You can get a wrong negative but not a wrong positive on a pregnancy test. That's why he probably didn't test you again. Your questioning your pregnancy because you can't see it to believe it, there's nothing there to show your pregnant but in a few weeks it'll all change when your tiny bump starts to appear. Are you sure if that's the right conception date? If it is go by your own, Your scan will let you know for sure how long you are when you get it. Good luck your gonna love being pregnant
2007-08-11 23:22:47
answer #1
answered by Tash 3
If u had a postive result already ur own doctor wouldnt do another as it means u are pregnant. If ur doctor had u lie down on a bed and checked ur stomach around the area of the womb then he knows by just doing that...
I had negative pregnancy test even in the doctors but he know by checkin my stomach that i was 9wks gone, and i even had a period in that 9wks, doctors are trained to know whats what with a person includen a pregnant woman...
Ur doctor also went from the last time u had a peroid for how far long ur gone, that is how its done, and if u were given a due date, a week was also added onto that last period at the end, and it is right unless u go over...
try to relax, and enjoy been pregnant, the 1st stage is always the worse from tiredness, queasiness and constantly going to the tolit but also morning sickness and going off ur favour foods or drink is another... the 2nd and esp the 3rd stage is the most best experience any1 woman is lucky to have... enjoy and relax...
Ps. congrats to u
2007-08-12 02:03:44
answer #2
answered by Mum of1 5
Hi Beth
I know what you mean about the Dr, I'm 6 weeks gone, but only fould this out after an ectopic pregnancy scare resulted in a scan (me and baby are fine!) The Dr didn't seem to care about the fact that my period isn't every 28 days and said I was 9 weeks gone!
My advice is buy the best test you can afford and have faith i that, I bought 3 tests before getting it confirmed by the Dr, the 3rd test was one of these all-singing all-dancing pregnancy tests that spell out PREGNANt on a digital screen!
How are your boobs feeling too? Mine have been agonising since the word go, friends of mine new I was pregnant before I even did a test because I'd spent a week i pain with them.
Please drop me a line if you want to talk again, being so similar in dates it would be great to hear how you're getting on. My e-mail address is
Good luck! xxx
2007-08-12 08:20:08
answer #3
answered by babydee 2
On a pregnancy test, a positive is definite.
A negative is a possible.
If you need a confirmation of this, ask your doctor to take a urine sample and he will be able to tell you. It's not that fussy and doesnt cost anything.
During the first trimester, I had EXTREME tiredness. I just slept all day and didnt eat.
The smell and sight of food often made me feel sick so quite often all I could stomach was a dry biscuit and some water.
I even found it difficult to keep my folic acid pills down.
The first sign though was when I went off my coffee.
You have had a positive pregnancy test and symptoms - you are pregnant.
Congrats and Good luck!
2007-08-11 23:25:11
answer #4
answered by Diddz-xx 2
Most people will be satisfied with just the pregnancy test and the doctor's confirmation (be it by word of mouth). The doctor will not mislead you. If he said you are pregnant 5 weeks, accept that you ARE. That's what he is there for. If you are not satisfied with this, what you need is COUNSELLING and not necessarily a confirmation of pregnancy(which has already been done by the test and the doctor's word). To allay your anxiety, you may demand that you have a scan immediately or a confirmatory blood test. Though these may not be necessary, it is likely that your GP will comply. Good luck.
2007-08-11 23:34:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Congratulations! If the pregnancy test said positive then you are on you way to being a mummy! The doctor would have given you a due date and X wks by the first day of your last period. Actual conception may have only been 3wks ago but you are considered to be 5wks pregnant.
As for questioning if you are really pregnant, it happens to most people! It is sometimes really hard to believe there is really a baby growing down there but soon enough it will hit you. If you are having few pregnancy symptoms then rejoice!! A lot of women would kill for no morning sickness you are very lucky so far. I used to look down at my tummy and imagine (like x-ray vision!!) the growing baby. Get some baby books or look on-line at what a baby at this stage looks like. I found it really helped to cement the fact that i was pregnant into my mind. I have a baby 'bible' by author "miriam stoppard" that was so so so handy during every stage of my pregnancy as it shows you and tells you all the little facts about what is happening to your body and baby like fingernails growing, eyes opening, kicking etc....
This really helped me to get over my denial! By about 12-14wks it usually hits home that you are HAVING A BABY!! yay!
Good luck and try to find a baby book by miriam stoppard. she really does write the best books you can buy.
2007-08-11 23:27:35
answer #6
answered by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7
i had my third baby on wednesday and i will guarantee you that you are definitly pregnant a pregnancy test detects the hgc hormone and this hormone is only in your body when you are pregnant you can have a false negative but never a false positive if you had miscarried you would bleed so try and relax and enjoy it i have had three and i didnt feel pregnant till i was about 23 weeks gone this time round make an appointment to see your midwife and she book you in for a dating scan the doctor can only give you an estimate of how far gone you are dates often get changed at your first scan so chill out and enjoy it and good luck i hope your morning sickness eases
2007-08-11 23:24:13
answer #7
answered by janine b 2
A positive result is your confirmation. You can get a negative result when you are pregnant but I have never known the opposite.
If your dr says you are 5 weeks then you conceived 5 weeks ago, not 3, or you have a very large baby, or twins!
At around 8 weeks go back to your dr and arrange to see a midwife. She will sort things from there as regards scans etc.
2007-08-11 23:16:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Dr's can tell alot just by feeling your belly.. At first i felt really wierd, like you said a positive test and Dr saying how far along he thinks you are, you still dont feel like it's really there.. i felt the same, hun, no need to panic.. It takes time to adjust, and when you have your first scan you'll know exactly how far along you are, and being able to see your baby, then you'll reallyknow he/she is there... And when baby starts to grow a bit more and you get bigger, then starts to move, it'll all feel real enough soon. just take this time to relax and not worry.. I wish you the best of luck with everything..
2007-08-14 22:46:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Deep breath!
You are pregnant, and the fears you are feeling are normal fears brought on by...hormones!
I suggest you visit another doctor and have them handle your pregnancy and child birth, as this one didn't seem to concerned. You are most likely 5 weeks though (but doctors are often wrong about this age, and can change it at any point during your pregnancy as it becomes easier to see how old baby is with age).
2007-08-12 00:38:07
answer #10
answered by vegface 5