Have you ever be in love?
I haven’t.
Either do I want to.
It does not seem like a pleasant thing.
One minute,
You can feel like a hummingbird on an early Sunday morning,
Peacefully chirping away at the morning sun.
The next minute,
You can feel like one of these innocent people
That was on one of those hijacked plans
That crashed into the towers in New York City.
One minute,
You can be treated like a flower in a garden:
Always watered, always looked at, and always cared for.
The next minute,
You can be treated like the homeless person on the corner:
No money, no one to live with, never had been cared for.
One minute,
You can be Princess Diane:
Always loved, hardly ever criticize, and always been listened to.
The next minute,
You can be a cold-harded person:
Never been loved, never been called beautiful, and never been looked at twice.
From the reasons above,
Moreover, other reasons that would make this poem too long,
I do not want to be in love.
5 answers
asked by
Ashley M
Arts & Humanities
➔ Poetry
I do not want to be treated as if I am the best person in the world
To be a cold-harded piece of **** that will never love again.
My time will come,
And until then,
I do not want to be in love.
14:06:59 ·
update #1