Moaners love moaning.It's their occupation but unfortunatley does not qualify as a skill to enter another country.

2007-08-16 11:12:26 · answer #9 · answered by Niamh 7 · 2 3

coz that would be hypocritical. just coz other people are invading our countries, what gives us the right to invade other countries?

2007-08-16 12:04:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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