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1. I think I may cry
2. Put up your dukes
3. With hands to their hearts
4. That time of the day
5. I'm not that patient
6. Sing me a love song
7. I just want to be near you.

2007-08-11 10:35:10 · 9 answers · asked by sarge 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

Xenypoo is right folks.Come on jump in here.

2007-08-11 11:43:13 · update #1

9 answers

Circa 1876


Sunshine MacGillicutty returned to her home state of Virginia for a Civil War Memorial Dedication. Two former beaus were there. Her boyfriend, U.S.Marshal Matt Dillon has now joined her in Virginia.


"Lost Without Your love"
Subtitle...... "Grow Old Along With Me"

Sunshine,her parents...Frederick and Dannie Yates, and Matt left for the dedication, to be held in nearby Alexandria. Kevin Dunbar and Tom Richards were impatiently awaiting their arrival.
Tom:" Who the hell does Dillon think he is, anyway?!"
Kevin:"He's the man she loves, dimwit. He's almost a foot taller than you and twice as strong." He laughed as he imagined the two of them in a fight...."That would most CERTAINLY be the end of ol' Tom, he mused!"
As the buggy approached, Tom and Kevin stopped bickering and ran over to greet them. Matt was back on sure-footing with Sunshine. He knew that she still loved him..... He wasn't worried about her old boyfriends.......He didn't need to hover over her. Tom and Kevin, took his laid-back approach as a sign that he and Sunshine were "on the outs." They clamored for her attention. Sunshine smiled at both and then took Matt's arm....."(7) I just want to be near you, Matt. "
Matt gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled at her.

The ceremonies soon began.
Speaker: "We shall begin with our National Anthem." Some in the crowd "booed."
The War was still being fought in many a Southern heart.
The speaker:"Hear! Hear! We are all AMERICANS !!"
After the song ended, the band struck up "Dixie." Cheers and "Rebel Yells" roared out. (3) With hands to their hearts, every person there sang their beloved anthem, with tears in their eyes.
Speaker:"We are gathered on this most solemn occasion to honor our war dead. " Matt put his arm around Sunshine. (Her husband had been killed in "Pickett's Charge.")
"AND....those fortunate enough to return to us." Sunshine looked at her dear father. He had been a survivor of that ill fated battle. "These men gave their all for Virginia....For the Southern cause. What they sacrificed cannot be measured in mere words." The ceremony lasted about an hour. There wasn't a dry eye in the crowd at it's close.

Sunshine and her "group" returned to her parents' home.
As they began to go inside, Tom turned to Matt....."Sir? I can no longer stand by and watch you assume a place of importance in my Sunshine's life. "
Frederick Yates:"Tom!! For HEAVEN's sakes!!! Control yourself and behave as a gentleman."
Tom:"I shall, sir. Marshal Dillon...... I challenge you to a fight!!....For the honor of Sunshine's affection.
Sir?! (2) Put up your dukes !!"
Matt turned around, and casually threw a right punch.
Tom fell to the ground and covered his bloody face. As he excused himself from the others, he could be heard moaning.........
(1)" I think I may cry."

An hour or so later.....Frederick: "Well, folks......It's (4) That time of the day. Dannie?" His wife smiled and joined him.
"My wife and I shall retire. Goodnight dear daughter." They kissed. "Goodnight gentlemen. I trust there will be no more fisticuffs ?" Kevin made a small bow....."No sir. Sleep well ." Matt just smiled.
After her parents went upstairs, Kevin turned to Matt and Sunshine....... "Tom is a silly ***. A poor fool who doesn't deserve the time of day. I think we all realize this. As for myself...... I will not spoil this sacred day by causing any disturbance....But I must say this, before I go....I still love you, Sunshine. I have not given up." He bowed slightly and took his leave.
Matt:" Well...... Nothing's changed, I see."
Sunshine smiled and looked up at him......"Let's go to bed, darling."
Matt:"We can't sleep together in your parents' home!! Though Lord knows I WANT to. We'll just have to wait until we get back to Dodge."
Sunshine:"(5) I'm not that patient." She started kissing his neck and letting her hands roam.
Matt:"Sunshine! NO! ......Oh~~~~~~~ God."

The next morning, Matt and Sunshine boarded the train back to Dodge. Frederick took Matt aside...... " I can't say that I approve of the two of you living together, outside of the sacraments of marriage. However......... I do approve of you."He shook Matt's hand, firmly.
Matt:"Thank you, sir."

Sunshine and Matt took their seats, as they waved goodbye.
Matt:"I'm so happy that I was here with you, Sunny.......so happy to finally meet your parents ......so honored to attend the Memorial." He leaned down and kissed her.
Sunshine:"Oh, Matt." She started humming a tune.
Matt:"Is that a song you're writing?"
Sunshine nodded her head.
Matt:"(6) Sing me a love song, SunnyMac."
She did. At the conclusion, Matt smiled and stared into her eyes....."To quote Tom.......'I think I may cry.' "



Roll credits:
Matt Dillon....James Arness
Sunshine MacGillicutty..... Annie MacGregor
Frederick and Dannie Yates.... Themselves
Tom Richards.... Anthony Rawlings
Kevin Dunbar....Kevin Costner

2007-08-11 14:24:14 · answer #1 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 8 0

With hands to their hearts, the young men and women stood, facing the very flag which made hearts swell, with pride. Lifting their voices to the Nations Anthem, I thought, "I think I may cry." What a sight to behold, these brave young soldiers, marching in time...to a battlefield unknown.

At that time of day, it was easy to see the great numbers of people who had gathered to say their final goodbyes. Mothers sobbing, Fathers hands shaking as they hugged their sons and daughters goodbye.

Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw and heard a small voice saying, "Daddy, will you sing me one more love song before you go?" Then another voice, "I'm not that patient, I just want to be near you!" What was once a celebratory farewell had now become a heart rendering experience for me, as I stood there and watched as many hearts broke, that day.

In the distance I saw a long line of men, waiting, looking back to see if they could perhaps, get a last glance before getting onto the awaiting plane. A sight so sad, I had to leave.

While walking away, I heard another voice, one of anger and one of dissent! "Stop your warring," the angry voice shouted! In disbelief, my eyes were now clouded as I boldly walked into the crowd gathered. "Put up your dukes!" I said, as I shouted...God BLESS AMERICA and ALL who doubt HER!

2007-08-11 14:09:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

With hands to their hearts they solemnly swore to uphold their allegiance to our great country, and that they did. They were brave and courageous and they didn't die in vain! They died for a valiant cause!
I think I may cry when I think of all the people who have no respect or understanding AT ALL for the sacrifice they have made to protect us all.
What will you do when your country asks you to put up your dukes? Will you fight or make excuses?
I have love in my heart for all men, but I must admit, I have little respect for cowards and those who turn their backs when the going gets tough. I'll admit I'm not that patient with those who would march against the very ones who are securing their freedom!
To those brave men and women I say "God bless you and keep you safe and in His loving arms, when the time of judgment comes, I just want to be near you!
It is that time of the day where we all must unite and stand together in solidarity to uphold what makes this country great. Our freedom, our strong leaders, our pride in who we are.
Sing me a love song that exemplifies the land of the free and the home of the brave.....And God Bless America!

2007-08-11 17:41:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It's that time of day, I think I might cry, cause I just want to be near you.
I'm not that patient like my friends, who I see with hands to their hearts, pledging a life together.
Don't treat me like he did, "Sing me a love song."- The next day he was sailing along the smooth seas of love. Cause I will make you put up your dukes, if that's what you want ,I'm ready this time!

2007-08-11 10:58:30 · answer #4 · answered by kriend 7 · 0 0

You ask others for a lot of their energy, Sarge, and perhaps you don't realize it. I want to write many stories, I want to say many things, and hope I will be heard, and maybe if I am lucky, respected even. You are a good and honest man. I just hope you get some new "blood" to write you new stories, instead of the same old, same old. No offense, by the way to anyone who writes. Yall are marvelous for being creative, but old blood needs new! LOL, Sarge, joke on you! All the things below me are true!
There, I wrote the dang story, for you!

2007-08-11 11:09:14 · answer #5 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 2 1

Joe was zipping down the highway when he passed by a pair of elephants hitchhiking on the opposite side of the road. Mumbling to himself "Now that's something you don't see everyday", he turned his car around and headed back in their direction. Joe was elephant handler at the local zoo. He'd just lost Mabel, whom he'd tended for 20 years, and he needed to recruit a new cow for his zoo. He pulled up next to the pair and said "How are you folks today?" "We're doing just fine, thanks" was the reply. Joe got right to the point. "Any chance you two are through? 'Cause I sure got a nice place for a fine young lady like you at my zoo." The bull replied quickly "well, we're both pretty hungry..." And the cow intercepted his comment almost as quickly, "Baby, I ain't goin' nowhere without you. Mister, you got to take us both, if you want one of us." "I don't need you both", Joe replied. "Now get in the car, or I'll have you both picked up for vagrancy." Mighty, mighty love, that's what an elephant's love is. The bull reached into the car with his trunk, pulled Joe out, and threw him as far as he could into the field by the road. Then they both jumped into the car and sped away, radio turned up as loud as they could stand it. Love at 90 miles an hour is great for an elephant.

2016-04-01 04:57:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey Sarge, I'm a regular, but not one of yours. Here's another from the continuing saga of Deputy Tamer and Paramedic Sinclair.

It was late in the workday, and it had been a slow day. It was that time of day when you were either bored, or silly, or both. Traci and I were sitting in our ambulance parked in front of the medcenter.

"Sing me a love song, James," said Traci. She was lolling back in her seat, totally relaxed. A stray ray of sunshine was making the engagement ring on her finger sparkle.

"Traci when I'm with you, something you do, bounces me off the ---" I started singing, but then I was interrupted. The radio came to life.

"Ambulance respond to 600 block Founders Avenue, bicycle accident, one patient," said the dispatcher. Again, I marveled at how much dispatch's voice sounded like Traci's.

"Ambulance here, roger, responding 600 block Founders Avenue," Traci said into the microphone. I'd already gotten the ambulance started, and when we hit the street, I hit the siren. I tell you, driving the ambulance was like a teen dream come true. I got to run red lights (okay, so the whole town had only four traffic signals), honk the horn at intersections, speed recklessly...

The kid was down on the street, with his Mom and Pop hovering over him uselessly with hands to their hearts. "I'm glad I'm not that patient," said Traci.

She jumped out, and I got the stretcher.

Pop confronted me. "You're not taking my kid away! Put up your dukes!" He put his up.

I grabbed him in a pain submission hold -- one that isn't used by politically correct law enforcement these days, marched him to the curb, and sat him down. "STAY!" I barked. He put his head in his hands.

"Owww!" said the kid.

"I'm ready for the stretcher here," said Traci. "Just a gash on the arm, not arterial, we need to take him back to the medcenter, possible greenstick."

"Can I ride in the ambulance with him?" asked Mom.

"Aww maw!," said the kid. Traci and I strapped him down.

"I just want to be near you," said Mom, "I think I may cry."

"Sure, you can ride with us," said Traci. "No siren, he's stable," Traci told me sternly.

"Yes ma'am," I replied meekly. We loaded the stretcher, Traci, and the Mom in the back.

Kid pulled through just fine, no fracture, just the scrape. Later, I checked his name on the town consanguinity BBS. Yup. To Traci he was the equivalent of a third cousin once removed. Did I mention that Traci was related to everyone in town? I made a mental note to invite him and his parents to the wedding.

2007-08-11 15:19:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Winning isn’t everything.
Four high schools had got together the past couple of months for a musical contest. It was open to all students as long as they sang in twos, whether two males, two females, or male and female, it made no difference. Last week was the semi finals and the next two days were the final singers all trying to win the $1500 prize. Both Mark and Rob were in the final match and were hoping to win of course because they each had summer plans for the money they were going to split.
There were three judges, John the one that called out the names and the kind of song they were to sing, Mary who was a real softie, and last but not least, Michael.
Mark and Rob listened as the different pairs went up and sang their hearts out each giving all they had. There was some real talent and it wasn’t going to be easy for those judges to come up with the winner.
It was finally Mark and Rob’s turn. They went center stage and waited for John to call out whatever kind of song he pulled out the box and then they had 30 seconds to come up with a song and sing it. Michael called out, “SING ME A LOVE SONG.”
Mark and Rob quickly whispered together then announced, “We are going to sing I JUST WANT TO BE NEAR YOU.”
WITH HANDS TO THEIR HEARTS they started. They never missed a beat and sang heavenly. The audience applauded longer than they had for any couple yet and when it stopped Mary in a bare whisper by the microphone said, “I THINK I MAY CRY fellows, that was absolutely lovely.”
There were two couples left and then it was THAT TIME OF THE DAY for the judges to make their final decision.
After a 15 minute intermission everyone was seated again waiting in anticipation for the announcement. They didn’t keep anyone waiting long before Mary got up and said, “Mark and Rob please come forward.” There were disappointed faces in the audience but smiled all the same for the winners as the clapping went on.
Mark and Rob shook hands, thanked everyone as they accepted their check.
Rob wanted to cash it as soon as they left but Mark suggested waiting until the next morning. Rob didn’t like that and wanted his share immediately. “I’M NOT THAT PATIENT” he snapped. “Let’s go now.”
Mark came back quickly with, “It’s not yours anyway.”
“What do you mean by that stupid comment?” snapped Rob.
“I chose the song, came up with what to do with our hands, and how to sing it, all in the 30 seconds we had to decide so it’s more mine than yours.” Mark came back angrily.
“If that’s how you feel about it than we’ll fight for it. PUT UP YOUR DUKES big shot and Rob let go with the first punch.
They were on the ground in seconds forgetting they had worked so hard together and had been friends for the past nine years. It didn’t last long before a small crowd had gathered around. One of the teachers who happened to be still around pulled them apart and looked at them both but didn’t say a word.
That look brought Mark back to his senses and couldn’t believe what he had said to his best friend. They stood their looking at one another before Mark genuinely apologized saying, “Rob I am so sorry. I was breaking up our friendship over money? I can’t believe I did that. Take my share too.”
Rob wouldn’t think off it because he wanted their friendship back also more than wining any contest. They went to the bank, took their share, changed their original plans, and took a trip together during the following week. They also made a pact to never be so foolish again.

2007-08-11 13:52:37 · answer #8 · answered by tea cup 5 · 0 0

Huh???? Me make a story??? Uhh let me think

2007-08-11 10:42:33 · answer #9 · answered by Cookie 3 · 0 0

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