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[This will probably be long, but i'd really like your help]

I'm 15 yrs old and this is me:

Yes I have acne.Please dont tell me to get rid of it first, cause i've been trying for the past 4 years.& just for the record, proactiv didn't help me or anything else for that matter, so now i'm getting my doctor to put me on Accutane.[so dont be rude about my skin.i'm trying the best i can]

I have over $100 worth of different kinds of makeup for my eyes & lips.For the past year I have tried to learn how to apply it.Nobody could teach me.My mom or the people at cosmetic counters in stores couldn't do it right.I've even made the skin around my eyes bleed taking off eyeliner and reapplying it time after time.

Eyeliner doesnt look good on me, nor does eyeshadow & my eyelashes are naturally long and they look weird with mascara.Tbh, i dont know what makeup style i'm wanting.but i'm sick of girls at school getting to wear it, and not me.


2007-08-10 17:26:16 · 22 answers · asked by Katie 1 in Beauty & Style Makeup

22 answers

Although I think you are naturally beautiful (forget about the acne, we all have had it or will get it), I think if you are going to wear makeup you should go with muted shades. Use different shades of browns, You don't need to go with any kind of pinks or blues, it wouldn't match your look. Also, consider trimming your bangs just a bit, so everyone will be able to see your eyes, or grow them out longer so they don't fall right over the eye area. Start simple. Add some tinted gloss, or a glaze type lipstick, a foundation that complements your skin tone, eye shadow(trio), and a small amount of blush. Just don't overdo it. You want to enhance your natural beauty, not cover it up. Less is More. I think you just need to practice and become comfortable with the look. You should add one thing at a time until you feel comfortable with it, then add the next item. Wear each new thing for a week before you go to the next step. Start with the foundation and gloss or glaze for your lips. Then add a THIN layer of mascara. Once your used to those then add a little blush Try the liner and eyeshadow last. With the eye shadow, if you get the trio, you can experiment with one single light color over the entire lid, or two colors- one light one on the entire lid and then a slightly darker one in the crease or three colors- the lightest one all over, the next darker on the lid, and the darkest in the crease. You will get the hang of it and you will be stunning. I have a feeling you will have a very smoky, sultry look when you get older. Just keep remembering that LESS IS MORE. Don't get carried away.

P. S. I would loved to have seen a picture of you smiling. You look so sad in the pictures. I hope that you will post another one of these when you find your style, so we can see what you decide to go with. You should make yourself up in different shades, make pics and display them side by side and let everyone vote on which colors suit you the best and which styles look the best. That would be cool.

2007-08-10 17:44:24 · answer #1 · answered by mechelle 3 · 0 0

Well, for the record. You're gorgous. I'm 14 years old, and started wearing makeup a year or so ago.And, although I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, I'll try to help.

For you, I'd reccomend that you use NOTHING that is waterproof, becasue I also have sensitive skin, and scrubbing at stuff that never comes off is not good for it.
Almay is a very good brand of makeup, although it is a bit on the pricy side. NYC and other cheap makeups usually don't work for me, they often make my eyes water and do not last long.

Foundation is never good. It clogs your pores and usually results in more break-outs, trust me, I know. I rarely use coverup, becasue it also does not make acne any better. However, it is very good when needing to conceal under-eye bags. First you put a little sheer pink lipstick on your finger, and then rub it on the bags. It will contrast with the purple/blue of the bags to make them less noticable. Then dab cover up under both eyes, and blend that in the lipstick.

Blush is always good if you don't want to be wearing too much makeup. So is clear mascara, which should be good for you since your eyelashes are already long and dark.

If you are not sure about eyeliner, I would reccomend you first stick to shadows. Nuetral colors get you used to wearing makeup- usually pinks and browns. Put a light color right below the eyebrows, and then a medium tone on the lids, and a darker corner towards the corners. Whenever you are ready to wear eyeliner, start at the inner corners of your eyes and draw a thin line, thickening it at the ends, and then only line half of the bottom of your eye. It makes your eyes look wider and innocent.

Glossy lipgloss is easy if you don't want color, but want to look made-up. Remember, keep your eyes simple when wearing bold lipstick, and vice versa, to avoid looking like a hooker.

Flip through magazines like Seventeen, Cosmogirl, and TeenVogue to get inspiration, and pretty much go with whatever feels right. I hope this helps, but feel free to email me with questions.

2007-08-10 17:48:50 · answer #2 · answered by Me 1 · 0 0

Well. First of all, from the picture you posted, I wouldn've have even known you had acne if you hadn't pointed it out. Lots of girls your age have acne (I know I did!), and I know it's embarrassing and frustrating, but try not to point it out in the future...most people will be too busy focusing on your personality and inward beauty to notice your acne!

You just need to find a foundation that matches your skin. Apply it with a sponge or with your fingers -- it doesn't matter which -- all over your face. Make sure you don't get any "makeup lines" along the edges (drastic changes in color). Put some rosy blush on the apples of your cheeks (smile, and put the blush on the poofy part of your cheek). Eyeliner is not a must, so don't stress about that! It takes practice to apply it just right, but here is a trick: stretch the skin at the outside corner of your eye out in the direction of your ear. This makes your skin smoother on your eye and easier to draw on. Also, don't use a pencil. Get a softer pencil or "marker" as some companies call it. They hurt a lot less and are easier to work with, because if you smudge it, it's SUPPOSED to look that way! For your eyes, just choose whichever color you like. I would recommend blue or purple for you, but it's really your decision! Then put on one coat of mascara...maybe the reason you think this stuff doesn't look good is because you're just not use to it. Give it a chance and let yourself warm up to it! Maybe after school you can come home and put it on and wear it around the house until you're comfortable wearing it outside. Just ease yourself into it.

If all else fails, remember that it's not NECESSARY to wear makeup! And quite frankly, it gets to be a pain after a while, having to take all that time to put it on! =)

2007-08-10 17:36:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok, so you have acne big deal ! You're still cute.. You should smile it makes people wonder what you've been up to ! Anyway... One thing to note about wearing make-up, you should have a skin care routine... It doesn't have to be expensive but, it is important to take your make-up off in the evening or your skin meds or not will continue to get worse ! Use something gentle like CETAPHIL cleanser, I like to add a bit of baking soda to it before I wash my face to act as an exfoliater and freshen my skin.. If you have oily or sensitive skin it's best to skip an alcohol based toner and use Witch Hazel it's alcohol free, cheap and has good healing .. Also, you have long hair you should sleep at night with it pulled away from your face.... Use the sleeve of an old t-shirt as a headband... Ok, having said make-up...

Look through some teen magazines and find a look or colors that you like- take the picture's to the beauty dept. at the local mall and have them apply them... The picture can help the consultant do what you like- instead of trying to guess and getting it all wrong. ! I have long eyelashes and swear by getting an eyelash curler.. It crimps the eye lashes so they don't just stick out straight and they cost about $2... Also, if you have acne it's best to wash your make-up brushes/applicators once a week to stop bacteria growth.. I use baby shampoo, rinse and let them air dry.. That will help not spread acne on your face.. Or even use disposable applicators.. Have fun and good luck...

2007-08-11 03:46:57 · answer #4 · answered by pebblespro 7 · 0 0

If you have long natural eyelashes like me, you could always just curl them with an eyelash curler. Are you trying eyeliners in natural colors? Maybe a charcoal gray or light brown would look better. Seriously, all you have to do is practice and figure out what looks best on you. I have wasted tons of money on make-up, only to toss it out after I've tried it once. I know you probably won't want to hear this but, you look fine without it! You're very lucky. Good luck.

2007-08-10 17:35:56 · answer #5 · answered by michelle A 5 · 0 0

well not everyone can pull off certain products. i can't do eyeliner either. but everyone's different so with your skin type and everything try this:
after doing whatever you use on your face in the morning, try using a concealer over blemishes, dark circles etc.
then, dust over some loose mineral powder for coverage of redness and shine.
swipe on a really natural blush(covergirl cheekers are good) with a huge blush brush. and then you have really great eyes so you don't need much else. if you want a to make your eyes pop a little bit though try using covergirl single eyeshadows in mink(i have the same color eyes as you) and its really shimmery and natural! if you decide you want mascara try covergirl professional mascara because its simple and doesn't clump!! during the days if you get shine on your face, try clean&clear oil blotting sheets, they don't remove makeup or anything!! good luck and only wear what your comfortable with because all of the other girls at school aren't the one wearing it.

2007-08-10 17:35:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

very pretty girl.... you would look so good in very little makeup..your so pretty already!!
use a brown liner pencil and outline your eyes with a thin..line ontop at the corners of your eyes and on the bottom a little fatter.. then blend upwards at the corners....a lighter rose blush on the cheeks and well id love to se your hair feathered around your face and some layers put into it...but the bangs a little and a few highlights... curl the eyelashes and use black mascara.. other than this..a eyebrow brush and maybe a touch of shaping the brows and girl thats all you need your very pretty natural
also on lips a pale pinkish rose lip gloss
nothing too dark... very light
the best way to do makeup is to sit down and play with it.. experiment.. but just remember..less is best
hugssssssss...p.s. long lashes are totally awesome...and curl them before applying mascara ..use very little mascara and itll bring htose beautiful eyes out more
and the last part of your question..now..now..lets not be awa wa pissy-pants over other girls wearing it and you dont understand what or how to apply it to yourself yet... heres a yahoo kleenex..now go sit down..relax andhave funnnn!!

2007-08-10 17:37:12 · answer #7 · answered by bettym 5 · 0 0

You have such soft, pretty features! You are very beautiful. The best way to learn how to apply makeup is to keep playing with it. To me, it sounds like the problem you are having is that because your features are so soft and feminine, that most of the normal makeup application techniques are going to look too harsh on you. Most people are trying to teach you how to apply makeup that would look good on THEM, not you. Also, you are not used to seeing yourself with makeup on yet, so even the teeniest bit of makeup might seem too dramatic for you.

So . . . start small. First, apply a small dab of a liquid concealor to any acne. And don't worry so much about your acne, because everyone gets it and besides it is hardly noticeable in your photos. Just a bare minimum of well blended concealor. Then, apply a loose translucent powder. Translucent powder does not have a color to it. It just keeps your skin from looking too shiny. Then, go with a soft pink or peach blush and sweep it on lightly with a large brush. Don't use one of those wimpy brushes most blush comes with, or it will come on looking streaky and harsh. Or, soften up your blush with a large cotton ball afterward. Don't try to wear mascara or eye liner yet. Instead, take a dark brown eye shadow and apply it at the very base of your eyes, in place of eye liner. It will already look soft, and perfectly blended. Put on a clear, pale pink, or brownish lip gloss, and you are done.

And when you take it off, use something gentle, like Cetaphil. I love Cetaphil. It does not strip your skin, and is actually really great for acne. A lot of dermatologists recommend it.

2007-08-11 02:15:19 · answer #8 · answered by ungirl 3 · 0 0

okay this is going to be long....

first off, talk to a Mary Kay lady. they will help you personally if you go to a party or something.

you will look very good in makeup. don't worry about your skin. just get a good foundation - perhaps just powder [i like this stuff called natural rice from sallys. it is a powder unless you wet the sponge...it will cover up nicely and you won't look or feel like it is caked on]

next is blush/bronzer. this is my favvy makeup item, because it is one of the things that make you look alive, but it looks natural. [I've always thought after I put foundation on I looked dead...] it will bring out your cheekbones and actually draws attention away from bad skin. =] it just gives natural glow and liveliness to your face.

k next is the mascara. this is where my problem is different. I have tiny eyes. [actually I eerily look identical to my avatar haha] so I HAVE to have mascara. where you already have long dark eyelashes and don't necessarily have to try to bring them out, you could get away with just barely putting some on. but I would still use it. maybe try dark brown mascara..??

For eyeliner, I would only put it into the corners of your eyes, don't put it on top, but only the bottom. i am this way. if I put eyeliner all the way from my tear duct to the end of my eye, I either look goth, or I look like my eyes are little fake painted on things. so yah... just on the outer half. even though I have to use it, I just use dark brown eyeliner. black is a little too much painted on-fake look for me. brown makes it look natural, but still give the effect I want. oh and remember - PENCIL eyeliner. not liquid. it works for some people, but I don't think we're those people haha!

next for eyeshadow, i would find a darker brown to put on the outer half of the lid. then get a couple shades lighter for the inner half... bring the color from the eyelashes to where your brow bone would appear to be (if yours is not already visible..mine is not, so I make an imaginary one where you can feel it under the skin.) it should be just a little below the brow, but you know this of course. be sure to have good brushes so it will blend well. you don't want a dark/light line.
ok, after you've done that you can get a shimmery light clor to trace right along the upper eyelashes and fill in the inner part (next to the light brown above the tear duct) and also go aver it all if it's lokkin like a little too much.

okay, so that's all the makeup I use. I don't put anything on too thick, and I'm really into the browns and earthy tones, cause I don't want to look like I have makeup on.. I just want it to make my face and skin appear naturally pretty.

well, hope this helps.. i've shared as much as I can... i think you will look good, cause you are pretty, and this will just bring it all out in the right ways!!! good luck.. just experiment a little.

2007-08-10 18:00:48 · answer #9 · answered by Amy 5 · 0 0

K, good! Here's the deal: you could wear make-up virtually any means you need to. It's a little bit intimidating at first, with all of the sharp pokey edges of matters, and the entire brushes and applicators and pencils, but while you get the hang of it, everything's simple. Start with the aid of finding out which colour scheme is proper for you. Blues and vegetables, purples, browns and golds, pinks and reds, browns and reds, grays and whites, whites and lavendar, it's unending prospects. Experimentation is the key with this; get ingenious! Eye make-up is just inconceivable; nevertheless, there are some methods to make your eyes seem 1/2 decent. The first: under no circumstances use too much mascara. Brush it on calmly, and if which you can, smooth off the comb every so usually to get off the surplus that factors your eyelashes to clump together. With eyeshadow, you simply take the color scheme you could have chosen and find somewhat threesome or foursome of eyeshadow colors (Rimmel and Covergirl have excellent ones for this) to get the hold of which ones go together. If utilizing a threesome, put the core colour in your lid. Use the darker color for the crease and the lighter colour as much as your browbone. If using a foursome, do the equal but use the darker of the core colors on the brink of your lid. Eyeliner is easy: Put it on as almost your eyelashes as feasible; do not poke yourself within the eye. Lipstick is modest, just discover a colour that goes nicely with your dermis tone (Covergirl is excellent for this) and practice, blot, and go. Covergirl's live longer than Double Lip Shine works wonders for the sector of lip gloss. Foundation is particularly in all likelihood the easiest considered one of all: choose a coloration that's closest to your skin tone and blend it in with your face and jaw. If you're utilising a powder, ensure you do not use too much. I don't use blush, so I really don't know what to do with it, but you can contact up your cheekbones just a little with a pinkish color. Eyeshadow goes on before basis, don't use an eyeliner that's too sharp or too dry, no mascara in the world prevents clumps, foundation don't need to always be used, lipstick may just or would possibly not make you appear like a clown, and makeup is overall misunderstandable. I'm hoping this helped, however then again, i hope it failed to. Are attempting things out for your self, and don't be afraid to get holed up in your room for a couple of hours experimenting with exceptional colors and methods of striking to your makeup. Revel in!

2016-08-04 10:05:40 · answer #10 · answered by delevik 4 · 0 0

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