The Bible clearly condemns homosexual behavior; even though I've heard Lutheran and Methodist apologists for homosexuality say that perhaps the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was in-hospitality! I guess that's why the residents of Sodom asked Lot to let them have the two angels (who appeared to be men) so they could have sex with them and even turned down Lot's offer of his adult daughters instead! I have no idea where some of the other people answering this question got the idea that the sins of these two wicked cities were heterosexual rape, orgies, theft, pedophilia and child molestation instead of homosexual lust and practices!
Hey "Mama M": Check your facts! Most of the violence against "sads" (a more accurate term for practicing homosexuals than the misnomer, "gay"), including homocide, is perpetrated by other "sads"!
2007-08-13 16:43:52
answer #1
answered by trebor namyl hcaeb 6
First of all, only God knows the exact reason why Sodom and Gommorah was destroyed. The bible is kind of vague about the reasoning behind the destruction but a lot of people have interpreted it as being because of homosexuality. As for being gay, I did not choose to have these feelings. To me, whether or not I was born with it isn't the issue. The issue is that I am gay and it's all i've ever known. The degree to which God "accepts" my lifestyle is between me and Him. I know for a fact that God will take a lot of things and circumstances into account when he finally judges us.
2007-08-13 20:57:53
answer #2
answered by Venus Mantrap 3
If people are born gay, are they also born murders, thieves, molesters ect.. if they are, they need to be "Born Again." People that claim to have been born gay don't have the spiritual insight to know that there is something deeper at work. Sodom and Gommorah was not destroyed because of homosexuality, but disobedience to God. If the people of that time had been obedient to God, there wouldn't have been homosexuality or any other sins (just like today). for the responder that said there is more suicide, depression ect... in the gay community (this should be a clue that something is wrong).
2007-08-14 11:13:49
answer #3
answered by soulsista 4
It is a natural state of being, of course. The reason people have to "come out" is because families and friends do not just automatically know you are straight. "coming out" is just a phrase used when you explain to family and friends that you are gay, or bisexual.
Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with homosexuality, but more along the lines of Rape. How ever, though I was raised a Catholic, I no longer am, and I do not believe in Sodom and Gomorrah. Though it is a wonderful story with good morals behind it saying not to rape each other.
I assume by fruitful, that you mean produce offspring. Sex is not longer about producing offspring. It is about pleasure How ever, it was once needed to produce children. But more commonly, it is just a pleasurable act. Humans 99.9% of the time have sex for pleasure. Not for babies.
If you think it was a choice that I like women... you are wrong. I fought, and struggled for years not to be what I am. I hurt my self, I cut my self, I look back at that and I realize I was trying to bleed it out of my self. I even thought about suicide because it seemed better than living as a sin (my days of being Catholic). Some people would say I did those things, and I said I was suicidal to get attention. Except that no one ever knew. I cut discreetly, where it couldn't be seen, and I never told any one I had suicidal thoughts until years later.
These are the only explanations I have for your questions, and I hope on all that is good that they helped you in some way understand.
2007-08-13 21:07:55
answer #4
answered by Ayana 6
A man of pure faith have seen the truth without question and Sodom was the first and shall others be the next as the scientists cannot fulfilled or explained except with pure faith.Correcting what has done is by matching them in the same category. Homosexual marries lesbian.
2007-08-13 23:57:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sodom and Gommorah were hardly about homosexuality. Rather, it dealt with rape, child sexual abuse, theft, and other abuses.
The term "coming out" refers to when one decides to stop hiding under a guise and be themselves. Often, coming out is a big thing because people face rejection from their family, friends, and loved ones. Some people are murdered for coming out, others are raped, some are thrown out of the house and into homelessness, some are physically or verbally abused. Coming out can be a very scary thing.
The God I believe in doesn't kill people for loving other people.
And as a person I believe that violence is wrong, whether verbal or physical. I never consider violence 'right', including rape, murder, or any kind of abuse. I don't see how people can do these things to other people and accuse those other people of being 'wrong'.
Why would people ever want to get to know a god who does condone these things as being right? Personally, I think that you are a poor advertiser, and may have opposite results than perhaps you had envisioned.
2007-08-13 20:15:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Semper Fi- You gotta give serious consideration to the response given by "trebor namyl hcaeb." The guy knows that of which he speaks! I concur.
2007-08-14 07:45:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sodom and Gomorrah has nothing to do with homosexuals , it has something to with incest, rape, orgies, theft etc.
It is normal, the problem is that most people believe in the bible are dumb people who cannot take responsibility for their own actions they are taking out frustrations on gay, bi, trans gender because most of those people want use the GB LT as excuse to why they are miserable.
2007-08-13 22:14:45
answer #8
answered by cantfoolthewise 2
You ask two different things -- let me answer them one at a time if you would.
Firstly, you ask why gay people have to come out. Well, they don't have to -- 2 out of 3 homosexual men choose to remain hidden -- I happen to think that is wrong -- but they do it nonetheless. It's called being closeted or "on the downlow" or any of a dozen other things. Those gay people who do come out do so because they feel its more honest and because they feel better about their lives and live more fully by being open than they ever could while pretending to be straight.
Secondly you ask about acceptance, a totally different question..
Let me note, even if one believes that the Bible is the word of God, which I do not -- I think there are many idolaters who have made their idol the Bible, but I do not think it is God's word. -- but even if one does, one should - I would think, defer to the wisdom of the authors and those nearest to the authors. In Jewish Talmud (oral teachings written down over time) the story of Sodom and Gomorrah was never considered to have ANYTHING to do with homosexuality until hundreds upon hundreds of years after Torah (the first five books of the Bible) was written, when it was REINTERPRETED. Heterosexual immorality, rape, inhospitality and greed were considered to be the sins of Sodom by the Jews for hundreds of years before that change was made. As someone who tries to be a serious scholar in anything I do -- if I believed the Bible was the word of God, then I would have to incline to the most ancient translations and interpretations, not the most modern, and doing that would mean that I would not think that Sodom and Gomorrah had anything to do with homosexuality.
Beyond that, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah predates the writing of Torah, and comes instead from the Sumerian mythology and the Cuneiform scripts. All five cities of the plain were destroyed -- and not even the tacit mention used in the Bible to justify homophobia is present in those scripts. Rather, a war between En.lil and his brother En,ki (Annunaki, which are not exactly gods, but its as close as one can get in our modern understanding) erupted. There is an argument that En,ki was the father of mankind, and certainly had rescued mankind from the flood that his brother intended to use to destroy them by speaking to another Annunaki while a human servant stood outside a screen -- and then followed his directions to build a huge boat on which to rescue his fmaily and a lot of animals. The cities of the plain (which were traditionally viewed as places of great wisdom) stood with En,ki against his brother, and in fact started to drive back the armies of the cities that followed En.lil. Then Mar.duk -- En.lil's son called on the I.gig.i and asked Anu to allow them to cast down their darts. Anu permitted this, and the I.gig.i cast down their darts against the cities of the plains, which were overthrown. The clouds that rose from the destruction were poisonous and killed the inhabitants of other cities and even one of the other Annunaki who refused to leave her human followers, saying "my people I will not leave, my city I will not abandon" was consumed "and as a mortal, died."
That, hundreds of years older than the earliest Toraic versions is the root of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, (the Sumerian Lamentation texts, things like the Lamentations of Ur, and the Lamentations of Uruk are good to read for details of the deaths of the cities). If you can look at that, and the Toraic versions of the tale, and not see the evolution of the myth -- then there is little I can tell you.
But, I would certainly allege that it does not relate to how acceptable homosexuality should be.
As to it being accepted now. Well, there have been times historically when it was, and times that it wasn't -- the same as any other minority group or activity. Today I think we near full acceptance again, I may not live to see it -- but the kids will. As far as it goes, I don't see how different that is from other groups -- even racial groups, who have never been regarded as equal in history, and even now continue to struggle to be considered the same as everyone else -- just because they are different. Sad, but true.
As for being fruitful --- why? There are more than enough children in the world. In fact, without petrochemicals we couldn't feed all the billions. The natural footprint is about 2 billion people -- we have what... going on 8 bil? We do not need more children, and those who carry the genetic code for homosexuality but do not have it expressed (see penetrance if you wonder what I'm talking about there) are, according to the Padua study, more fertile than those who do not carry the gene at all -- so in a very real genetic sense, there is fruitfulness, although I do not think its a requirement for anyone.
I hope this was helpful.
Kind regards,
2007-08-13 22:21:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
trying to explain being gay to a bible thumper is usually sort of futile, but "state of being" and coming out are 2 unrelated concepts. It's as if you said if fish can swim, why do people put tartar sauce on fish? gay people come out because they are in the minority and other people don't always know someone's gay unless he or she tells them, but many gay people find it's better to be out.
2007-08-13 20:20:12
answer #10
answered by njyogibear 7