Hey don't worry 2012 huh?statistically speaking you have more of a chance of dying from a violent crime,traffic accident,plane crash chocking on food etc.....before the year 2012, hey so don't worry you might not even be around for the end of the world
2007-08-15 12:06:39
answer #1
answered by anonomous 4
Dont worry. I get scared from it too sometimes. But I just think: We are all dying together. The celebs too. Your not alone. But dont worry about it, live life while its still here. I think the end of the world is coming soon, and I think of it as Sunday. I think God's way of saying 7 days is like 7 million years. I think we dont see many things happening from God and Jesus because it is Sunday, they are taking a break. And I think this era we are in is the 7th day, Sunday, and that scientists are now realizing that things are in the Bible are actually coming true! Eh, if I were you, dont read abou the 7 seals...I think thats what it is. Just dont. It will make your even more scared than you already are. And yes, she is right, the moon will turn blood red, and you dont really wanna know the rest, unless you wont get more scared. I was watching something about teh 7 seals on the National Geo channel too or the Discovery or something and I was watching it with my Dad and actually had to swicth the channel because it was scaring me, lol
2007-08-15 19:02:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's true that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. However, had they continued to exist, I'm sure they would have extended it by now. The world was supposed to end in 96, and 98 and 2000 and 2002 as well, and we're still here.
Personally for me to believe in this would be borrowing a lot more trouble than I need.
2007-08-15 18:34:33
answer #3
answered by Zimmia 5
I don't want you to be scared but this is a trgic and scary reality. The end of the world is at hand. I don't know if you believe in Chistianity, but in Revelation of the Holy Bible it states that there will be earthquakes in diverse places, and also the moon will turn red, and so on. Just read it in revelation, which has already started to unfold its prophecy. The good news is if you abide in Jesus, and live for him while there is still time, he will keep you from these last judgements. Thanks
2007-08-15 18:49:55
answer #4
answered by 4-GiVeN 3
You should try to find this movie called "Epic Center" or it might be spelled Epicenter. It actually compares events in the Bible to what is going on today in Iraq, especially with Russia and Iraq siding together lately. It is really crazy.
2007-08-15 18:32:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's probably just a prediction that the world is going to see a big chance, or it will be the end of an era. I honestly wouldn't worry about it.
2007-08-15 19:22:28
answer #6
answered by spark8118 3
People have been saying the world will end soon since it began. If it does so what nothing, you can do to stop it more then likely so just sit back and enjoy life for now!
2007-08-15 19:11:12
answer #7
answered by J.C. H 1
The new revised date for the end of the World is this Friday at 4:34 PM.
You can send all your possessions to me because you'll not need them anymore.
2007-08-15 18:39:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
seriously, u would be mad to trust the ancient Mayan stargazers over today's scientists and their advanced technology. No, the world still has milleniums left to survive.
2007-08-15 20:27:23
answer #9
answered by me 3
the end is coming and there will be an end to the world, but in the Bible it says that no human will know when, if you want to find out about the end times try reading Revalation-the last book of the Bible.
2007-08-15 18:46:46
answer #10
answered by ? 5