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We have a major problem, the loss of the individual and our constitution. ANd no one seems to understand what TRULY is at stake with this election. The war is a side show, health care is a distraction. We are losing or god given liberties, and there is no one to watch our back, because the fourth estate is in on it.

Down with socialism, it is a failure.

2007-08-10 16:02:09 · 16 answers · asked by Trippy 2 in Politics & Government Elections

16 answers

The biggest reason I am jumping ship on the "major" GOP candidates this time out is because the 2 things I am most concerned about aren't being addressed: erosion of civil rights under the Patriot Act and illegal immigration (the frontrunners both Dem and GOP seem to be mainly fighting over HOW MANY illegals to offer amnesty to as opposed to how to deport them and strengthen borders and how to ensure that we allow for quicker LEGAL immigration for those who would offer "brainpower" to the U.S. in science/tech industries.)

For both those reasons, I'm voting Ron Paul. Bush seems to view himself as a near monarch figure and as I recall the U.S. was founded primarily because of our irritation with "King George".

2007-08-11 02:51:47 · answer #1 · answered by Greg R (2015 still jammin') 7 · 0 0

Your comment is accurate.

The economy is a problem and will be one during the election cycle.

Unfortunately, there are fears out there that our economy could tank next week. The Fed had to prop-up the stock market three times Friday with billions of dollars. Monday could be a bear.

Fed Orders 2 Trillion Dollars Printed, Put In Circulation
Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told me that this week, the federal reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed! The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ORDERED not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse.

Central banks on both sides of the Atlantic pumped billions into the financial system to calm nerves over an impending credit crunch yesterday - but their actions only served to heighten alarm, leading to a fresh plunge in global share prices.

The fading dollar can be held responsible for our troubles. It isn't the dollar's fault, because it is merely a piece of paper, which is un-backed, and the product of a printing press. It is those who administer and spend it recklessly, who have caused its demise, and who are wrecking our economy and nation. What repercussions does a dollar debasement have? Remember, it is in no way the fault of the citizenry. It is totally the fault of government and the D.C. Gang. All of us are merely the victims. Thank you, Mr. Bush.

Every passing day, this new world order, this so called "free trade", is eroding 150 years of the hard won gains for American labor, but very few people seem to care. How effective the propaganda has been. Americans don't know who they are anymore.

What do American citizens do next? Give-up or fight?

2007-08-10 18:53:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think the loss of constitutional rights is overplayed, but if you bring it up - you must talk about the constitutionally questionable McCain Feingold campaign finance reform law. It is the single most obvious curb on freedom ever passed.

The issue that will dominate this election will be immigration. It's already clear that none of the candidates - both Republican and Democrat - will really do anything differently in Iraq in the near term. Even if they did, America's war time actions will hardly come to a halt following an Iraq pullout - everyone knows this. Ironic is that some Democrats are calling for action in Darfur (I guess civil wars are OK if the UN is involved).

2007-08-10 16:09:36 · answer #3 · answered by wigginsray 7 · 1 1

The problem is that our populace is largely uneducated as to what their rights and responsibilities as a citizen actually are. All that most people know of their rights is what someone on tv told them or what they hear from their friends. The constitution, bill of rights, anti and federalist papers should be required reading in high school. The primary reason the founding fathers deemed a free and public education necessary was to insure a informed electorate exsisted to run the country. I actually heard a student the other day state that drugs should not be illegal because the constitution guaranteed his right to use them. I like to have fell out of my chair. I challenged him on his statement and sent him to the library to get a copy of the constitution to defend his statement. Schools have become a bastion of liberal brainwashing and with the minimal requirements we place on students to graduate today, most of them actually only require a light rinse.

2007-08-10 16:12:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It isn't hate Socialist who are trying to take your freedom! I guess you have had your head in a hole the past 6 years as Bush tried to gut the constitution!~

How you even came up with socialist is beyond me! Bush is a Fascist, and all his corporate buddies want to run the world. They aren't Socialist!

Sometimes I think some people WERE born yesterday!

And a true Democracy would be a total failure as well. Perhaps that is why there are none!

Go take a look at the Military Commissions Act of 2006 where Bush has already lost a case in the 4th Circuit for holding American Citizens in a Navy brig for almost 5 years, without being charged, without protection of the courts, without being indicted, without having an attorney, without a trail before his peers! Bush was ordered to let them go!

2007-08-10 16:10:14 · answer #5 · answered by cantcu 7 · 1 2

The biggest problem with the upcoming election, is that debates and campaigning have started early to generate political history, distancing the candidates from Iraq, and other relevant issues.
Closer to election time they will be debating and arguing over what their opponent has said during the campaign, rather than, what they themselves have accomplished.

2007-08-10 16:15:45 · answer #6 · answered by in pain 4 · 1 0

Abortion is the main issue facing the election today. People have no idea the TOLL it has taken on our nation! over 1/3 of the generation 21 and younger is missing today because of abortion. It is GENOCIDE! we are a nation standing idly by as a stronger group of people KILL OFF a weaker group of people! And i'm not talking about the moms who choose abortion.. I am talking about the abortion industry brain washing people into thinking Abortion is healthy for women! IT IS THE BIGGEST STEP BACKWARDS OUR NATION HAS EVER TAKEN! Doesn't anyone teach Abe Lincolns second innaugural address in history class anymore! READ IT PEOPLE! ABORTION=SLavery=Holocaust=INJUSTICE on a major scale!

2007-08-10 18:29:06 · answer #7 · answered by Andee 1 · 0 1

Yes. They have all of these "sensational" side shows to distract the American people while the important issues are overlooked.

I still cannot believe that they passed the patriot act. That is the single biggest step backwards this country ever took.

2007-08-10 16:07:51 · answer #8 · answered by hannibal61577 4 · 4 1

the biggest problem is are we going to elect big gov(hilldemon/osama) and have taxes raised for midnight basketball and the YMCA and NAMBLA and the ACLU or are we going to select big business and have some jobs laying around to pick up a salary from?...maybe not a lot of jobs,and for sure some fat cats are going to get richer but at least I wont be paying more then the 40% im paying now to support some illegals baby farm

2007-08-10 16:07:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i'm going to vote for this election. i think of it can be a great mistake for anybody to no longer vote. in lots of cases while presidential elections have the comparable platform and easily a pair of concerns the conventional public has genuine doubts over, yet our united states of america is headed in a foul path and we ought to coach this around. low-value wellness-care insurance for all individuals Social risk-free practices reward Modernizing and having wellness-care that meets or exceeds the minimum standards for our veterans of the defense force( they have fought for our united states of america, and would possibly no longer get good wellness-care) fixing the conflict in Iraq(i'm no longer for the conflict, yet i understand that if any president desperate to easily pull out our troops devoid of available decision, it may do extra injury than stable.) Restructuring welfare(anybody wholesome adequate to artwork and would not could have automatic community provider, i would not care if it includes walking the previous woman who lives around the corner on your residing house's canines, welfare and government reward ought to have circumstances and limitations, additionally random drug and alcohol sorting out for all recipients.) changing the immigration rules

2016-11-12 00:13:50 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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