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Too many coincedences on that day...
1)First steel structure to collapse of Fuel fire
~1510ºC (2750ºF) - melting point of typical structural steel
~825ºC (1517ºF) - maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air - blue flame)

It was ALSO an extra strong building to withstand natural disasters.
2) Traces of sulfate found on site. Sulfate is used for Demolitions because it can cut through metal
3) Coincedentally collapsed like demolition too.
4) WTC 3 collapsed too! No plane hit that. HMM...
5)Did you know that any unknown plane in Pentagon airspace recieves a warning, via radio & if they dont comply they get shot down by f-16s in a matter of minutes. That plane was in the air for a WHILE! made a HUGE 360 turn before crashing.

6) It wasnt even a plane, theres no proof..No engine, no wing shape damage in building.
I could go on and on.
Go with THE Facts..Do research on Internet, ask experts

2007-08-14 22:22:13 · 34 answers · asked by AckiLeeZ 4 in Arts & Humanities History

Yeah, i did watch fahrenheit 9/11.
It was convincing, along with the video's on youTube.
Yes...maybe they are BS...but then again maybe they're not. Some of them have some keen points.

Why doesn't the Mass media have this then?
DUH, it's controlled & Propaganda!
hence Rosie-o-donnel getting ridiculed and slammed and getting her show pulled.
Wouldn't you agree that any government, accused of such things would find a means to counter it?
Popular mechanics tried to debunk the theories, but DUH they're an American Owned company.

Get an outside America view, another language/country's opinion.
CNN and all those America owned companies are all pushing propaganda and you know it. Sad part is your believing it all. Like the Germans did with the "jews" propaganda.

ALL BS..9/11 commission report Is BS!!

And you must admit...USA the most advanced military on earth.NORAD & Ballistic missle Defence.

Whats that mean?

2007-08-20 19:12:19 · update #1

It means, that it has the technology to blow up another countries missles mid air before it reaches American air space.
So if lets say CHina, right NOW decided to launch 3 Nukes towards USA,..The USA can launch missles at them and blow them up over the pacific ocean.
And your telling me, thousands of Fighter jets, the HUMAN RACES most advanced air radar Missile system couldn't pick up 3 planes.

After Hours of notice....hmmm..

Allegedly, Norad had fighter jet's scramble for an emergency drill.
Guess what the drill was? if two Planes were to hit the Towers.
Radar crew probably said "two planes heading to towers, alert!" Government
said this after, "it's just a drill"
Thats the excuse for not having a Fighter jet blow up the planes.

2007-08-20 19:20:49 · update #2

The biggest BS part is this...
Ms Rice, said this on national TV..

"we would have never thought they would take two planes and smash it into buildings"

Then WTF was the USA Government doing the drills for??????

And it really wasn't a huge surprize then huh??

9/11 in my opinion is this Era's Hitler & jews..Germans brainwashed into hating jews.
Now it's Americans brainwashed into thinking it was Arabs...so the Gov't can win support for a war.

2007-08-20 19:24:27 · update #3

34 answers

not me, I remember that day as if it was right now with the exception of me being in high school then. Happened just we when i got to school (sorry, gettin' carried away)...

i knew it all along since it happened, i just was very upset because of all the innocent people who had to die on that day. It was a plan to exterminate as many people as possible as if they were bugs, some great country... I know the government had a lot to do with it just like they kill the presidents of developing countries and blame it on 'engine problems'.

If people get involved with crimes personally, they're behind bars for the rest of their lives but if there's a conspiracy behind a great scandal involving the government and its associates, everything happens behind the scenes and the public is respectfully told, "we are working on it, we don't have any suspects but we suspect foul play and we can't add more because we can't afford jeopardizing our on going investigation." Liars!

oh yeah, did you watch 'sicko' the movie, did you see the U.S. cooperation with the supposed 'enemy' being treated with utmost repect, have great access to health coverage without insurance and food, shower, etc. while there are very well contributing American citizens whom are now starting to hit the streets as homelesses? yeah, great country...Wake up America...You need a brand new 'government and associates' and enough votes to get these murderers (&liars) out!

2007-08-20 13:30:00 · answer #1 · answered by bEiNg DiScIpLiNeD 5 · 1 0

Good grief, what an idiot. Like many have written, steel doesn't have to melt for a building to collapse, and each of the floors was poured concrete on steel (heavy), designed to prevent fires from spreading from floor to floor. All it has to do is weaken. The WTC towers were actually designed to withstand the impact of the biggest jet flying when it was designed, which is why they lasted long enough for most of the people to get out. Sure, it was a strong building, but there are no earthquake or tropical hurricane zones anywhere near Manhattan, so they didn't build it like a tank. What kind of 'natural disaster' do you think occurs in Manhattan anyway? Their only design flaw was not expecting BOTH an explosive impact, sufficient to blow the fire insulation concrete off of the steel support beams, AND a fire both hot enough and with enough fuel to burn long enough to soften those beams.

Thousands of people saw the planes hit the towers, and there were hundreds of pictures and movies, especially of the SECOND plane, because by then everyone was watching because of the fires from the FIRST plane. yeesh. The second plane impact was on LIVE TV because the cameras were watching the fire from the first impact.

I've never even heard anyone attempt to deny that the Pentagon was hit by a jet. You could see jet parts all over after that.

What a moron.

2007-08-15 01:42:16 · answer #2 · answered by johnny_sunshine2 3 · 1 2

As someone who witnessed the second airplane going thru the World Trade Center and who lost 19 colleagues in that appalling event, do not insult my intelligence or blemish the memory of all those who died by saying this was done by our own country.

A lot of the "facts" you quote are totally wrong. And just because you read something on the internet doesn't make it true. And I have not yet heard one single logical reason as to WHY our own country would do this to us.

The worst part is that "conspiracy theorists" do not realize that the same type of Islamofascist fanatics who committed the 9/11 attacks want to destroy Western civilization and put a Taliban-like regime in power all over the world. If you doubt this you do so at your peril.

2007-08-19 15:11:59 · answer #3 · answered by marguerite L 4 · 0 0

I offer this to refute your statements:

The planes were seen by thousands of people and also filmed crashing into the buildings.

The structural reasons why the towers collapsed has been explained and PROVEN many times over.
The metal beams didn't need to melt they just needed to heat enough to lose temper and bend under the weight.
This requires a heat of only 400 degrees F, and as the fuel normally burns at between 550 and 1830 F it was more than hot enough.

By the way the maximum temperature the fuel can burn at is 3000° Celcius or 5432° Fahrenheit - look it up.

Sulfate is found in gypsum wallboard, which can be found in almost every home and building on the planet.
Sulfate is also in diesel fuel which is what jets run on.

As WTC3 had severe damage from the fire caused by falling debris from the first airplane and then had both towers fall onto it, it would have been a miracle if it survived.

It takes a while to scramble jets and get them in the air with armaments that could take down a jet. They also have to fly in from the nearest air force base, and get permission to shoot down an airplane over civilian homes and businesses.
As this isn't the movies and as this was a highly unexpected attack this takes quite awhile. It took to long.
-2 years before a single person aircraft landed on the White house lawn without getting shot down.

You are an idiot.

2007-08-14 23:30:45 · answer #4 · answered by dropkick 5 · 6 4

There's a program due on TV here in UK soon about the CIA. A former member of which spills the beans on lots of it's activities. Makes sickening reading.

According to this former CIA man, the CIA never gave a damn about democracy.

The pgm in question will probably deal only with the CIAs activities in South America and how it destroyed the democracy in some countries in order to ensure that a military junta would be in power [Chile] which would remain loyal to the USA.

Something very similar is already happening [again] in South America.

Don't need to elaborate on the above - you all know what I'm on about.

About 9/11 - I never believed for a second that the CIA ever had their eye[s] off the ball[s]. Nothing will convince me that the word amateur has anything to do with the activities of the CIA. The CIA is ruthless - believe!

Did it have a hand in the conduct of 9/11? Who knows?

2007-08-15 02:34:16 · answer #5 · answered by Dragoner 4 · 1 2

Ahhhh, just what I was hoping for to start off my day--another rehash of a whackadoo conspiracy theory.

No, I don't believe that 9/11 was a plot by our own government.

I suppose that, like the moon landing allegedly faked in a London warehouse, the planes flying into the towers were some sort of technological hocus-pocus. Let's ignore facts, eyewitnesses (I guess they were part of the conspiracy, too), and every and anything that doesn't square with the big bad government merrily killing off thousands of ordinary people who were just going about their business on a pretty Tuesday morning in September.

Excuse me. I really have much more important things to do today.

2007-08-15 03:12:10 · answer #6 · answered by Chrispy 7 · 0 2

The number of people it would've taken to pull off the largest mass murder in US history would fill one of the towers. Lemme get this straight, the people who knew about Watergate and the Enron case were but a handful and both cases had leaks to the public. The 9/11 incident had zero leaks? And to think the competent George Bush and his admin. could pull off such a stunt?...don't make me laugh.


1. The Jews did not suffer in Germany because there was no Holocaust. Actually it was the Jews that was torturing the poor blond haired deprived Germans. Those tattoos on the Jews arms and hands that are still alive today (by the grace of God) are really there because they want to be hip.

2.We knew the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor before they did. I mean come-on President Roosevelt liked the thought of our boys baking inside the Battle Ship Arizona before they died. The President was looking for a better way to get a good nights sleep.

3. America did not land on the Moon. We payed billions of dollars for the 360 foot Saturn 5 rocket so we could look at it and say wow that is a big rocket. We kept approx. 400,000 technicians, scientists and construction contractors quiet, with zero leaks to the public. The rocks that we thought that came from moon and have proved to be from the moon are really from the Pacific Ocean.

4. The Mafia whacked JFK, via the Russian connection, via the Cuban connection.... The man on the grassy knoll was a CIA agent acting on orders from Giancana from Chicago and Marcello from New Orleans, with duplicity from Castro and Kruschev....true story.

5. Aliens landed in Roswell and we transported them to Area 51 to back engineer their technology, where do you think the stealth air craft came from? Again, we kept it secret by brain washing the thousands of workers who were in on the scam.

6. The Moon we see every night is really not there along with the planets, stars as well as the Planet Killing Asteroids. Those were put there by the evil United States to toy with our minds.

7. The fossils of homo eructus, neandertals and 15 other hominids that are extinct were put there by paleotologists, archeologists, and assorted rock hounds to enhance their careers. Creationism is the only reality.

8. America is a conspiracy and is a fake country and none of us Americans really live here.

9. I was never born so this response to your question is a fake.

2007-08-15 04:30:33 · answer #7 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 2 2

After watching in horror, as planes and, the others that hit the buildings, including the radio transmissions, your saying these people that were hero's that made the Pennsylvania plane smash on the ground, are all liars. Buddy, you've got crap for brains.

2007-08-15 02:56:55 · answer #8 · answered by cowboydoc 7 · 1 1

Of course, the US had something to do with 9/11!

We were the target. You should have phrased your question better.

All your points are poor and have a multitude of explanations. There are much better points to be made. Afghan Pipeline, WTC7 Conference and Papers, George W. Bush MANY freudian slips about the cover-up.

BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT INVOLVEMENT TO NOTE IS SAUDI ARABIA's. They are the evil axis we should be at war with.

2007-08-14 22:28:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Yes - quite - facts !

Then you say do research on the internet - what a laugh ! As any fool kno, the internet is not a controlled medium and, without independent corroboration, is useless as primary source research simply because it isn't primary source material. Much of it is regurgitated conjecture, rumour, nonsense and unsubstantiated "information" much as, I'm afraid, yours is.

A proper balanced exploration of the events would take into account the other side of the coin from your conspiracy theory but, in common with others of your type, you studiously ignore any information that is contrary to your theories. Ask experts - yes - but not just those who support your theory. Coincidences are not facts.

Thousands of people died in these tragic events and the continual trotting out of rubbish like this I find to be insulting to their memory.

2007-08-14 22:54:44 · answer #10 · answered by the_lipsiot 7 · 3 3

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