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2007-08-15 07:28:34 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Do you think it might have something to do with a person's riht to choose? Or are you sure you should make that decision for them?

2007-08-15 07:46:32 · update #1

47 answers

I love myself....hate my habit, and I don't like smelling others, but what can you think?

2007-08-15 07:32:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't make decisions for anyone but myself and then I think twice. Smoking is something I can't physically tolerate so I don't want it around me. I feel I have some rights with the air space around me and to express my opinions no matter how offended some people may get. Why is it that smokers think its so offensive to tell them you don't like smoke around you. I don't spit in another persons food or sneeze on them so why do I not have the right to say I don't want smoke around me polluting my environment. It's almost like smokers are saying since they want to ruin their health I should not mind ruining mine just to suit them.
I would never be involved with a smoker as far as a personal relationship is concerned because I consider it hazardous to their health as well as mine. I know its a bad addiction and very hard to kick. I have close friends who smoke. I still will not put myself in a position where its OK for them to smoke in the same room with me. They know it and respect my stand.

2007-08-15 09:59:59 · answer #2 · answered by ZenWoman 4 · 0 0

I put smokers into two different categories: polite smokers and rude smokers.

Polite smokers smoke in their own homes, in their cars, outside and in designated places that non-smokers can avoid. They do not smoke around children, pregnant women, people hooked up to oxygen tanks or people who have asthma. They put their cigarette butts in the proper receptacles or keep them until they can properly dispose of them. I don't agree with their habit, but I admire their ethics. I have a large amount of respect for them.

Rude smokers are those who will light up in other people's homes and cars. They don't care who they smoke around. Other people need to immediately vacate any area that they choose to smoke in if they want to breathe. They toss their cigarette butts down on the ground, often still lit. I immensely dislike these inconsiderate people.

2007-08-15 07:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by Avie 7 · 0 0

Disgusting habit that just ruins the atmosphere around some really great people. I mean how can you talk to someone if you can't even breath around them when they're smoking. Some people make mistakes and unfortunately smoking is an addictive mistake, I hate the habit not the person.

2007-08-15 07:36:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

We all make bad decisions and we're all stupid about something, but most of us don't show it on our faces five minutes out of every thirty.

I'll stop bagging on smokers when there aren't piles of butts at every freeway offramp. Not all smokers are irresponsible litterbugs -- but too many are, and someone who's willing to chuck one piece of litter is more likely than a normal person to litter with other stuff as well. Smokers are disproportionately litterbugs.

2007-08-15 08:16:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

when i hear about the increase in cigarette taxes and having to go outside to smoke and the fact that they are addicted i feel bad for them but when i have to be in a place and inhale cigarette smoke or when i have to leave coffee shops and continue moving around town for the smoke free environment to study at, or when i see small children second hand smoking, my sympathy turns to anger. I am angry that these people are putting other people's lives at risk for many diseases including lung cancer which has a very low survival rate no matter what medical treatment modality used. I understand they are addicted, i understand they have a right to do whatever they want with their health but it irks me to no end when other innocent people's health and life expectancy is affected in the process.

2007-08-15 07:34:43 · answer #6 · answered by uz 5 · 0 1

Im a smoker.
I commend all that have quit! You guys rock!
I pray I can muster up the strong will and quit myself but it is Very Very hard! (lol as i just lite a cig)
Smoking sucks. What it does to our bodies, how we smell, the price... But it is a addiction. And sadly, the addiction has me. Someday hoepfully before its too late, i will quit, again!

2007-08-15 08:10:17 · answer #7 · answered by stayc 4 · 0 0

My husband smoke a lot and I hate it. I understand that he works a lot and smoking relax him but the only thing I ask him is to not smoke when I'm with him. I don't know, but the smell of cigarettes always puts me in a bad mood. I think people who smoke should find other ways to replace that addiction.

2007-08-15 07:38:14 · answer #8 · answered by Natasha 4 · 0 1

I think if you make the choice to load your body with thousands of chemicals just for a few moments of pleasure, then that's your choice. I don't hate smokers. I have a lot of family and friends who smoke, but I hate being around it. I usually don't go over to a smoker's house because I can't stand breathing it in. I don't think it is right to go to someone's house and expect them to make an adjustment for you. If they want to, then that's fine. I usually have people over at my house, and if they want to smoke, they can go on the back porch. There I keep a metal can with sand in it where they can dispose of their cigarettes without littering my yard.

2007-08-15 07:33:30 · answer #9 · answered by Y!A P0int5 Wh0r3 5 · 4 0

Honestly I pity them, its one of the worse ways in which one can abuse his/her body, might as well pick up a dagger and stab themselves, that wud be better, and those who smoke coz that's the way they cope wth pressure I pity them more, coz u know they need an inanimate object which only harms them for strength, when they should be looking for strength within themselves

2007-08-15 07:34:56 · answer #10 · answered by virgodoll 4 · 0 0

If you're asking if I have a problem with them ... NOPE! My Moms a smoker, yeah its a gross habit, and not for me, but I love my Mom.

I have friends that smoke, I don't like the habit, but I do like them! You have to learn to take people with ALL the bad habits too! LOL

2007-08-15 07:35:40 · answer #11 · answered by PSYCHO DAISY MAE 5 · 0 0

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