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Firstly Congratulations,

How do you feel about the upcoming birth?
How do you plan to prepare for it?
Do you have a birth plan?

(Im absolutely terrified)

2007-08-16 02:28:42 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

31 answers

i feel more scared about the birth this time round then i did with my first!!!!!! with my frist i didnt really plan at all, all i knew was that i wanted pain relif drugs and lots of them!!!!!

2007-08-19 00:37:17 · answer #1 · answered by kim h 2 · 1 0

"How do you feel about the upcoming birth?" - I am so excited and I really can't wait.

"How do you plan to prepare for it?"- My preparations started as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I'm eating healthy, excercising, doing yoga, and focusing on the big picture with meditation as often as possible. I also went ahead and chose how I wanted my birthing experience to be.

"Do you have a birth plan?" I honestly don't like to call it a plan so much as a wish list. Your labor cannot be planned because of what can happen. All you can do is set your wishes, and hope for the best. Yes, I did prepare a birth plan/wish list, and I've discussed all the details of my birthing experience with my midwife. You should do the same. Doctors want patients to be as educated on the matter as possible. I would create a birth plan if I were you, even if you aren't planning a natural labor like me. You can even put in your wishes in case you have to have an emergency c-section. Also, you have the right to change your mind at any time about any point in the birth plan. It's not a binding legal document or anything..

I'd like to take this time to congratulate you on your pregnancy. It's truely a miraculous thing. Also, don't be terrified of the labor. Remember it has a purpose, and it won't matter as soon as you have the baby in your arms. Also, keep in mind, your body was designed for this. And even when you don't know what to do or think you can't do it anymore, your body will take control and do what needs to be done.

Good luck!

2007-08-23 09:47:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thank you, and congratulations to you!

I am 35 weeks pregnant with a little girl (or a very shy boy!)
In answer to your questions...

1) Scared, yet excited. I mean it will be painful and all, stepping into the unknown as no matter how many people tell you their experiences, and everyone wants to tell you about their stitches and marathon labours, i know my experience will be unique. I also know i don't handle pain well, and some things will be beyond my control which will not bode well. I'm scared for my husband, I mean he will see me in pain for hours and i know he won't do too well with that. But it is only one day and it will be so cool to finally meet my baby. The pain, the fear will all go the moment she is in my arms. (can you tell i am just a little bit hormonally emotional?)

2) We went to see the birthing unit a few nights ago, it is all very low tech, yet the neccessary emergency equipment is on hand. That visit really helped my husband and i prepare ourselves, we could visualise what we have to do when the big day comes and we met the staff who were all so caring. The unit was clean and given all the horror stories in the press it was so worth going and seeing for ourselves what we are going in to... having said that baby girl has another idea as we went to the docotr last night and after being in the perfect position for the last month she has decided to lie transversly.. so i think that goes to show no matter how much we plan, our little one will dictate the day.. and the rest of our lives!

3) We haven't written a birth plan yet, but want as little intervention as possible, maybe even using the birthing bath. But as i think is obvious, you don't know until you are there how much help you will need!! (Although my best friend who has a beautiful 6 week old highly recommends the gas and air. lol!)

Someone who is also absolutely terrified as well! Good Luck!

2007-08-17 02:42:28 · answer #3 · answered by Vic 2 · 2 0

1) Thank you love, congrats to you too!

2) bit nervous but this is my 2nd so i kinda know what to expect. I am not looking forward to the pain - with my first labour the contractions were almost out of this world - so painful. And this child is larger than my first, so I am not going to have an easy time of it.

3) ante-natal classes, and i might invest in a TENS machine, not sure

4) no birth plan as yet, need to arrange that

Please dont be terrified. To be honest when the moment arrives, the nerves kinda go because the birth of your child becomes your priority. There's little time for nerves!! Remember also that there are pain relief options if it becomes too unbearable so there is nothing suggesting that you MUST suffer the pain. Also remember that the WHOLE world (the billions and billions of us) is populated by people whose mothers have been thru the same thing. There is no reason why you cant. You'll be fine love.

Good luck!!

2007-08-16 09:54:13 · answer #4 · answered by Chimera's Song 6 · 1 0

I'll be doing this for the third time in November and I'm as nervous and excited as I was the first 2 times. I'm trying to prepare myself by reminding myself that it really isn't that bad and doesn't last forever. I'm trying to decide which is worse epidural or not. I had a bad experience the first time and went natural the second time. I don't have a birth plan, but I've learned most L&D nurses are pretty understanding and will work with you to make things easier. Congratulations and good luck.

2007-08-16 09:57:19 · answer #5 · answered by Lostlove 5 · 1 0

Well guess I can identify with you...I was 19 when I had my first child and had no idea of all the things I would go through being pregnant. I've had my children, .so I can tell you they are such a blessing and miracle from God. I've had five children and loved all the stages...we have had such a good time.

Of course I don't know your circumstances, so hopefully you have a partner with you in this.....if not, that makes it harder.
So I think being pregnant is a great joy....and you need to get regular check-ups to have a healthy baby.

If I could do it, so can you! I did know how to take care of babies, and had a Mom near-by. If you don't, you might spend some time helping out where you can learn how to handle them....a friend who has a small baby, etc.

You prepare by knowing how you will take care of it, buying beginning supplies like small disposable diapers, etc. and baby clothes....babies go through a lot of clothes daily....so you have to have enough changes, baby blankets, etc....a beginning baby bed (like a bassinet or small bed), a car seat,
a stroller, etc. and be sure to get a baby swing...they are worth their weight in gold!

No sure what you mean by a birth plan....it will come, no matter what! Take the exercise birth classes...they are a big help to your getting ready when you get close...and you will meet other mothers. And if you have a Mom near-by....be sure you involve her in helping....you will need her! If not, find a friend who will be there with you when you first come home.

2007-08-23 02:41:13 · answer #6 · answered by samantha 6 · 0 0

Thank you!
Firstly, It's a difficult one as having had two totally different births you never know what to expect so although I'm obviously scared but trying to keep an open mind.
Secondly, You really can't prepare for it emotionally as you're just so bowled over by the whole experience but practically the usual things like making sure I have everything ready for baby and me!
Didn't bother with a birth plan as it very rarely goes to plan, I've always longed for a water birth but ended up with Forceps and the like so Why bother? I did a birth plan for my first son and I laugh at it now as none of it happened!
I wish you all the best and know everything will be great for you, try to enjoy your pregnancy and your little bundle when he/she arrives!XXX

2007-08-22 09:57:27 · answer #7 · answered by floss 2 · 0 0

Congrats to you on your pregnancy.

To answer your questions . . .

1. I feel very scared at this moment, but tomorrow, I probably won't be able to wait. =)

2. I've read and researched all I can, not so much that I'm even more scared, just enough so I'm aware of what could happen so I know my options. In baby stuff preperation, I'm getting the last couple of big things I need, so I'm excited about that!

3. Yes, I have a birth plan, but I know that it's a possibilty things may not go that way, and that's ok, at least I have an idea of how I would like things go.

2007-08-16 10:26:54 · answer #8 · answered by joelygirl30 1 · 1 0

I am very excited and very nervous about having my baby. This will be my first and I don't know what to expect other than what people have told me. I am preparing by getting everything at the house ready and getting the hospital bags packed. Other than that, I don't know what else to do. I do not have a birth plan because I wouldn't even know where to start. So, I am leaving it up to the doctor. The only thing I know for sure is I want an epidural.

2007-08-16 09:36:19 · answer #9 · answered by Kris H 6 · 1 0

Thank you.

I have 8 weeks to go and am just getting to the point where I realise that there will be a new member of my family in 8 weeks!!!

As for the birth - I know it is going to hurt but it will hurt more if I resist so I figure I have to trust my body and go with it. The contractions perform a function so I don't see a choice but to go with them.

Preparation wise I am going with raspberry leaf tea, doing yoga and making sure I know what to expect and feel comfortable with the people that will be helping me through the experience.

I do have a birth plan but it is flexible because I want to be realistic and I can't preempt things like what will be the most comfortable position to push. Originally I wanted a home birth but I have had a complicated pregnancy so this isn't possible, in fact I am being induced. I know that I don't want an episiotomy (unless it is essential due to the need to assist the delivery with forceps because of the distress to the baby). I would love a water birth, and I want skin to skin bonding with the baby straight after it is born. I don't want pethidine but am open to other forms of pain relief if necessary.

Funnily enough the thing I am most concerned about is having to stay in hospital after the birth. I have been told that I should be able to be discharged in 6 hours - now I am just trying to negotiate for labour to be included in that calculation ;-).

Anyway trust yourself and surround yourself with people you can trust. Good luck!

2007-08-16 13:15:54 · answer #10 · answered by Eliot 3 · 1 0

Thanks and congratulations to you too.
I'm 26 weeks and to be honest I haven't thought too much about the birth , I suppose that I will start to panic when it's just a few days away. Can you REALLY prepare for the birth of your child? A friend of mine is due on Sunday and yesterday we went for a coffee together, she says that she has checked her bag about five hundred times! I think that I'll be the same. I don't have a birth plan yet, but I have all my appointments organised with my doctor until October so if I have any questions I'll speak to her.

2007-08-16 10:00:47 · answer #11 · answered by Caz 4 · 1 0

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