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This would make an abortion a cover up of a crime and abortionists would be punished .
We have licenses and permits for everything so why not Becoming pregnant .
I can not even sell American flags on a corner without a license .
Bringing a child into the world without a license or proper preparation leads to billions and billions of tax dollars going to care for them .

This would be an easy why to slow the rampant reproduction of those who only leech off the system and cause great amounts of tax payer dollars to be spent to care for these kids .

Making people responsible by having a license is the only responsible thing we can do to protect kids .

Almost everyone drives and we need licenses to protect everyone else .

I am not saying we stop people from having sex but like speeding not using birth control can get you a ticket a fine and jail for repeat offenders .

Its just irresponsible to reproduce without any consideration for everyone else who will pay for your actions .

2007-08-15 07:06:24 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

36 answers

It's not "wrong", but it's irresponsible.

2007-08-15 07:09:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

If you have a child you already have a legal responsibility to support that child. And if you cannot meet that obligation, the state can take the child away from you. If we required a license to have a child, I'm not sure that would change anything. You would just get a license to have the child, and would have the same legal obligation to support the child, and if you could not meet that obligation, then the state could take the child from you. And what else? Maybe put you in jail too so that the we could pay for your support in jail also? And if someone goes ahead and has a child without a license, what then? Do we gain something by putting that person in jail also? Again the state would still have to provide support for the child as well as the unlicensed parent.

2007-08-15 07:12:22 · answer #2 · answered by rollo_tomassi423 6 · 0 0

While I agree with you that many irresponsible people have babies and that those babies do not deserve anything but the best parents...it's scary what you suggest.

This is America, and what we value most about this country is our freedom. Yes, many things are licesened and laws are made to keep people from doing certain things, but your argument is a very slippery slope. How can you license human life? How would it even be controlled? You'd have to have all women on birth control as well. And who would be allowed to have a baby? Who would make decisions as to who is responsible enough? Who would come up with the prerequisites for child bearing, and how would we know if they were fair or not?

America offers a lot of freedom, but as with all freedom comes a certain amount of required responsiblity. It's everyone's job as a citizen to come to terms with this, not necessarily the job of the country to impose on its citizens. Taking away someone's right to create life would be the most irresponsible, sad, and troubling thing this government can do. There's already too much they have to fix before they go creating new problems like this one.

What is needed to fix the problem is more PERSONAL responsiblity, which is learned, never imposed. You can't MAKE someone become responsible before they have a baby, it just can't happen. We've had enough personal liberties stolen from us already, don't you think?

But, I hope like you do, that somehow along the line, people can achieve this goal, and that every child has the best possible parent.

2007-08-15 07:16:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know about all that. I see your point and see where you coming from. After all have to have a marriage license so why not a birth license? I see a lot of unfit parents having kids, and usually having more kids than they can handle. But who has the power to say is an unfit parent or not? Because you know there will be people with agendas and keep people from having kids because of their morals & values, religion, personal views and all that. It would cause more problems than it would solve.

What needs to be done is parents who do have children be held responsible. So if they constantly drink, drug use, or stay out and leave the baby to be raised by someone besides them without good reason, they should be accountable and considered unfit parents. Because if you have parents that do not care and treat their own life like crap; imagine how the child will grow up.

2007-08-15 07:15:27 · answer #4 · answered by Fallen 6 · 0 0

While I believe it is ethically wrong to dictate how a woman or man uses their own body, I often rant about the same thing: Why do we not require people to attend parenting classes and PASS before they become pregnant?

The rate of unwanted births is ridiculously high. Abandoned babies, abortions (not all of which are bad: i do believe in abortion for certain circumstances, but NOT as a method of birth control), murdered babies, abused children ... why do people think it is ok to do these things?

On the other hand: why are so many people insistent on having their OWN children, instead of adopting the millions already available around the world? They look around and say "Oh, poor orphans," but they do not do anything to help the circumstances.

I think if everyone in the world was held accountable for their actions of neglect and abuse we would have far fewer people walking the streets. It is a sad state that our world is in!

2007-08-15 07:13:45 · answer #5 · answered by devyl gyrl 4 · 0 0

I do believe it is wrong, but plenty of people make the mistake without intending to.

"Abortion as a coverup" is just ridiculous. If anything, it belies the argument that these women getting pregnant are a load on the state. Indeed, your argument is *PRO* abortion, not pro life. You may wish to re-think that. That is, if you are pregnant and you wish to save the state some money, you have an abortion.

I believe eventually we'll be in a position where you will need a license to reproduce - the population explosion with make it a requirement. You can imagine some form of manditory birth control that you can only have removed with state documentation.

Fortunately, we are decades (if not hundreds of years) from that.

2007-08-15 07:14:55 · answer #6 · answered by Elana 7 · 1 0

I get your point, but it would never work. What happens when people get pregnant anyways. If abortion is against the law too then they have the baby and the first law is void. What about in the case of a rape, where it can't be proved or disproved? If an exception was made for that then everyone would claim they were raped! Too many problems with this idea!

Nice try though. For now, I guess we just need to educate our kids and the youth of this nation (heck even some adults need some serious education in this matter).

2007-08-15 07:10:38 · answer #7 · answered by I, Sapient 7 · 2 0

In a way I kind of agree with you but only because I don't believe in abortions. I hate it that people reproduce and then go and kill an innocent child. I feel people should reproduce only if they are planning on keeping the baby. If you have sex and get pregnant its not an accident because they know what they are doing.

2007-08-15 07:13:42 · answer #8 · answered by Laura B 2 · 0 0

A license to have a child?

Bizarre. Trouble Maker is showing the severe downside of the socialist state. Since the socialist state manages resources for you, they must also manage the consumers of those resources. And since it is, after all, the state, the management of the nation comes in the only way it can be done, by men with guns. This is what they do in China...forced abortions. there ya go Y!A libs...is Trouble Maker your leader on this?

2007-08-15 15:08:09 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

You KNOW those permits are going to be given to the highest bidder and not the most qualified parents. This government judges values by wallet size.

The more logical and feasible idea is to increase funding to comprehensive and accurate sex ed, and to increase the availability and affordability of BIRTH CONTROL....

And no, abortion is not birth control, it is a surgical procedure that should be done as infrequently as possible in a civilized society.

2007-08-15 07:13:45 · answer #10 · answered by tiny Valkyrie 7 · 1 0

It is irresponsible to reproduce if you can't afford to care for a child but what you're suggesting would never work and would be unconstitutional.

I do think that anyone who is pregnant should be required to complete parenting courses before they are allowed to take their first child home from the hospital.

2007-08-15 07:14:51 · answer #11 · answered by Melius 7 · 0 0

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