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The lottery is worth 122 million where I live. If you can provide me with the winning numbers your name will be known as legit. Are you up to the challenge? Amaze me. ;-) 6 numbers total, 5 are to be between the numbers 1 through 56. 1 number inbetween 1 and 46.

2007-08-13 18:00:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

timothy, if they lived in my state they would most likely play the lottery and keep it for themselves. I am assuming they don't live in my state and they play their lucky numbers in their own state. Why are you so hostile towards people you don't even know?

2007-08-13 18:33:03 · update #1

I wouldn't beleive someone was psychic if they hit the lottery, I would believe them to be incredibly lucky. If they hit the lottery 4 or 5 times then I'd think their was something to their psychic ability. If they gave me numbers claiming they were psychic and I hit I would definately believe there was some credibility there. Why would a psychic care about money if they knew they could hit the lottery everyday of the week?

2007-08-13 18:55:06 · update #2

I don't feel you are rude worlds greatest dad. My mother claimed she had psychic ability when she was young and she felt it was a curse. She prayed everyday until it left her and eventually it did, at a very early age in fact. So I know you are only being honest in what you say, but I still want your psychic numbers. lol ;-)

2007-08-13 19:00:04 · update #3

I would also like to comment that I don't believe people can control their psychic abilities at a whim. People GET visions, they can't CAUSE them to happen. That is why I feel if someone who was psychic happened upon this question and had a vision of numbers they very well may have been intended for me and of no use to themselves. This refers back to living in different states that was mentioned earlier. :-)

2007-08-13 19:06:42 · update #4

now you sound as negative as me. :-) hahahaha

2007-08-13 21:42:08 · update #5

10 answers

if a psychic could tell you the numbers... wouldnt they keep the numbers to theirself?then get 122 million? im thinkin that'd make you pretty famous as a psychic

2007-08-13 18:11:20 · answer #1 · answered by Avos_5 3 · 1 0

haha do u kno how many people play the mega millions lottery?? and how many "sorry not a winner" tickets i check at work everyday? if a psychic knew the winning numbers, dont u think they'd use them themselves? all i kno is that the number 22 comes out alot.. but not every time. ur better off with a quick pick.
o and if u won u'd only get about half, the rest goes to the state government. the lottery is a rip off..

2007-08-14 03:49:59 · answer #2 · answered by jacqua 4 · 1 0


2007-08-14 04:37:33 · answer #3 · answered by ‡ЭЭЭ‡ 5 · 1 0

The only number I will give you is
8 is for Karma what goes around will come around

Love & Blessings

2007-08-14 01:08:40 · answer #4 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 2 0

122 Million??
This lil' Aussie could only wish!

2007-08-14 05:22:58 · answer #5 · answered by Ollie J 3 · 2 0

3 5 7 33 55

Good luck to us!!! Yay!!!

2007-08-14 01:18:40 · answer #6 · answered by T_Rae 3 · 1 0

please don't take what i am about to say as rude, but most psychics wouldn't dare participate in your plan.. idea... or what ever you call it. in truth, many of them find their ability a curse instead of a blessing and do everything they can to avoid using it. i just wish i could say the same.

2007-08-14 01:50:58 · answer #7 · answered by wrldzgr8stdad 4 · 2 0

ok well i jus discovered my abilities so i might not be right but here it goes

3 9 14 19 27

hope im right

2007-08-14 02:29:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

u would really think someone is just going to give u lottery numbers to win lots of buck$, when they could do it themselves and keep the money. to be honest who gives a fc_uk about u?

2007-08-14 01:11:36 · answer #9 · answered by timothy_yeav 5 · 0 4



and my name better be known as more than legit -

since you're giving me half when you win (I saw that too).

2007-08-14 01:08:30 · answer #10 · answered by ken-toron 3 · 3 0

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