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I hate racism! I'm sick of being treated as a second class citizen! Why should I be subjected to being treated like this because I live in a predominantly 'white' country & wasn't born white? Not everyone is racist, but there ARE racists living among us. Living in a country, where people on tv, in magazines, in ads seem to be 95% of the time white, & where other ethnicities are only represented when they are stereotyped (an Indian meditating, a Chinese doing martial arts..).. this has left me outraged, feeling like an outcast, always wondering if people are judging me on my ethnicity! I am essentially afraid of white people being racist against me! This is because i have only been subjected to racism by white people. I shouldn't have to be afraid in my own country!
Why are people so ignorant & truly believe in 'white power'? What is wrong with being non-white? Why are people unable to accept that this world is made up of many races & that not everyone speaks english??

2007-08-13 07:55:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

Go to school and educate yourself. Get a good job and make money, so you can change things.

2007-08-13 08:05:42 · answer #1 · answered by Surf Forever 5 · 0 1

1st point if you live here (in America) learn to communicate....Speak English.. Second point, I hope that you as a non-white citizen have sought out knowledge outside the classroom as to what your true role is in this society. Your job now is to be a consumer. Make money and buy jewelry, rap Cd's, and $150 tennis shoes (and I’m being nice). Unfortunately, you will have people that tell you that you are whining about your situation, and that the blame falls on you and your community. This society expects that if you are not a consumer then you have the right to entertain us. Well pay you a lot of money but don't get above your bridges or we will find the entertainment value of knocking you down. This does not even address if you expect society to just give you a decent living, I.E. a high paying executive level job. Unless you want to work at BET, or have access to an Ivy League education. If this country is right about one thing it is your ability to overcome these odds of racism or ism's in general and be successful. look at the Hucstables .

2007-08-13 15:13:11 · answer #2 · answered by Food For Thought 2 · 0 1

Different Races is what makes this country beautiful! Imagine how boring it would be with just one race! Ugh, the food would be so bland and there would be no Culture! Don't worry too much about the racists. They are just ignorant people who want to get to you. Do not give them that satisfaction. Just do as I do, feel sorry for them because, they have so much hate that they will probably die of a heart attack. You just go about your life and have a good time. Be secure within yourself and no one can hurt you! It must be really bad where you live because where I live, it is wonderful. No one really bothers you because there are so many races! Like I said, don't let the racists get to you! Be proud of who you are! Racists=Ignorants

2007-08-13 15:30:28 · answer #3 · answered by greysfan 3 · 1 0

Fair enough. It's fair to be frustrated at society in general, and it does indeed suck that people stereotype and refuse to see beyond the stereotype and actually get to know a person.

Only thing I disagree with: advertising.

In a predominantly white country, of course most advertising will be done by white models.

Go to India. Their advertising consists mainly of Indian people.

In China the ads are filled with Chinese people.

And so on, and so forth.

2007-08-14 10:40:52 · answer #4 · answered by coryinc 2 · 0 0

"I am essentially afraid of white people being racist against me! This is because i have only been subjected to racism by white people"
I'm gonna be honest with you here, it sounds like you try to scout out racism which makes you prejudice.
If you've gone your whole life and only witnessed racism by whites you must have a very selective way of viewing things. Because I can tell you that all people can be racist.

2007-08-13 15:22:27 · answer #5 · answered by Seamus 3 · 0 0

People are racist because they are ignorant to other cultures. Not only white people are racist though. There are those who are racist against whites. I dont think racism will ever go away, but you can help by educating people about it!

2007-08-13 15:03:26 · answer #6 · answered by PinK PrinCesS 2 · 1 0

People will stop being racist when the various races stop doing things which, stereotypically, distinguish them from each other.

The best students in my high school math classes were Asian. It's true -- but racist if I actually say it, isn't it?

Do you want to tell other students to do better, or to tell the Asian kids to study less?

2007-08-13 15:33:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What country are you from? If you are from america, i heard that there is plenty of ethnic representation in the media and all other things. and you are not a minority by much
if you are from england, i know that the media does have alot of minorities in it aswell. in every advert there is always a token white, black, muslim and indian, especially in childrens programs. i always thought that there was much less diversity in real life but the media like to think there is more. wikipedia says that 92% of england is white.
i looked up my area and it is 98.5% white, so it seems like there is alot of diversity on the telly compared to when i look around the streets

2007-08-13 15:14:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I really don´t know! Can be ignorance!
I love my country (Brazil), because people accept white, black, everybody!

2007-08-13 15:10:50 · answer #9 · answered by 2 · 0 0


watch it plz.

2007-08-13 15:03:13 · answer #10 · answered by guju001 4 · 0 0

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