My husband will be graduating Medical School shortly, and soon he will have to send out letters of recommendation to different Hospitals. My question is.. What is the best place to live in Illinois, besides Chicago? We lived here all are lives, and living costs are very expensive. we stay in an apartment along with are 5 children, and trust me it is tight!! so we want to relocate out of Chicago and buy a house "a Huge one!" but would like to know what locations in Illinois or even another state, would give a huge home,great neighborhood,and schools,along with a reasonable price range for purchase of a home. I mean sure you can spend 400,000 on a home in Chicago. but there.are going to be several things wrong with it and its to small. So we are looking for even brand new homes that give you more Bang for the buck . please we really need this help and like I mentioned before, if you don't know anything about Illinois and other state would be very helpful to us also
10 answers
asked by
Guillermo M
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