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No matter much society claims to hate him, deep down they admire him. Mein Kampf is a hot seller, everybody's favourite book. No cares reading about Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela, but Main Kampf has been glorified to the core.

2007-08-16 02:54:45 · 9 answers · asked by Razor 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

What a shame!

2007-08-16 02:56:02 · update #1

9 answers

Well, what an interesting question! I can really only speak literally for myself and in the abstract for others. I first wish to point out that not everyone is fascinated with evil. Secondly, I would like to point out that experiments upon Hitler’s victims did not greatly enhance current medical advancements. How experiments such as tying a birthing mother’s legs together could possibly, advance medical science is beyond me! There is not a single experiment conducted by Hitler and his minions which were anything other than the cruel practice of sadistic monsters. Not a single practice is justifiable or humane in any form. I also don’t know what the heck the term, “German Folk-Soul” is suppose to mean. That is pure garbage in my humble opinion. It was thrown in to a entry to fool readers into believing the writer knows what she is talking about. The notion of a “German Folk-Soul” is purely hypothetical and philosophical with little bearing on any concrete facts. It is fact that the notion of “German Folk-Soul” is not a base nature but a highly evolved one which is contained in a particular race of people. There isn’t anything brutal about the mythical “Folk-Soul”, in fact, it is actually in reference to a highly evolved spirit from a particular race of people rather than scattered though out the world, though any human being is capable of using free will to achieve such high spiritual evolution. This philosophical thinking originated from Rudolf Steiner who was founded the Anthroposophical Society in 1912. This movement was hindered by WWII due to its member’s refusal to engage with Hitler. As far as my research can determine, all ideas of the so called “German Folk-Soul” stems from his work by later writers and philosophers. The idea of “Folk-Soul” is a highly evolved soul which is deeply connected to soil and blood. By a soil and blood connection, I mean a person who is deeply connected to race and culture yet has developed a highly evolved spirit separate from all outer authority. Such a spirit is cognitive of self on many levels and is not brutal by any means. So, to state that Hitler engaged Germans at the Folk-Soul level of a base nature is essentially backwards of all Steiner’s work and those who followed him in the Anthroposophical Society. So, it is ridiculous that anyone referring to a Folk-Soul would claim it is brutish or base in nature. Steiner’s work is in complete opposition to the principals, ideas and philosophies with which Hitler worked. Here is a link to read for your selves about Steiner:


Another link referencing “Folk-Soul”:


With that said, I must comment that it is human nature to be attracted to catastrophes. We slow down to see an accident, “rubber necking” and slowing all to a crawl. We watch news shows which report on atrocities, go to movies in which violence, sex, and other extremely negative human endeavors are shown in all their ugly glory. We consciously give sympathy to those tragedies occur while subconsciously delighting in their misery and secretly pleased it is not us in that position. We have a passion for and fascination with serial killers and those brutal humans who sadistically enjoy the suffering of others, especially when they inflict it.

I must agree with the Danielle when she says that sane people do not admire Hitler and those sane folks who read the book only do so to get a look inside the mind of a monster. However, there are also those folks who read it because of our human nature of fascination with all things ugly and brutal. Hitler by far is one of the most brutal individuals born into this life. I am sure there were many others through out history with similar sickness of the mind and soul. However, it was due to the industrial revolution which empowered this lunatic in his endeavors. Such wide spread mass murder only became possible due to the advances of technology. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition massacred thousands of individuals but was kept far smaller than would have been possible had they occurred in the twentieth century, as WWII and Hitler’s mass murder of millions.

I do agree there are those sick minded individuals who buy into Hitler’s sickness and enjoy reading how he controlled a country while getting the citizens to carry out his sick agenda. There are those who wish to deny that the Holocaust ever occurred, and in my mind, these folks are not only in denial, but also live in a fantasy world ruled by evil. Anyone who believes killing an entire race of people is possibly justifiable is sick and evil. Thank God, there are not as many of them as there are of good, decent, healthy individuals in the world. I agree there are plenty of evil in this world, but I also truly believe that Good will always win out over Evil. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Hitler did not succeed in his endeavors and he committed suicide as the coward he was, rather than face his peers and be held accountable for his actions. The very fact Hitler killed himself rather than hold his head up high, proud of what he had accomplished shows he knew he was in the wrong. He was a psychotic and a sociopath who was a coward. He was capable of extreme brutality, able to dish it out but not take it.

So, yes, some read it because they too are sick individuals who have blood lust. There are those sadists among us who get off reading such brutality. There are also those read it out of pure human fascination with horrific occurrences. Then others read it because they sincerely wish to attempt to understand the incomprehensible. I will never pick up this book or any like it. I fully understand evil lives in this world. I fully get that ugliness exists among us. Those whom look like normal, decent human beings but are instead capable of extreme ugliness and brutality towards others.

2007-08-16 09:54:36 · answer #1 · answered by Serenity 7 · 1 1

I would certainly hope not, but evil attracts people, it always has and it always will. In my opinion Hilter was cruel and one of the most evil people of our times. To say that no one cares about Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela is just not true. These two men have brought so much to our lives and probably more than you or I may ever realize. And Hilter.....did as well, but not in the same manner. He left scars on people and their families that will never, ever heal. To say that this man is admired is a stretch at best, but he does have his place in history.

2007-08-16 15:46:35 · answer #2 · answered by Cindy Roo 5 · 1 0

Um..it's not "everbody's favourite book," first of all. Secondly, how can one admire a mentally disturbed man who caused the murders of millions of innocent people based on their race, only to have a secret admiration for their musical talents? Mein Kamph is glorified by racists and sadistic individuals, not mainstream society. If I were to even pick up the book, it would only be to get inside the head of a twisted monster, not out of admiration.

2007-08-16 04:05:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The thing with Hitler is that he's an enigmatic character.
On the one hand, he was a sawed off psychopath with goals that .... while not necessarily evil, were too grand for his capacity to enact (uniting all of Europe under one flag). On the other hand, he was a sawed off little psychopath with a completely evil streak who wanted to destroy an entire race of people.
Then there's the medical experimentation... As sick and disgusting as it was for him to have those experiments done... the experimentation performed boosted medical knowledge by decades and decades... we would not have anywhere NEAR the medical knowledge we have now if not for those experiments.
So... there's sort of a love/hate dichotomy. Most people hate him for the way he went about things, but look at what's going on, now... vastly improved medical knowledge and technology, directly attributable to his sick experiments. And the EU... they're peacefully doing what Hitler attempted to force... Unifying Europe.
My personal thoughts on Hitler are that he's a mystery. A devout Roman Catholic who hated all things heathen... but yet he used heathen symbology and symbolism to tap into the German Folk-Soul and speak to the Germans at a primal level.
He's really a study in polar extremes bound within a single mind.

2007-08-16 03:11:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Admire a guy who killed people because of their race?
I don't think that there is any reasonable idea for doing that.

2007-08-16 03:05:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

People are always attracted to "evil", so I'd say yes. We admire his manipulative powers, not the fact that he was responsible for killing people. (at least that goes for me)

2007-08-16 03:04:20 · answer #6 · answered by Sunrayye 5 · 0 1

The KKK admires him.
If most avg people admire him they do because of his persuasiveness not his cruelty.

2007-08-16 03:03:34 · answer #7 · answered by Unafraid 6 · 1 2

sure all the racist and kkk members out their

2007-08-16 04:29:43 · answer #8 · answered by HAPA CHIC 6 · 0 0

there are people who openly admire him.
(not me)

2007-08-16 03:01:37 · answer #9 · answered by lenmac71 4 · 2 2

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