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half the world lives on less than a pound a day

18 million people DIE every year due to poverty/lack of food. meanwhile, millions of westerners are obese, and the UK throws away a third of its food

the last 3 presidents of the self-proclaimed greatest democracy in the world include a father and son... the son who 'won' an election despite losing... the son who, in a country of over 300 million, was up against only one other candidate, with whom he shared a place among some weird sect at Yale... a country where it's possible that 4 consecutive presidents will be father and son, and husband and wife... a country which sponsors dictators then illegally invades that dictator's country, murdering many times more innocent women and children than were killed on 9/11 (robert mugabe must be so glad he has no oil)

every empire in history has been toppled. the toppling of the ruthlessly self-serving capitalist US cannot come soon enough

if this is the best humans can do let chimps take over

2007-08-10 18:01:34 · 15 answers · asked by Fiddy 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

15 answers

Because chimps are so friendly and peaceful?

2007-08-10 18:04:39 · answer #1 · answered by Paladin 7 · 0 1

Some facts
Some misconceptions
A mis-stated premise
and a ridiculous conclusion !!

You state the West's idea of prosperity and democracy as being laughable -- then proceed to center your premise on mostly political observations of US leadership roles

SImply because someone HAS --- is no reason that THEY are THE reason that others DON'T have !! A great deal of the time -- the reason that people do not have is because they don't procure or produce what they need !! People with not enough for themselves in their present situations -- continuing to bring children into the world when they know, when they have them that there will not be enough FOR them !! Yet, they're not responsible for this ???

And, as far as the USA being the "self proclaimed greatest democracy in the world" -- don't kid yourself -- this is a world-wide known fact -- and nothing "self proclaimed" about it !!!

Could be a good place to point out to you -- on the "every empire in history" thing -- that most of them lasted a good 700 to 1000 years --- and THIS one is only -- not quite 250 years old -- SO, it will be here a lot longer yet -- so, might as well get used to it !!!!

And, on the "self serving" front --- you don't mention at all the fact that this country has provided trillions of dollars in aide to the world --- in the form of food, medicine, personnel, and military assistance time and time again for decades --- with billions of corporate dollars going to support causes all over the world with no "pay back" in mind what so ever !!! Every single time that there is a need any where in the world of ANY nature at all --- who the hell do they call on first and expect the most out of ?? The "self serving" USA !!!!

And, in closing, as far as the chimps taking over --- that is the exact case in so many of these places where you talk of the people starving to death on a daily basis --- and -- probably a good reason WHY they are starving to death on a generation by generation basis --- they have chimps at the helm of what little they have OF leadership --- self-serving chimps who live quite well WHILE their people starve (like Robert Mugabe) !!!!

2007-08-11 01:41:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

A father being president and a son later running for presidency and then winning it by the majority vote is bad? A man being in the presidency and then his wife running later is bad too? In war, one must attack the woman and in children. In the Vietnam war, and in this war, they got the women and the children to throw bombs too and fight like soldiers (study the Vietnam war for 3 years if you do not believe me).

It's our government's fault that that people in totally seperate countries are starving? The reason why the UK "throws away" a third of it's food probably because they don't need it. Think of that? Oh, and it's the government's fault because people are choosing to eat too much and become obese?? Wow, now I know who to sue when friends or family get too heavy: The government. Pfft, good to know.

The United States is a busy country. Unlike some countries, they are taking care of their own messes so that the US doesn't end up crumbling like other countries have. The US is responcilbe for itself as one unit.

If chimps ran the world, we would en up in more chaos than we are already in. We would live in such a place where killing your own children isn't unlawful and other things of the sort.

Just one girl's opinion here.

2007-08-11 01:19:19 · answer #3 · answered by ♥ Cute T ♥ 5 · 2 0

How come we the Americans are use as a scape goat, we help more poor around the world,then we do for are own people ,those country's have there own wealth but the dictators, oil country's, Africa's blood diamonds,and other minerals, South America's minerals, all country's have there own wealth they just don't give a dam about there own people and you blame us,get your facts jack, also jack the united states is a new country, compared to the rest of the world for the last 2000 years how many did other country's kill, wake up and smell the tea, we could go on and on,get some more education.

2007-08-11 01:38:35 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 2 0

I agree with you...

However, to understand this phenomenon you must know where the blame really lies.

America is no longer a democracy. Their votes do not count as they should because of vote fraud through intentionally rigged electronic voting machines, corrupt voter-registration practices and supreme court intervention.

Also, a more correct term for the American economic system now is not capitalism (the free market ) but is rather the enforced consumerism of mega-conglomerates.

Almost every food, petroleum, automotive, energy, communication and news product in the US is controlled by a few giant corporations.

The media, (especially TV) is dominated by propaganda which is DIRECTLY edited and sanctioned by the corrupt administration currently in office.

Fox News in particular is one of the biggest propaganda fronts. Their executives have daily tele-conferences with the white house DIRECTLY to massage the news, cover up negative news, stay "on message" and regurgitate multiple lies in the same manner as Nazi Germany in the 1940s.

The reason these despots can get away with dictatorship, enslavement and usurpation of human rights is not because their idea of democracy is laughable. Their constitution is an accurate instrument constructed by intelligent educated historians. However, the education system and media of America has allowed the profound meaning and eloquent reasoning of that great Constitution to be eviscerated.

Americans now confuse a full belly and cable TV for for liberty. As such, they have grown fat, complacent and ignorant. They are overworked, underpaid and fed LIES.

The spirit of America will awaken when enough Americans know the truth about 9/11, the Federal Reserve and the religious brainwashing that enslaves them.

As long as there is a media monopoly, military spending and the new police state, their "idea" of democracy is in jeopardy. But when enough American patriots learn the truth, the Money Masters and their puppets will have hell to pay.

Please, instead of blaming the good people of America, put the blame where it truly belongs: on the government, the bankers, the war profiteers, the consumerism-mongering mega-corporations, the monopolized manipulated media and the retarded religion that enslaves them.

I fear for the great democratic experiment of the United States. Not because its people are bad. Nor are they stupid or weak. They have just been manipulated by media, distraction and the illusion of foreign terrorism.

It is not the West's "idea of democracy" that is laughable; It is the way that idea has been perverted by the greedy unscrupulous rich.

If you wish to help, then do your part to educate.
learn everything you can about the Federal Reserve, the facts of September 11th and the lies of religion that dominate Western ideology.

The foundation of the Money Masters is based on lies and greed. It is weak.

The Constitution is based on truth and wisdom. It is strong.
The western "Idea" of democracy is fine.
We just need to rekindle its great and noble ideals.
We will help the West, ourselves and the World, if we properly place the blame and prosecute the criminals who perpetrated these crimes against democracy.

2007-08-11 02:36:23 · answer #5 · answered by Dr. Trevor 3 · 2 0

Chimps hunt and kill their own kind.

Now it's easy to sit back and take pot shots from the safety of your computer. Yeah, it's sad that corrupt despots the world over funnel wealth into their own pockets while their people starve. That happened here once. In the late 1700's. We threw off the yoke of tyranny and became a free people. In just over 200 years we went from a fledgling nation to the most powerful and rich country on the planet. It stands to reason that people like you would be jealous of people like us. We have a peaceful coup every 4 years, can your country say the same?

2007-08-11 01:15:51 · answer #6 · answered by Captain Happy Pants 6 · 4 0

There are 2 sides to every coin.

Although the US does have many "issues", it has also contributed MUCH to the World.

For starter's: Recall, WW2?????

The whole planet would be talking German if not for the US,(the whole planet MINUS anyone that was a shade darker than WHITE!).

The Chimps almost DID take over!

(Blanket statement's about anything as complicated as an "Empire" shows your lack of education. The US "Empire" did not start 5 year's ago.)

(PS: Dr. Trevor your answer was "worth the price of admission"! Great answer!)

2007-08-11 01:14:05 · answer #7 · answered by Swamp Zombie 7 · 4 1

Yeah, but the people in India who are starving to death wouldn't be if they'd stop believing that rats are sacred and stop them from eating over half their grain and realize that cows are NOT their relatives and eat them, too!

As for the current president of the US, who cares? He's so out of here! He wasn't elected the first time by popular vote and was only reelected because he was the lesser of 2 evils - we thought.

The US will always be the powerhouse nation of the world, like it or not. And if you don't, and you live here, go somewhere else. If you don't live here, who gives a crap what you think about us in the first place?!!!!

2007-08-11 01:07:25 · answer #8 · answered by The Nana of Nana's 7 · 3 0

Well, here's the problem. Everytime we try to come up with a world government, someone has to throw a monkey wrench in it. Add to that the fact that even if we had some kind of world government, there will always be someone who will try to capitalize on it, usually to everyone else's dislike.

2007-08-11 01:10:11 · answer #9 · answered by knight2001us 6 · 1 2

Dude-it's Friday night. Have a beer and try not to overthink things.

2007-08-11 01:05:43 · answer #10 · answered by Scarlett12 5 · 7 0

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