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I had read about Ouija boards, and I wanted to test one out. I wondered if the planchette actually moved by itself. So I made a homemade one out of paper, and placed it under the glass top on my kitchen table. My mom and I tried it out for a while, but it didn't work. So I jokingly made up an spirit named Penelope Rockwell. I couldn't help laughing as we both knew we were pushing the pointer. We gave up because the thing didn't work. But, later, the table somehow rotated so that the Ouija board was positioned in front of my chair. All of my family promised they didn't do anything whatsoever to move the table or the board. We are very honest people, so I completely trust them. Maybe it was explainable, but I think it was a little weird..

2007-08-13 06:04:51 · 10 answers · asked by Sarah 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

You know, I think it might have been my mom. She swore on Bibles that she didn't touch the paper or rotate the table, but she is expert at practical jokes and loopholes. She does not tell lies, but she can find a way to trick me without lying. Maybe it was somebody, but my mom has had strange coincidences and such happen to her, and she sounded pretty intrigued. I keep second guessing myself! But really, I'm not sure if this thing was real. Maybe I moved the table and forgot about it. Anyways, thanks for the answers. I'm stuck between two.

2007-08-13 06:54:03 · update #1

10 answers

lol... somebody's pulling your leg. The Oujia board was a game- it's a simple as that. It's popularity was such because we are a very superstious people in general, and are quick to believe anything that we cannot explain.

Take it from a second-degree Wiccan priestess, and a long-time practioner of the Craft. It's just a game. No more, no less.

And don't, for a minute, buy into the fear that somehow you've let something loose or that you're going to Hell or that you'd better leave well enough alone. It's fear-mongering. Take it for what it is- a game. And if such things interest you, I would encourage you to read and research on the Occult, alternative spirituality, and magick. Just keep an open (but sharp) mind, and don't believe any specific thing just because it's there.

2007-08-13 06:46:07 · answer #1 · answered by ~*Live, Love and Blessed Be*~ 3 · 0 2

Personally I think that someone in the house is playing a trick on you, but it could be something else. The trouble with Ouija boards is that they don't actually draw spirits so much as they feed on the psychic energy of the people around them. It could be that you're subconsciously creating the manifestations, or it could be that someone else in the home is. But in any case, you shouldn't be playing with things that you don't fully understand the nature of.

Go to the library and check out a few books on Ouija and the history of it. Do your research. And if anything else bizarre happens, try and distance yourself from it for a while.

2007-08-13 06:16:41 · answer #2 · answered by firebugarts 3 · 0 0

People like telling stories. If there weren't any stories, then no one would bother with the ouija board. The fact is though, that it's all either blatant lies, second hand information or peoples imaginations. Ouija boards are no more scary and strange than Monopoly or Snakes & Ladders.

2016-05-21 07:09:46 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Do not play with things you do not understand.

2007-08-14 02:22:48 · answer #4 · answered by kim t 7 · 0 0

You're playing with fire....

Good luck!

2007-08-13 06:10:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

a quija board is plastic and cardboard

2007-08-13 06:25:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

shy girl said it!!

have fun!!

2007-08-13 06:12:39 · answer #7 · answered by Cara 4 · 1 0

shy girl said it.

2007-08-13 06:45:32 · answer #8 · answered by Fek 3 · 1 0

burn that thing i have had nothing but bad things happen whilemessing with them

2007-08-13 06:21:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

ahh thats so creepy.

2007-08-13 06:28:14 · answer #10 · answered by metalholics18 3 · 0 0

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