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Since i was little i have always had a mild stammer but more recently (im 15 now) when i try to talk it takes me about 5-10 seconds to speak, i asked my mum if i should see a doctor and she said there is no point. What should i do =S

2007-08-13 07:48:22 · 16 answers · asked by leahpoynter 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups People with Disabilities

16 answers

You need to find a speech therapist for yourself, possibly your school has one on contract. Start there ..

Do it soon because some services are often free for "children" under a certain age, its 16 in Canada. Be persistent, DEMAND you get therapy.

According to this website I found it is free for kids in school. The Stuttering Foundation helpline at 800-992-9392 This is a USA organization. If you arent in the US add details to your question, I will find an agency for you

2007-08-13 08:56:10 · answer #1 · answered by isotope2007 6 · 3 0

See a Speech Therapist - most schools have them - ask your Guidance Counselor at school if you can see one. You may not need your Mom's permission for this -

Also, there are places that has Stuttering Clinics. The best ones have them for a few weeks over the Summer. Kind of like Stuttering Camp. They're the best and can work wonders with guys like you.

I wish you a lot of luck!

Ken (who stuttered at an early age)

2007-08-13 19:15:48 · answer #2 · answered by ken-toron 3 · 1 0

Your mother is wrong. But don't blame her, she may just not realize that your problem can be fixed! Did you know that Marilyn Monroe had a stuttering problem and fixed it.
I think your problem may have worsened now because of your age. Your age an age where you are more self-concious and that definitly effects stuttering.
But stuttering has different causes and therefore different treatments. Here is a list of treatments to give you an idea:
But go to a dr! You can fix this, the sooner the better.
And don't stress it too much, one day you'll look back and realize how far you've come along.
Good luck!
Here is more info:

2007-08-13 08:00:17 · answer #3 · answered by SweetPea 3 · 1 0

i am a intermediate stutter it is not noticible unless i get in a rush or royally ticked off. I was taught to think about what i was/am going to say and then say it - it works for me - also practice words that you have the most problems with and it will cut down the prob stay calm and relax you'll get there dont know what your mums problem is talk to her calmly (ya right) and see if you can get it thru to her you want help to stop or reduce the amounts of stutters good luck

2007-08-14 17:21:36 · answer #4 · answered by dead7 4 · 0 0

first, look up info online. research it, and then take the findings to your mother, again. she will see that it means a lot to you - and that it is her responsibility to help you in this matter.

don't worry too much, if she doesn't for some reason... money, etc. it is never too late to get speech therapy - it might just take longer to see results. until then, you can study up on it yourself, and put into practice some pointers. breathing techniques are common in learning how to control your stuttering.

my husband has this problem and has received therapy, off & on his whole young life. he says that if he has time in the future, he wants to pursue more therapy. one of my best friends is a speech therapist, and helps people of all ages.

one interesting thing to note... if you study a foreign language, you will actually stutter less in that second language, because you have more time to think about phrasing what you are trying to say. my husband's first language is Portuguese, and he stutters more... but in English, he rarely does. this ties in to the breathing techniques...

i have a stress-related stutter that surfaces on occasion. mine is simply a psychological reaction to stress. if i feel put on the spot, my mind goes blank... then i fear looking strange or "dumb" and it causes me to stutter (which causes MORE stress)... i stutter until i can formulate the thought i was trying to get across. that is something that i was working with a counselor to overcome. it happens less, now.

i wish you the best!!!

2007-08-13 07:57:00 · answer #5 · answered by Amaris in Wonderland 6 · 3 0

I understand the frustration, Leah. I have stuttered all my life. What works for me is a sense of humor. Keep a sense of humor and see a speech therapist.

Another thing that works is taking a long subtle, but deep breath before speaking.

2007-08-13 07:55:15 · answer #6 · answered by Shawn B 7 · 4 0

Does it would be a vocal? reason you already had "My era" on there. So i'm questioning...guitar solos. Dr. Hook - "conceal of the Rolling Stone" Peter Frampton - "Do you experience Like We Do (stay)" Frampton does this triplet word component on the top of the music, and it sounds like he's caught (stammer?) - makes ya wanna smack him at the back of the pinnacle to unstick him. The Dr. Hook solo is purely organic comedic Genius (to me). I snicker every time i pay attention it . It stutters AND stammers , and that they meant to do it in that way . i like the further vocal bliss component of "Oh guy Tha'ts alluring.." It purely kills me.

2016-10-02 06:09:49 · answer #7 · answered by merkl 4 · 0 0

speach therapy works, i have a very mild stutter (happens when im nervous or around people i don't know). Next time you see your doctor mention it, your mum may be misinformed.

2007-08-13 07:52:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The Stuttering Foundation at www.stutteringhelp.org is your best source of information on stuttering no matter what your age. They have something for all ages, DVDs, books, and the best one that helped my family was "Self Therapy for the Stutterer" available in their estore and at public libraries in the U.S.

2007-08-13 12:02:38 · answer #9 · answered by Bud B 7 · 5 1

Tel her there is a point. Speech and language pathologist are experts in this and can help you determine why you do and help you relearn how to talk.

Do you stutter when you sing?

2007-08-13 12:40:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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