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If I'm not sure about my sexuality, but I really like this girl...is it ok to date her? like i'm not sure if i want her sexually...would it be toying with her heart to date her to see how i feel about it?

2007-08-15 07:44:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

some of you are saying that if i'm not sure i need to wait and find out.
but how else can i figure myself out?

2007-08-15 07:53:16 · update #1

21 answers

Why not share this with the girl, tell her what you told us. Let her know that you like her, but are unsure where these feelings are coming from, and that you would like to spend time with her and try to sort them out. As long as you are upfront and let her know that it is not your intention to mess with her head or play games, then she will probably be ok with it.

2007-08-15 08:38:49 · answer #1 · answered by eviltruitt 4 · 2 0

real, age does not count to love - yet there is extra to a helpful relationship than love. Love must be the main extreme element, yet you decide on extra advantageous than that. you decide on have confidence, admire, empathy, verbal replace, and shared values and pursuits. those issues substitute into extra complicated for the time of age communities, and extra complicated by way of fact the age distinction will enhance. it is uncertain that she has an analogous pursuits which you do, and her priorities must be distinctive at this degree of her existence. regardless of if she is mature for her age, she nevertheless hasn't had the time or adventure to check an analogous verbal replace and relationship skills which you have. And those variations are purely going to strengthen over the years; in different ten years, she'll nevertheless be prepared to go out to nightclubs, on an analogous time as you will experience like a grimy previous guy surrounded by utilising somewhat-criminal co-eds. it is not impossible; yet is the relationship you have together with her rather properly well worth the artwork it is going to take? Are you the two rather in this for the main suitable motives, or are you taking the ordinary way out by utilising keeping off adulthood?

2016-11-12 10:13:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Of course as dating is primarily a period of experimentation in which an individual trys various relationships and methods of interacting with others to eventually find his/her way thru life.

Always remember the homily, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!" You must try something in order to be certain, in many cases. Of course, in drugs and other dangerous activities, there is a certain wisdom in learning from others' mistakes...you tend to live longer that way.

It would not be toying with her heart if you went into the relationship honestly and let her know from the beginning that you were unsure. If it didn't work out, you had been honest with her and she would understand that.

Good luck.

2007-08-15 08:57:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Make sure that she knows how you feel about the experiment. Start off like in any other relationship as friends and don't push things in any direction.

2007-08-15 07:49:35 · answer #4 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 0 0

I think that you should be VERY upfront with this girl about your feelings. Tell her that you are not sure how you feel about being in a same sex relationship and that you may very well decide that it is not for you. If she thinks she can handle your reluctance then go for it, but it is very likely that you will wind up hurting her feelings if you go into this and don't talk to her about it first.

2007-08-15 07:48:29 · answer #5 · answered by QuestionWyrm 5 · 3 0

I think that if you want to date her just tell her how you feel about dating and sex. Just tell her your not sure about being sexual and it might be because you don't know how. I say be honest. But it is okay to test the water try dating so you will know what feels right. GOODLUCK(^_^)KAY

2007-08-15 08:19:39 · answer #6 · answered by kay b 5 · 3 0

Be open about it at the beginning. Let her know it is your first time and that this is just dating not necessarily anything long term. Honesty is the best policy

2007-08-15 09:07:04 · answer #7 · answered by startrektosnewenterpriselovethem 6 · 1 0

go on and have a date it IS really the only way that your ever going to settle this .... and as far as wanting her sexually or to be in a relationship with her its no different to a hetro date

2007-08-15 14:49:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sure, I explored my sexuality and I learned I loved guys.

As long as you treat her as respectfully as you would treat anyone else, I would have no problem for it, go ahead!

2007-08-15 08:12:16 · answer #9 · answered by Matt 5 · 1 0

Dating is synomonous with experiment.

2007-08-15 07:47:11 · answer #10 · answered by Sean C 2 · 4 0

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