God springs forth from the primitive limbic system of your brain, the last remnants of your reptillion past. The area where our raw emotions reside, including the irrational belief systems.
The 'religious' experience is triggered by deep depression, starvation, near death, or other highly charged situations. The 'born-again' christian phenomena has a scientific basis....yes, your limbic system. Why has man evolved this mechanism you might ask? Simple...it was a survival mechanism of our cave man ancestors to cope with a hostile and unknown universe.
The cerebral cortex is a more recent development. Here is where our rational and logical thought processes take place. It is here that the atheists have found their basis in reality.
In reality, there is no sentient, omnipresent, omnipotent supernatural being or force....therefore all the inequities and misery of the world will always persist, no matter how hard some try to get that limbic brain of ours to work...sorry
2007-08-14 05:00:20
answer #1
answered by Its not me Its u 7
We created God!
2007-08-14 05:50:16
answer #2
answered by Danielle 2
If one does a detailed analysis one will find that the concept of God is strictly individualistic. Even within a sub sect of any religion individuals concept varies. The Devil (Wrong term!) is in the details.
It appears that man created God in his image.
How can God be other than Universal? If so, what about aliens? What about even the other species on earth? They have no God? Or do they have to worship (Or whatever) an alien, human shaped God?
There is no contradiction whatsoever in God, the Son, appearing on earth as a Human to save humans. Only that on an alien planet God may manifest as native to that environment.
2007-08-14 12:23:46
answer #3
answered by A.V.R. 7
If God created us why didn't he create us all as Christian?
Man created God for their own needs.
2007-08-14 05:50:14
answer #4
answered by brat 5
If we have created God then who created the Universe ?
2007-08-14 09:26:56
answer #5
answered by ROBERT P 7
We created God. We are afraid of death with no after life so we invented God and Heaven to make us feel better about dying.
2007-08-14 06:09:23
answer #6
answered by Filmore 4
we created the story of a power called "God"
2007-08-14 07:12:41
answer #7
answered by Beeg 5
God is a concept. As such God is a thought. But because God is currently a thought, doesn't mean that that thought isn't a correct one ;) I believe the concept of God to be a shortcomming of the truth. This truth is conceptless and nameless. It cannot be spoken, and as such it can not be thought of or explained. So the attempt to explain this unexplainable we get God.
2007-08-14 07:27:55
answer #8
answered by lufiabuu 4
We create our image of god since people have not seen him/her.
2007-08-14 07:24:05
answer #9
answered by ustoev 6
Humans created God.
I saw this documentary that says that we would not survive if we were all 100% rational. We all have superstitions stemming from ignorance and so we make up things to believe in. It is a survival mechanism.
2007-08-14 05:55:35
answer #10
answered by peachie keen 3