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I'm not looking to be converted by Christians, Muslims, or the like, so just keep on browsing if thats you. I've reached a point in my life where everything I once believed has become a lie. Where can I go to answer my questions about life and bring some order back in to it?

2007-08-13 12:37:01 · 12 answers · asked by The King in Yellow 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

12 answers

Organized religions offer years, often thousands of years, of experience by their believers who buy into that religion for some reason that they have found productive to their experience of the spiritual and their application to the world. Outside of organized religion you too often find persons who believe they have found something, and often do, but do not move forward because there is no other methodology offered to assist the person to move forward. I would not assume that everyone other than yourself believes in lies, but it would be helpful to accept the fact that no one person is perfect and everyone makes mistkaes. That is not the fault of religion but of being human.

2007-08-13 12:53:11 · answer #1 · answered by dhamca 3 · 0 0

When I was 17 (a LONG time ago) I felt a bit like you are feeling now. I knew that the whole god thing was a fantasy, so how was I going to know how to have a great life?

So, I started studying philosophy. The first few philosophers I read were terrible (Kant and Plato and a couple others). Then, I happened on Ayn Rand and everything clicked.

She said everything I was sort of thinking, but I hadn't had the ability to draw proper conclusions.

Because I am an Objectivist, I am having a wonderful life. I know how to make good decisions, I know what love is, I'm not plagued by questions like 'why am I here?' and 'what should I do' and 'what is moral'. I know.

What I really appreciate is that Ayn Rand offers an integrated, rational philosophy - not just a jumble of contradicting garbage.

Here's where to find out more:

2007-08-13 13:52:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like the books of Houston Smith. He has studied most major world religions and has written about what has been found to be positive in each (which is often those aspects that are common to most religions.) Another life changing book I liked very much was "The Art of Loving" by Erich Fromme. This is not a sex manual (joke!) but more to do with how humanity has evolved into positive social groups, how man interacts with man. I found it easier to get through by listening to an audiobook as opposed to reading this one. More practical yet still philosophical and helpful information can be found in books and lectures by Wayne Dwyer, Deepak Chopra and Steven Covey. Another interesting topic can be found in the work of Howard Gardener on different types of intelligences. And for inspriation, nothing beats a good long walk in your nearest nature preserve.

PS: I also occassional attend Unitarian Universal church. It is a very old organization (several hundred years) with a focus on combining rational thought, spirituality and philopsophy. Some well known Unitarians include Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau. It might be of interest to look into.

2007-08-13 13:00:19 · answer #3 · answered by PJ C 1 · 1 0

Nowhere. really. Psychology won't help. Neither will philosophy, although philosophy is closer to what you're looking for. In the end, it might answer some questions for you, but it will leave you still wondering too. That is, unless you settle on some pet theories that you learn. But to really learn philosophy enough to pull out some pet theories, you really need to get a degree in it because it's a huge field and it's best to learn it in a systematic regime.

You could take up training your will power to control your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. I call it applied philosophy of mind. Don't use that phrase around any academic philosophers; they won't know what you mean. The thing is, the more you train your will power to control your thoughts, feelings and actions, the more you understand reality and the more you have order in your life and in your thinking.

Where to find how to do that? Well for example look into The Master Key by DeLaurance, and Power of Will by Haddock, for starters.

2007-08-13 13:05:07 · answer #4 · answered by Theron Q. Ramacharaka Panchadasi 4 · 0 0

y'know that very thing happened to me some years ago...it is called disillusionment, which is not a bad thing, it is a precursor to a paradigm shift...and that is a process not an event...so hang on to your back side, you are in for a hell of a ride...i studied a few religions at that time, i also studied metaphysics, beware of charlatains and don't buy anyone's word without first trying it and seeing if it truly works for you.
you will be amazed to find that most of the answers you are looking for are within your own heart...fate put some of the right people in my life at the right time and i was able to do some real ballanced inner work..beware of the school of metaphysics as it is called if it is still in existence...to me it smacked of just another religion or cult of some sort...but by all means explore and seek, and have courage...do the work seriously, but make the journey and search fun, i had a ball at that time, and discovered a whole lot of truth about myself and the world...life is worth it. today i am happy inside me where i live with me i am generally happy, rarely beside myself with joy or just bubbling over with the giggles, but quietly and fundamentally o.k. and fundamentally o.k. is a hell of a lot more than i had before.

2007-08-13 13:18:08 · answer #5 · answered by captsnuf 7 · 0 0

I found out the best way to receive answers about life is ask others. I found out the average person tends to know more then your average priest, politician or social or philosophical elitist.

I done this by traveling the globe and America a bit and just have meaningful conversations with people and I gained more from that then any sermon I heard in church. I still have so much to learn.

What are your questions?

2007-08-16 07:24:28 · answer #6 · answered by PeguinBackPacker 5 · 0 0

you can look to other teachings, say native american or some of the asian ones, also, i am Unitarian Universalist, there is most always one in each town or city, or you can check it out online, we accept that an individual finds their own spiritual path, so you can belong to this church and believe in Jesus or not, be pagan or not, or not be any named religion, the emphasis is very much on spirituality, and you get exposed to alot of different ideas and concepts, but are not told what to think or believe, the dignity and worth of life, and the interconnectedness of everything on earth are the main tenets of Unitarian Universalist, some call it the non-religious religion, lol
i think you will find answers by tuning into your spirituality, which should be a major part of any religion, but often the focus gets put on other things
i personally could not accept any religion that limited access, that said there was only one way to God, etc. and after much thought and research , i found i wasnt geared to be a member of any of the major religions,

2007-08-13 12:59:36 · answer #7 · answered by dlin333 7 · 1 0

You have just embarked on a lifelong journey. And it will always be interesting and changing. Religion is about thinking that you already know it all. The path that you have taken is Learning. And the first step to learning anything is admitting that you don't know. So search everywhere, but beware those who put down others or claim to be the only way. Good Luck and Have Fun.

2007-08-13 14:49:01 · answer #8 · answered by phil8656 7 · 1 0

Bible. I know this is a bit complicated since there are a lot of organized religions claiming to have accurate knowledge of what the Bible speaks. But you just have to read the Bible and be sincere about doing it. If you really are earnest, then you will find answers - "Seek and you shall find..." The important thing is for you to scrutinize the information yourself. Do not be spoonfed. You have to do a study in order to confirm whether these people are telling the truth. The Bible speaks for itself. Read it, study, meditate, and yes, prayers, and apply the things that you learn from the Bible.

2007-08-13 14:28:45 · answer #9 · answered by moonlight 1 · 0 1

All of lifes answers lay inside of you....you need only look listen and trust.

I found that balance was an important part of being able to answewre thes very questions when they arose in my own life.
I find my balance the the beliefs of the Circle....or the medicine wheel.

I also spend much time in silence and have come to be very comfortable there.......Like this gem i had hidding in a file and wanted to share here.



Take time to center yourself daily.
Both in times of strife and in times of calm, remember to direct your focus inward for a few moments each day.
Pay attention to your body, determine where you are retaining tension, and let it go.
Breathe deeply, close your eyes, and slip into a brief period of meditation.
Allow yourself to be stabilized and strengthened by Grandmother Earth's energy.
When you have found a calm place, open your eyes and offer gratitude to The Great Spirit before continuing your day.
Take time to center yourself daily.


Peace and Love to all

2007-08-13 13:30:12 · answer #10 · answered by RobinRedBear 3 · 1 0

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