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I'm interested in packing up and moving to Buenos Aires from the US, at least for a few months to a year or so. Is there anyone here who has done it who would have some tips and hints? Like where/how to get cheap plane tickets, best time of year to travel there, good parts of town to live in, etc. Tell me your story.

Thanks for the help :)

2007-08-10 19:38:06 · 8 answers · asked by The Loup garoU 2 in Travel Argentina Buenos Aires

8 answers

Well, if you're in the states normally the ticket cost betwen $ 800 to $ 1200 deppending of the company and the advance you are buying your ticket and the company. American Airlines normally has very good prices to BA.
Where to live, well that pretty important because there is very nice places and others awful and dangerous. The best neighbourhoods are Recoleta,Palermo chico, something in Barrio Norte or Belgrano.There is many companies that offers equiped appartaments to foreign people that are awful in the worst areas for a lot of money.
Maybe you think that it's not expensive,but you're paying a lot more than the real value.
About the time for going, it's the same. January it's full summer and everybody it's in holidays,then BA is empty.
Anyway if you go to Argentina in summer, try to go to Punta del Este (Uruguay) 30 minutes by plane that is beautiful.
If you're going, post it again and i'll see if i can help you with more details.

2007-08-12 18:01:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have tried and... only succeeded partially. It's very hard to get permanent citizenship without marrying a local haha. You are likely better off just renewing your tourist visa every 90 days by using Buquebus to go to Uruguay every 90 days (and then come back). So...you'll need to save up for those occasional trips. Especially if you really want to live there a long time.

Also note that jobs are going to be hard to come by unless you get one with a company from the U.S. located there (these are very competitive) or an "under the table" job like bar-tending, being a maid, etc.

2014-07-25 08:01:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Buenos Aires extremely has plenty to grant each physique, no count what you're coming to the city for. The foodstuff is superb, with many of the applicable steak/meat in the worldwide. ensure to hit up a parilla or 2 and the empanadas all over the city make for suited snacks. For paying for you're able to look at Florida street because it has a lot of shops, yet be careful because it gets crowded for the duration of the day and is top for pickpockets. My fashionable section for paying for is Palermo Hollywood, which has assorted cool little shops with a extra welcoming environment. in case you are able to, attempt to seize a Boca/River Plate futbol journey because it is an adventure in contrast to all different in the worldwide. Nightlife in Buenos Aires is out of this worldwide. it is no longer uncommon to get abode from the club at 7 or 8am. the applicable hour of the club is oftentimes 4-5am, and the commonplace public dont pass away their properties til a million-2am. in case you prefer to have a loopy nighttime, ensure to come back loiter around with us on the Buenos Aires Pub crawl. Its the applicable thank you to soak up B.A. nightlife and meet human beings from all walks of lifestyles. wish this facilitates! -The BA Pub crawl group-

2016-10-02 02:23:42 · answer #3 · answered by mangini 4 · 0 0

I have not moved to Buenos Aires before.

2014-07-04 16:41:46 · answer #4 · answered by Peter 1 · 0 1

I have although i dont know how "successful" i was!
why are you interested in Argentina?
rememebr that there winter is our summer and vice versa...so if you hate the cold dont go now.

2007-08-13 13:54:29 · answer #5 · answered by lauraindia i 1 · 0 0

I am of Buenos Aires, but I include/understand with difficulty which you mean. Luck

2007-08-11 06:45:32 · answer #6 · answered by Ronaldo_ el traicion 3 · 0 2

Here's a story on that very subject!

Wish you luck!

2007-08-13 03:33:20 · answer #7 · answered by love2travel 7 · 0 0

What are you waiting for??? Argentina rock!! come here hurry up!!!

2007-08-12 20:46:14 · answer #8 · answered by Lola Mora 3 · 0 2