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If most gays are born that way, and are not attracted to the same sex, do they have the ability to comprehend that straight people are attracted to each other and why?

I know that on my own behalf, I can't imagine being attracted to someone of the same sex and am wondering if they feel the same way towards us. Not being able to understand how straight people can be attracted to each other because it's something that they're incapable of feeling? Just wondering, and it would really be interesting to read some responses.

Thanks. :)

2007-08-10 14:17:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

11 answers

I think they can understand attraction between heterosexuals. Most homosexuals have tried to be attracted to the opposite sex at some point in their life. Nobody would CHOOSE to be persecuted by self-righteous jerks, but the attraction just wasn't there.

P.S. Jeremy: You are wrong on multiple points of fact. In the first place, every homosexual in the history of mankind was born to heterosexual parents and the overwhelming majority were raised in 2-parent heterosexual homes. Most serial murders, rapists and other criminal scum are raised heterosexual parents as well. Your claim that homosexual couples could not do as good a job or better are not supported by the facts.

Dick Cheney's daughter is gay. Are you saying the Cheneys were sinful parents?

Also, science has shown that homosexual attraction is at least in part genetic, as is heterosexual attraction. The bible has NOTHING to do with it.

And finally, if God created people in His own image, why did He decide to make some of them gay? Just to give you someone to hate? That just isn't logical.

2007-08-10 14:50:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

That's why God make us all unique to think and feel..

Its the same as some people like dogs,some like cats ,some watch horror movies, some like romance,some like football others don't ,some like coffee,some tea some like pizza others like fruit.
We are all born with different preferences some people just cant accept that we don't all like the things they like and think their way is always the right way.

I would like to add I am not gay and I had a very strict catholic upbringing but I can see blatant prejudice and many hypocrites in most of society.

So what Jeremy is saying is Satan tempts us like he tempted us to go to war after 9/11 and break the commandment Thou Shall not Kill" and some were tempted to break Gods laws

Jeremy ;typical interpret the Bible to suit thy self

So how do the Iraqis innocent civilians fit into this they are Gods children after all and deserve to be saved.

Christ also said "The meek shall inherit the earth"and I would believe him before any politician

Jeremy I understand the scripture I went to Catholic school my whole life and studied the Bible I just interprete different to you
Osama got away, Saddam is dead and America put them both in power in the first place so which one is satan.

2007-08-10 14:31:42 · answer #2 · answered by molly 7 · 1 2

Gay people are raised by straight people. As a gay man, have no judgment to straight people and believe that whom ever you share you life with weather it be with a same sex partner or opposite sex; what is important is that you are loyal and hold respect for whom you are with. Life is to for judgment.


2007-08-11 02:37:55 · answer #3 · answered by chahilrocks 1 · 0 0

My lesbian neighbor is that way. She's a great person. She frequently invites me over for cookouts when she has guests. In many ways she's like the sister I never wanted. :)

To date I have yet to meet any of her friends that don't respect the way heterosexuals feel... and they don't go for open displays of affection (but I believe that's just her personally and has nothing to do with being gay or respect)

2007-08-10 15:23:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

some gays just like some straights don't respect the boundaries and don't comprehend it. to explain,they just think a person looks good and that they can be the one to change them. this don't apply to all. for the most part,people understand the difference,it has something to do with common sense,not sexual preference. bisexual is another story,that i probably shouldn't discuss here,some of it could get me suspended.

2007-08-10 14:50:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

why do u believe the self serving justification of man that they are made that way...look to the animals in nature to know scientific truth of accustimation and behavior and what is extremme deprivation and abuse...do we find many mammals that are homosexuals... and those organisms that self divide like ameaba's and worms and other parasities what do they exisr for? why off course for disposal purposes they are working units at one with the earth. But as there is propriaty, impropriaty, descreation, valor, honor metal, deed, worth, accomplishment... their is also usful purpose by hierarchy and what is right by birth and order in the universe.

2007-08-10 15:37:30 · answer #6 · answered by Donna Le Oiseau de Feu 3 · 1 2

I'm certain that due to TV, books, and every day activities, Homosexuals have a clearer understanding about Heterosexual attraction versus the other way around.

They would also have come from heterosexual parents and have heterosexual friends that would often display and/or discuss their affection for someone of the opposite sex.

Basically, pheromones determine what turns us on. Once that decision occurs, we then pick and choose within that group. If a DNA strain pairs in a different sequence during pregnancy, that is all it would take to make someone attracted to same sex pheromones. This does happen and is a very rare occurrence.

2007-08-10 14:22:04 · answer #7 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 8 6

gosh I don't know,,,I just am not attracted to men,,lol,,I kind of dig the hot chick on hot chick,,,but I know its sick,,,,too,,,but as a man,,that's acceptable for conversion anyway,,he,he.chow freepress

2007-08-10 14:27:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

This is all I have to say on this issue!

If a boy looks at a pretty girl and does not like her, there is something wrong with him!

For a girl to look at a handsome young man and not like him there is something wrong!

All in all, the problems lies in the way a child is raised from childhood to adulthood.

Since parents who are already old enough to know - right from wrong - then they are responsible for how that child is raised, and to raise them in the gentle admonition of the Lord, teaching them the bible and what it says about Sin and the Sin that Sodomy is, if they do not then therein lies the problem as the child grows their upbringing shows it in future years.

Jesus Christ is the single most important influence in any child's upbringing!!

This is what is wrong with society today, people have rejected God out of their families and thusly allowed Sin to Corrupt the mind, and thusly spreading the fate to others!!

While I'm at it, there was a new Law passed in Britian the other day that demands that Catholic adoption agencies adopt children to Sodomite couples - Well, the Ministers of those adoption agencies have since decided to stop adopting the children due to this new law, since it is much more important for children to be raised in heterosexual families to receive the proper upbringing, and I commend those ministers for doing so!!

God help America!!!

Pray for America!!



Sir, Satan places the temptation in the persons mind, it's up to that person what they do about that temptation, but being made aware of the consequeces of sin, their actions are dictated upon that which they choose to do RIGHT or to do WRONG!!

Yes, God DID Create man in the image of Him and His angels, but He commanded man to not Sin, and so they disobeyed and He had to destroy them.

For further reference regarding this subject I direct you to the following

Genesis Chapter 19 Old Testament!



No, the Islamos have sinned and God worked through us to prove to them that He does not tolerate Sin!!




You clearly don't understand the Scripture!

So, are we supposed to reject and not help those who are oppressed and at the hands of dictators? I think not! Saddam tortured and murdered THOUSANDS!!!

For in the same way God delivered the Israelites out of bondage, so too, He will lead the Iraqis to their freedom!! Just so happens He chose the United States of America as His guiding force!!

Thank Almighty God of Creation we have a President who cares and understands, and does'nt bow to the insane ideologies of the left-wing hate groups!!



Well, If you went to school you apparently did'nt learn anything, to say we put Osama in power is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of!

You need to go back to school, only this time go to Anderson!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saddam was in power, torturing people, killing people, We caught him - and now the people can go free, so since you're so smart, who done better in that case?

The Muslims came here first and knocked down OUR buildings, have we been attacked since? I don't think so!!!

Go back to school, sheesh!

2007-08-10 14:34:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 8

If gays are tolerated, the US can have a Gay Army and can America tolerate it.

2007-08-10 14:22:22 · answer #10 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 7

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