Dan - your answer is only a theory - one possible theory out of many - lighten up.
The questioner should seek out the varied theories and find one that he feels comfortable with as being most logical and sensible according to his own understanding and beliefs. There is no right or wrong. We are still in the beginning stages of understanding our Universe. We need to learn a lot more about what the Universe is made of and the forces that drive it before such questions can have a reliable answer with any form of certainty. We wish we knew the answer to these questions today - but we don't. Anyone who claims to know the answer is deluding themselves. It's the questions which drive us to even more questions. That's what science is about. This particular question has been asked on yahooanswers many times before and will be again. But the answer with any certainty does not lie within our lifetime. If ever.
2007-08-15 17:59:35
answer #1
answered by Troasa 7
Universe has two choices of definition
Things come from nothing and things go to nothing
and the definition I prefer
No thing comes from nothing and no thing goes to nothing
I have considered both choices at length and concluded
No thing comes from nothing and no thing goes to nothing
is the only way to derive any other answers about the universe.
This definition gives no end to the universe. The universe starts where you start and stops where you stop. Things change but as far ay you travel even if you find your self alone beyond all sensor readings of anything else then you are still with in the universe by your own existence.
The "universe" by definition is that which exists.
By defining Universe in this way; then by the same definition "nothing" and "zero" do not exist and therefore are not part of the universe.
Nothing and zero are fun to think about and they confuse mathematicians and scientists all the time.
Once you comprehend that they just confuse you. You can put those words on the shelf and begin to understand the universe which is quite simple and easy. If you have some spare time and do not mind thinking.
2007-08-15 18:05:36
answer #2
answered by ELF Earth Life Form - Aubrey 4
The "end" of the unidvese doesn't necessarily exist, there are 2 scientific theories on this subject. 1. The universe is infinitely large. 2. The universe is finite, but boundless, meaning that it folds upon itself in such a manner that if one leaves earth going in a constant direction you will eventually return to earth. So there is no definate scientific answer at this moment, and probably not for a long time.
2007-08-15 18:21:45
answer #3
answered by jonathan M. 3
There isn't one, I could be wrong, but I think the universe is like the surface of a sphere, if you go far enough in any direction you will be back where you started, but I don't even think at light speed you could complete the journey before the universe ended!
2007-08-15 18:33:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There must be an envelope of neutrinos that are expanding out at the farthest reaches of space. It would seem that space itself is continuing to be created. The universe would not be infinite then, but as defined as this ever-increasing radius. Then again our big bang may be one of many, in which case it would seem that the universe could be infinite. This is impossible for me to comprehend. The idea of a closed universe makes me feel a bit more comfy. Even if thought to be open, we don't know about whether other big bangs exist or not. In other words, neither I, nor anyone else knows the answer to your question. Even if it could be 'proven' one way or another mathematically, how could it every be verified physically?
2007-08-15 17:58:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The end of the universe is not meaningless, and it will happen in a finite amount of time due to the Hubble constant and the property of the universe known as entropy.
The time will be billions and billions of years in the future and our sun will be long dead. The reason for this is that there is no such thing as a perpetual engine. All power sources will give out eventually.
The universe is expanding and thanks to dark energy that speed is increasing (this speed is the Hubble Constant). Eventually the energy will run out. It won't go away it will all be lost due to inefficiencies of friction, gravity, time, and heat loss. This is entropy. For more on this see my answer to this question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070815205736AAFLTyc&r=w#QZcvW2btVDeT0MfzxbMyN19TtvrVtEQimlZd4zsO_QyRerCg4sYq
The two topics are very related.
What will happen is that the universe will spread apart, stars will die and cool, black holes will evaporate in hawking radiation, as they no longer have any mass to suck in they will disappear. Eventually the universe will be a uniform cold 4 degrees above absolute zero with a uniform distribution of mass creating a near vacuum. At that point zillions of years away from now the powers that drive the universe will no longer be powerful enough to keep it going.
Big Stars explode as nova and super nova shooting gas throughout space. The gas collects to form dust; the dust collects to form planets, asteroids, comets, and suns. This is how every solar system and every star was created every since the big bang. Population 1 stars are the older ones that formed early after the big bang and most are either white dwarfs or brown stars; cool almost cold stars. As the dust reformed solar systems our solar system the Sol System was born. When it dies in seven billion years or so then a few billion years later the dust released from the red giant that our sun will grow up into will form other systems. Our sun, Sol, is too small to go nova or super nova, or to form a black hole or neutron star. Most stars are so they will eventually run out of energy.
Black holes suck in all matter and seem to be endless engines that could suck in all the matter of the universe. If this happened then the only thing left would be black holes which would suck each other in forming one huge black hole; creating a new cosmic egg which could explode into a new big bang. This theory was called the cyclic universe and it would have our universe dying, recreating itself and dying again. But, we found out that even black holes won’t live forever. They give off radiation and when their isn’t enough matter for them to suck in they will evaporate away.
So at some point there universe will die, the power of gravity will be uniform and the universe will be very old, very cold, and very uninteresting. It will be almost a pure vacuum, since space is so vast all the matter ground to a fine uniform powder and spread out will be still near a vacuum. At this point the universe will die. Life will long ago have died out and it will be so far off in the future that to compare it to the life of our sun (12 billion year approximately) would be like comparing seconds of the sun and decades of the age of the universe. But, eventually it will happen.
2007-08-15 17:19:39
answer #6
answered by Dan S 7
That's some kinda answer there, dan. Anyways, at the end of this universe is where another universe begins. At the end of the other begins another..ad infinitum.
2007-08-15 18:07:33
answer #7
answered by wiseguy 4
only i can say is that, the universe has no end means it is infinite or endless..
2007-08-16 00:45:25
answer #8
answered by Kristian C 2
I don't know , but I understand there is a restaurant there that serves great margaritas .
2007-08-16 06:20:33
answer #9
answered by Tria R 2
there is no end because the univer is expanding
2007-08-15 18:27:12
answer #10
answered by Faology 2