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26 answers

The word that comes to mind is LAZY.

2007-08-16 02:14:51 · answer #1 · answered by Clare 7 · 2 0

I hope that maybe someday they will care. My friend dropped out in his senior year of High School and had some tough years in between.

Then got his G.E.D., Graduated with honors with a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering and is now currently enrolled in a Masters program. So those people are not hopeless, maybe they just need time to work things out.

2007-08-16 02:22:46 · answer #2 · answered by Selina Kyle 5 · 1 0

Well I'd say that the world needs ditch diggers too, but now days you need a bit more education to operate a back hoe. I don't want someone who can't count to 100 making my change at the gas station either. So just what can the uneducated people do? I know! They can wash dishes or mow my lawn. Oops! Wait a minute. I wouldn't want to take a job away from one of our "undocumented workers", so maybe the uneducated can go to Mexico and be a street cleaner.
So in short, what I'm saying is, how hard is it to finish high school these days? Go back get your GED and then you do any number of menial low paying jobs. But don't come to my office trying to take my janitor job away from me!

2007-08-16 02:29:34 · answer #3 · answered by SpaceMonkey67 6 · 2 0

What is it with you people??? I dropped out of high school 10 years ago......granted I was pregnant, but no one has had to support me and I have NEVER been on welfare. I make really good money and raise my daughter with morals, trying to teach her that she should learn from my mistakes.

I did get my GED though, so I don't know if that is considered not "caring".

I understand everyone being upset about supporting people on welfare....trust me I feel the same way. I can't stand people who are on welfare and live in government housing but have big screen TVs and drive Cadillacs! I am not one of those people and do not appreciate being grouped with them.

2007-08-16 03:23:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think people can do as they wish. However if this is a minor and depends on parents, then parents should decide. There is no relation between education and success. It is all related to each individual. I have met people with master degree who are loosers and people with no education who are millionares. So if this person is dropping and is a minor he must go back if the parents say so. If he is over 18 then let him be, he will face his consequences later in life.

2007-08-16 02:17:28 · answer #5 · answered by colegioyr 3 · 0 1

My ex husband was a high school drop out and he didn't care. He said that if people didn't hire him because of not having his high school diploma then they are the losers not him.

Thank god our kids have my brains and not his. They both love school.

2007-08-16 02:19:44 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

That they are throwing away the best years of their life in making such an inmature decision, and I will end up supporting the Losers !! These kids want to blame everything and everyone else for their problems instead of stepping up to the plate like an adult and be responsible for their actions.

2007-08-16 02:41:33 · answer #7 · answered by shortfrog 5 · 0 0

Don't know i feel for them only because it coming to a point that working at McDonald's will require a high school diploma.........it's their future and you have to want something out of life for yourself. I just hope they can see the error in their decision and turn it around before it's too late

2007-08-16 02:16:06 · answer #8 · answered by Roger B 3 · 0 0

I think they drop out of school and don't care.

They are the ones who always have someone else to blame for their "bad luck".

But what REALLY makes me sizzle about them is that they end up on welfare, and those of us who work our a$$ off pay for them to live, for their medical care, for their kid's to go to free pre-kindergarten, and free lunches.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the children's fault, and they need help with parents like that -- but sometimes they get used to the free hand-out, and the cycle starts all over.

Ever notice, though, how they always seem to find $$ for smokes?

P.S. Sometimes it's hard for me to have a WWJD attitude on this subject. Sorry.

2007-08-16 02:15:21 · answer #9 · answered by sheek Txn 5 · 1 1

Beauty school drop-out.

2007-08-16 02:15:33 · answer #10 · answered by George The Fat Pink Gay Hippo 6 · 1 1

Thise are the ones who end up as crack dealers and whores, I believe. Gotta get that document if success is desired.

2007-08-16 02:16:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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