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I do my best but I am getting nowhere. I used to be thin. I would finish whatever I set my mind to do. I was happy and confident. Now since I have met my soon to be ex-husband, my "luck" has changed. I am sad all the time. I can't do anything right. I have no get up and go. I don't even have the energy to do anything. I know it sounds like depression but I really mean that bad things have been happening. My ex is attacking and I am struggling to survive day to day in every aspect. It just seems like nothing will ever get better and I am stuck in a mess for good. I am not just feeling sorry for myself. People that meet me laugh about the bad luck I have just in day to day things. What is going on?

2007-08-10 16:36:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

11 answers

You have depression. Seek help. Not knowing what you mean by attacking but your ex could be the underlying cause of your bad luck as you put it. Things seems to go bad, get worse, go wrong, whatever, when you have depression.

2007-08-10 16:42:49 · answer #1 · answered by Ollie's Mommy 3 · 0 0

I take it you are getting a divorce. It's unclear about that since one time you say since you met your soon to be ex and the other time you call him your ex. In any case, I get the impression he is abusing you and if that is the case, that is why you are feeling like you are. It is also why it seems to you like nothing is going right and everything is going wrong all the time. That is typical feeling of abused and battered spouses, whether it is mental, emotional, physical abuse or all of them. You feel trapped most likely and you also feel very insecure and he has made you feel like that. The reason that you didn't feel like that before in your life, was that you were not being battered emotionally about being unfit or no good or you couldn't do anything right, etc which is also what I'm sure was going on if he is attacking and you are struggling. I strongly suggest you find 'safe haven' for your own protection. There are lots of local 'battered women' groups in your area I'm sure. Call your local police department and they can direct you to some. Depression is the result of the abuse and it will get better as you get away from the abuse. I'm sorry for your situation but I'm more afraid for your safety. You can make it. You need to remember that you once were terrific and felt terrific and since 'you' haven't changed, you are still terrific. It's just your circumstances that aren't right now and as soon as you get away from them, things will get brighter for you. That's most likely what's going on. You need some support and encouragement in your life, and you need love of people in it too. We all do. Sounds like you aren't getting that, but a 'battered woman's' support group will help with that too.

2007-08-10 23:56:51 · answer #2 · answered by 'Sunnyside Up' 7 · 0 0

Just remember something:
you're in control of your own life. it's probably hard to believe that when it seems like everything around you is going wrong, but it's true. you may not be able to control a lot of things, like your ex's behavior, but you can control how you react to it; you can control how much you let if affect you. He doesn't have any more power over you then what you're willing to give him. You're at a crossroads, and you can always choose whether to go up or down. Keep your head up and try to surround yourself with anything that puts a smile on your face, no matter how small.
Good Luck

2007-08-10 23:49:24 · answer #3 · answered by irka 1 · 0 0

Sounds like you have hit rock bottom. You must pull yourself out. You are still the person you were before all these "bad" things started ahppening. They did not change you they have jsut put a cloud over your mind that is keeping you from seeing how great you are. You have to push past this. See a therapist or a priest someone you can vent to. And remember those things that made you happy and start doing them again. Good luck!!!

2007-08-10 23:41:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Keep your head high and stay strong. This happens to everyone. All you can do is push through it and be thankful for what you have. It may be hard, but try to be more positive about things. In no time, you probably will be luckier than ever before, thats how it always is. Everything will turn out good in the end, you just have to be patient. But what do I know, I'm only eleven-I haven't really experienced life yet.

2007-08-10 23:44:53 · answer #5 · answered by melanie4 3 · 0 0

Before you do anything else, get into counseling, they will put you in touch with a social worker who will help you along your road to independence.
Believe me, a year from now your life is going to be much better.
Get off of the computer, pick up the phone and start calling NOW!

2007-08-10 23:50:32 · answer #6 · answered by All-One 6 · 0 0

You're focusing on that which you can not do anything about. Why not look at the positive. So something bad happened, you're okay later on to laugh about it. You lost your luck, but you gained insight. You're under attack, but you're well fortified and stalwart. You're going to come out of this knowing how capable you are of not buckling under stress! Give yourself the credit that you rightfully deserve.

2007-08-10 23:43:08 · answer #7 · answered by kerriwyn13 5 · 0 0

It may be mild depression. I think you should move and talk to ppl you love and care about. Life is hard and I totally know how you feel. You know what?? Dont let your ex control you...who cares? If he attacks you...go to the police. Protect yourself. Workout, eat less, go to the gym. You'll look better, you'll feel better and you'll be more confident. Talk to someone..dont let him hurt you! You should get help. If you're in danger, run to the police run..and then move.

2007-08-10 23:48:31 · answer #8 · answered by curtismayfield? 2 · 0 0

you're going thru a transition in ur life..a divorce?
u seem stressed.
why dont u go on a mini vacation to help u take a step back. seems like you need a new kind of environment.
the people u have been meeting are not good for you.
go take a class in art or something:)

2007-08-10 23:44:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

are u sure u want to make him ur husband. otherwise u would have been full of energy.

2007-08-10 23:44:36 · answer #10 · answered by The Monk 3 · 0 0

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